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Forked from gurupras/distributed-mediasoup.js
Created September 25, 2020 16:05
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mediasoup horizontal scaling
onServerStartup () {
const { serverId, ip } = getServerInfo() // serverId does not change across restarts
this.serverId = serverId
// We don't have any routers or producers (yet). Clear any value that exists in the DB related to our serverId
clearSharedDB(serverId, 'routers')
clearSharedDB(serverId, 'producers')
// Update the DB with our serverId and ip so that others will know how to reach us
registerServerInDB(serverId, ip)
// Have some kind of pub-sub mechanism so other nodes can notify us when producers are created
this.pubsub = new PubSub()
// When a new room is created on this server
this.on('room:create', (room) => {
const { roomName } = room
this.pubsub.on(`${roomName}:producer:add`, this.onNewProducer)
registerServerForRoomInDB(roomName, serverId)
// This room may have producers on other servers.
// We need to fetch those and also share any producers that are created locally.
// Set up listeners for producer events that can occur on this room
room.on('producer:add', producer => {
const { serverId } = this
const { id: producerId } = producer
// Update the DB to inform other servers that we have a producer for this room
const router = getRouterForProducer(producer)
addProducerToDB(serverId, roomName, producerId,
// Publish to pubsub about this new producer
this.pubsub.emit(`${roomName}:producer:add`, { serverId, roomName, producerId })
room.on('producer:close', ({ producerId }) => {
removeProducerFromDB(serverId, roomName, producerId)
// Fetch producers on other nodes, then iterate over these producers, and create a pipe for each one
const remoteProducers = getRemoteProducersFromDB(serverId, roomName)
for (entry of remoteProducers) {
const { serverId: remoteServerId, producerId, routerId } = entry
await this.onRoomProducerAdd({
serverId: remoteServerId,
this.on('room:destroy', ({ roomName }) => {
// This node no longer has any clients belonging to this room`${roomName}:producer:add`, this.onNewProducer)
unregisterServerForRoomInDB(roomName, serverId)
async onNewProducer (data) {
const { serverId } = data
if (serverId === this.serverId) {
// We published this message when we got a new producer. Ignore it
// Set up this remote producer
await this.onRoomProducerAdd(data)
const { producer, appData } = getProducerFromRoom(room)
// Inform all local clients about this new producer
notifyLocalClients({ producerId:, appData })
async onRoomProducerAdd ({ serverId: remoteServerId, roomName, producerId, routerId }) {
const { serverId } = this
if (remoteServerId === serverId) {
// This may be called for producers created on a different router (worker)
// TODO: Add more details
const remoteServerIp = getServerIPFromDB(remoteServerId)
const signal = Signal.getSignal(remoteServerIp, roomName) // Communicates between nodes
const pipeTransport = getOrCreatePipeTransport({
serverId: remoteServerId,
serverIp: remoteServerIp,
const { producerId: pipeProducerId, kind, paused, appData } = await signal.getProducerParameters(producerId)
const { rtpParameters } = await signal.consume(pipeProducerId) // Really, pipeProducerId should be the same as producerId.. I think
const localPipeProducer = await pipeTransport.produce({
id: producerId,
// Events
localPipeProducer.on('close', async () => {
// Do any local, room-related cleanup
await room.onProducerClose(localPipeProducer)
// TODO: Figure out what else we should be doing here
// TODO: Figure out if we should be setting up listeners for other events
// Gets a pipe transport from this node to the remote node if it already exists.
// If it does not, then it creates one and returns the new pipeTransport instead.
async getOrCreatePipeTransport ({ serverId, serverIp, roomName, routerId, signal }) {
// We should be getting the best possible router on the remote node
// creating a new one if the existing router (worker) is overburdened.
// But, for the purposes of this gist, we're going to abstract away all of that and just
// connect to the routerId we already have
const localRouter = await this.getBestRouterForRoom(roomName) // This is the router we're going to pair with the remote routerId
// Create a local transport which we're going to connect to the remote node
const localPipeTransport = await router.createPipeTransport({
listenIps: [serverIp],
// The following values are all defaults taken from
enableSctp: true,
numSctpStreams: { OS: 1024, MIS: 1024 },
enablertx: false,
enableSrtp: false
// Register this pipe transport as existing between us and the remote serverId
// This is done so that we can reuse this pipeTransport in the future
registerPipeTransport(this.serverId, serverId, localPipeTransport)
// Get all the transport parameters
const { srtpParameters, tuple: { localIp, localPort } } = localPipeTransport
// Signal the remote node to create the pipe transport
const response = await signal.createPipeTransport({
routerId, // The remote routerId
transportParameters: {
tuple: {
// The remote client is trying to connect to us at this point. So we connect back
const {
transportParameters: {
tuple: {
localIp: remoteIp,
localPort: remotePort
srtpParameters: remoteSrtpParameters
} = response
await localPipeTransport.connect({
ip: remoteIp,
port: remotePort,
srtpParameters: remoteSrtpParameters
// TODO: Set up the various listeners
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