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Dibyajyoti Panda dbjpanda

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dbjpanda / composer.php
Last active September 13, 2024 13:31
What is composer dump-autoload?
composer dump-autoload
import OpenAI from 'openai';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import fs from 'fs';
import slugify from 'slugify';
// Load the API key from the .env file
const openai = new OpenAI({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
dbjpanda / custom-css.php
Created October 9, 2020 06:51 — forked from iqbalrony/custom-css.php
How to add custom css control with elementor free version.
use Elementor\Controls_Manager;
use Elementor\Element_Base;
use Elementor\Core\Files\CSS\Post;
use Elementor\Core\DynamicTags\Dynamic_CSS;
// Exit if accessed directly
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
dbjpanda / deploy.php
Last active April 7, 2021 13:22
Deploy to Freemius
require_once getenv('HOME') . '/freemius-php-sdk/freemius/FreemiusBase.php';
require_once getenv('HOME') . '/freemius-php-sdk/freemius/Freemius.php';
define( 'FS__API_SCOPE', getenv( 'SCOPE' ) );
define( 'FS__API_DEV_ID', getenv( 'DEV_ID' ) );
define( 'FS__API_PUBLIC_KEY', getenv( 'PUBLIC_KEY' ) );
define( 'FS__API_SECRET_KEY', getenv('SECRET_KEY' ) );
define( 'FS__PLUGIN_ID', getenv('PLUGIN_ID' ) );
ArrayFormula(VLOOKUP(CEILING(ROW(OFFSET(INDIRECT("A1"),,,COUNTA(A2:A)*COUNTA(B2:B)))/COUNTA(B2:B)) , {ROW(A2:A)-row(A1),A2:A} , 2, ))
ArrayFormula(VLOOKUP(MOD(ROW(OFFSET(INDIRECT("A1"),,,COUNTA(A2:A)*COUNTA(B2:B)))-1,COUNTA(B2:B))+1 , {ROW(B2:B)-ROW(B1) , B2:B} , 2 ,))
function domainLookup(domain) {
var result = "";
if (domain == "") {
// Function to lookup available domains using rdap
httpResult = UrlFetchApp.fetch(""+domain,{muteHttpExceptions: true});
if (httpResult.getResponseCode() == 404) {
'label' => __( 'Google Sheet', 'elementor-pro' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
'options' => [],
'render_type' => 'none',
'conditions' => [
'relation' => 'or',
'terms' => [
dbjpanda / transfer.ps1
Last active November 15, 2019 06:35
Domain transfer from other registrar to Azure . Copy below snippets and paste it on Azure Cloud Shell here
$ResourceLocation = "Global"
$ResourceName = "" #user's domain (
$ResourceGroupName = "outingbay" # This should be an existing resource group in your Azure subscription
$PropertiesObject = @{
'Consent' = @{
'AgreementKeys' = @("DNPA","DNTA");
'AgreedBy' = ''; #user's IP address (
'AgreedAt' = '2019-11-15 10:17:42Z'; #roughly the current time (2017-13-05T12:25:30.6850404Z)
'authCode' = '<The code you received from other registrar>'; #code obtained from their current provider in order to transfer out the domain
dbjpanda / google-api.php
Last active February 3, 2023 09:10
Google API Ouath2 authentication using PHP and Curl
$end_point = '';
$client_id = 'YOUR_ID';
$client_secret = 'YOUR_SECRET';
$redirect_uri = 'http://'.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]'; // http://'.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] or urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
$scope = '';
$authUrl = $end_point.'?'.http_build_query([
dbjpanda / add-tab-to-ultimate-profile.php
Last active November 15, 2019 06:34 — forked from ultimatemember/gist:8cdaf61e7bd9de35512c
Extending Ultimate Member Profile Menu using Hooks
/* First we need to extend main profile tabs */
add_filter('um_profile_tabs', 'add_custom_profile_tab', 1000 );
function add_custom_profile_tab( $tabs ) {
$tabs['mycustomtab'] = array(
'name' => 'My custom tab',
'icon' => 'um-faicon-comments',