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Last active October 23, 2023 22:49
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Dennis AVR 2023 Waypoint Mission Test
# Launch AVR Sim
root@ubuntu:~/AVR-2022/VMC# ./ -s -l run simulator mqtt fcm web
# Publish to FCM topic on MQTT Broker
# Absolute
{"action":"upload_mission","payload":{"waypoints":[{"type":"takeoff", "lat": 32.8085506, "lon": -97.1563441, "alt": 3},{"type":"goto","lat":32.8085769115908,"lon":-97.15634413537362,"alt":2},{"type":"goto","lat":32.808576911586705,"lon":-97.15631207121733,"alt":2},{"type":"goto","lat":32.80854996212819,"lon":-97.15631207121733,"alt":2},{"type":"goto","lat":32.80854996212411,"lon":-97.15634413536391,"alt":2},{"type":"land", "lat":32.80854996212411,"lon":-97.15634413536391, "alt": 0}]}}
# Relative
{"action":"upload_mission","payload":{"waypoints":[{"type":"takeoff", "alt": 3},{"type":"goto", "n": 5, "e": 0, "d": -3},{"type":"goto", "n": 5, "e": 5, "d": -3},{"type":"goto", "n": 0, "e": 5, "d": -3},{"type":"goto", "n": 0, "e": 0, "d": -3}{"type":"land"}]}}
# Local (WIP)
"action": "takeoff",
"payload": {"alt": 3}
# Forward
"action": "goto_location_ned",
"payload": {"n": 5, "e": 0, "d": -3, "heading": 0}
# Front Right
"action": "goto_location_ned",
"payload": {"n": 5, "e": 5, "d": -3, "heading": 0}
"action": "goto_location_ned",
"payload": {"n": 0, "e": 5, "d": -3, "heading": 0}
"action": "goto_location_ned",
"payload": {"n": 0, "e": 0, "d": -3, "heading": 0}
"action": "land",
"payload": {}
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