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Created November 7, 2017 08:20
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Donut Cache examples from Umbraco UK Festival talk "The need for speed"
public class DefaultController : RenderMvcController
[UmbracoDonutOutputCache(CacheProfile = "LongPageCache",
Options = OutputCacheOptions.NoCacheLookupForPosts &
OutputCacheOptions.ReplaceDonutsInChildActions, Order = 100)]
public override ActionResult Index(RenderModel model)
return base.Index(model);
public class Global : UmbracoApplication
public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string custom)
var result = base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custom))
return result;
if (UmbracoContext.Current.IsFrontEndUmbracoRequest)
var keys = custom.Split(new[] { ";" }).ToList();
if (keys.Contains("url"))
result += $"pageid={UmbracoContext.Current.PageId};";
result += $"url={context.Request.Url}";
return result;
public class UmbracoDonutOutputCacheAttribute : DonutOutputCacheAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
// overrides donut output cache attribute to not cache when in umbraco preview mode or Doctype grid editor preview
this.Duration = -1;
var previewMode = UmbracoContext.Current.InPreviewMode;
if (!previewMode)
if (UmbracoContext.Current.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["dtgePreview"] == "1")
previewMode = true;
if (previewMode)
this.Duration = 0;
public class UmbracoStartup : ApplicationEventHandler
protected override void ApplicationStarting(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication,
ApplicationContext applicationContext)
PageCacheRefresher.CacheUpdated += this.PageCacheRefresherCacheUpdated;
private void PageCacheRefresherCacheUpdated(PageCacheRefresher sender, CacheRefresherEventArgs e)
switch (e.MessageType)
case MessageType.RefreshById:
case MessageType.RemoveById:
var contentId = (int)e.MessageObject;
var doctype = string.Empty;
var item = UmbracoContext.Current.ContentCache.GetById(contentId);
if (item != null)
doctype = item.DocumentTypeAlias;
this.ClearPageOutputCache(contentId, doctype);
case MessageType.RefreshByInstance:
case MessageType.RemoveByInstance:
var content = e.MessageObject as IContent;
if (content == null)
this.ClearPageOutputCache(content.Id, content.ContentType.Alias);
private void ClearPageOutputCache(int contentId, string doctype)
var enumerableCache = OutputCache.Instance as IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>;
if (enumerableCache == null)
// get all output cache keys that contain current page id
var keysToDelete = enumerableCache
.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Key) && x.Key.Contains($"pageid={contentId};"))
.Select(x => x.Key);
// remove all caches for current page
foreach (var key in keysToDelete)
var manager = new OutputCacheManager();
if(doctype == "NewsDetail")
// clear cache of all news related actions
<outputCache enableOutputCache="true" />
<add name="LongGlobalCache" duration="86400" />
<add name="LongPageCache" duration="86400" varyByCustom="url" />
<add name="LongUserPageCache" duration="86400" varyByCustom="url;user" />
<add name="NoCache" duration="0" />
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alanmac commented Nov 21, 2017

This is great Dave thanks, it'll make a big difference for how I handle caching. One thing - I'm finding that IsFrontEndUmbracoRequest is returning true even if the request comes from opening the node in the backoffice. Do you see the same?

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How will you cache the header and footer in this scenario? Do u add a custom cache attribute with a different profile on them?

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JasonElkin commented Oct 10, 2019

varyByCustom="url;user" can cause cause problems when parsing cache keys as ; is the default delimiter for any other MVC routes that will also be stored in the key.

This will create a key that looks like this: url;user=pageid=1;url=/your-url;somethingelse=somethingelse; etc.

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