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Created July 22, 2024 17:02
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Docker Container for Sniffing Activities with Scapy in JupyterLab

This Docker setup provides a robust environment for network sniffing activities using Scapy within JupyterLab. Here's a quick overview of the key components:


The Dockerfile builds upon the jupyter/datascience-notebook image, adding:

  • libpcap-dev for packet capture capabilities
  • Custom Python requirements (scapy)
  • A dedicated /src working directory


The docker-compose file orchestrates the container:

  • Maps various local directories to the container
  • Exposes port 8080 for JupyterLab access
  • Grants necessary network capabilities (NET_ADMIN and NET_RAW)
  • Launches JupyterLab without authentication for ease of use

This configuration creates a powerful, isolated environment for network analysis and experimentation with Scapy, all within the familiar JupyterLab interface.

Below the Dockerfile:

FROM jupyter/datascience-notebook:python-3.10

USER root

# Installa libpcap-dev
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libpcap-dev

# Installa le dipendenze
COPY requirements.txt /tmp/
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r /tmp/requirements.txt && \
    rm /tmp/requirements.txt

# Crea e configura la directory di lavoro
COPY . /src

# Cambia il proprietario della directory di lavoro all'utente jovyan
RUN chown -R jovyan:users /src

# Torna all'utente non-root
USER jovyan


Below the docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'
    user: root
    restart: always
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    container_name: jupyterlab
    working_dir: '/src'
      - ./src:/src
      - ./src/data_lake:/src/data_lake
      - ./src/data_lake/input:/src/data_lake/input
      - ./src/data_lake/output:/src/data_lake/output
      - ./src/notebooks:/src/notebooks
      - ./src/modules:/src/modules
      - ./src/debug:/src/debug
      - ./src/docs:/src/docs
      - '8080:8080'
      - NET_ADMIN
      - NET_RAW
    command: jupyter lab --ip --port=8080 --no-browser --NotebookApp.token='' --allow-root
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