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Last active April 12, 2017 09:37
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Nightwatch/Selenium test vs CasperJS/PhantomJS test

This is roughly the same test run in both casper and nightwatch.

casper.options.viewportSize = {
width: 1280,
height: 600
casper.test.begin('Sidebar - Category archive - Sticky widgets', function suite(test) {
var pageUrl = '';
var stickyStartPx = 0;
casper.waitForSelector('.ad-rectangle-unit', function () {
test.assertExists('.trending-widget-sidebar', 'There is a trending widget sidebar that will become sticky');
test.assertExists('.ad-rectangle', 'There is an ad-rectangle that will become sticky');
test.assertExists('.ad-rectangle-unit', 'There is an ad unit div in the ad rectangle');
test.assertExists('.sidebar-line-break', 'There is a line break in the sidebar to determine where to start sticky');
stickyStartPx = casper.evaluate(function () {
return jQuery('.sidebar-line-break').offset().top;
}) + 100;
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return jQuery('.trending-widget-sidebar').css('position');
}, 'static', 'The widget sidebar is pos static');
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return jQuery('.trending-widget-sidebar').css('top');
}, 'auto', 'The widget sidebar is top auto');
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return jQuery('.ad-rectangle').css('display');
}, 'block', 'The ad widget display is block');
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return jQuery('.ad-rectangle').css('position');
}, 'relative', 'The ad widget position is relative');
casper.then(function () {
casper.scrollTo(0, stickyStartPx); = { top: stickyStartPx, left: 0 };
// Wait and scroll again since the first triggers dom loading infinite scroll
casper.then(function () {
casper.scrollTo(0, stickyStartPx); = { top: stickyStartPx, left: 0 };
casper.wait(500, function () {
test.assertEval(function () {
return jQuery('.trending-widget-sidebar').hasClass('sticky');
}, 'The widget sidebar is pos fixed');
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return jQuery('.trending-widget-sidebar').css('top');
}, '70px', 'The widget sidebar is top 70px');
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return jQuery('.ad-rectangle').css('display');
}, 'block', 'The ad widget display is block');
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return jQuery('.ad-rectangle').css('position');
}, 'fixed', 'The ad widget position is fixed');
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return jQuery('.ad-rectangle').css('bottom');
}, '0px', 'The ad widget bottom is 0px');
}); () {
module.exports = {
before: function (client) {
client.resizeWindow(1300, 600);
'Sticky widgets on category archive': function (client) {
client.assert.cssProperty('.trending-widget-sidebar', 'position', 'static');
client.assert.cssProperty('.trending-widget-sidebar', 'top', 'auto');
client.assert.cssClassNotPresent('.trending-widget-sidebar', 'sticky');
client.assert.cssProperty('.ad-rectangle', 'display', 'block');
client.assert.cssProperty('.ad-rectangle', 'position', 'relative');
client.getLocation('.sidebar-line-break', function (result) {
client.execute('scrollTo(0,' + result.value.y + ' )');
client.assert.cssProperty('.trending-widget-sidebar', 'top', '70px');
client.assert.cssProperty('.ad-rectangle', 'display', 'block');
client.assert.cssProperty('.ad-rectangle', 'position', 'fixed');
client.assert.cssProperty('.ad-rectangle', 'bottom', '0px');
client.assert.cssClassPresent('.trending-widget-sidebar', 'sticky');
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