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Forked from KrofDrakula/css30.xml
Created March 24, 2011 19:30
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CSS 3 validation for Visual Studio 20(08|10)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<cssmd:cssmd xmlns:cssmd="" version="VS8" description="CSS3 validation data">
<!-- Based on the original css21.xml from Visual Studio 2010 -->
<!-- Font Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="color" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="color"
description="Color of an element's text"
syntax="#RRGGBB | Named Color | rgb(R, G, B) | rgba(R, G, B, A) | inherit"
enum="inherit Aqua Black Blue Fuchsia Gray Green Lime Maroon Navy Olive Orange Purple Red Silver Teal White Yellow ActiveBorder ActiveCaption AppWorkspace Background ButtonFace ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonText CaptionText GrayText Highlight HighlightText InactiveBorder InactiveCaption InactiveCaptionText InfoBackground InfoText Menu MenuText Scrollbar ThreeDDarkShadow ThreeDFace ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLighShadow ThreeDShadow Window WindowFrame WindowText"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="font" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Font used for an element's text"
syntax="one of the system fonts | [font-style] [font-variant] [font-weight] [font-size]/[line-height] [font-family] | inherit" />
<cssmd:property-def _locID="font-family" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="font"
description="Name of the font used for an element's text"
syntax="A font face name sequence | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="font-style" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Style of the font used for an element's text"
syntax="One of the font-style values | inherit"
enum="inherit italic normal oblique"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="font-variant" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Variant of the font used for an element's text"
syntax="One of the font-variant values | inherit"
enum="inherit normal small-caps"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="font-size" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Size of the font used for an element's text"
syntax="length | percentage | standard font size value | inherit"
enum="inherit large larger medium small smaller x-large x-small xx-large xx-small"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="font-weight" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Boldness of the font used for an element's text"
syntax="One of the font-weight values | inherit"
enum="bold bolder lighter normal 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="text-decoration" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Decorations applied to font used for an element's text"
syntax="none | combination of 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through' and 'blink' | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="outline" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Dynamic outline around visual objects"
syntax="[outline-color] [outline-style] [outline-width] | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="outline-width" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Width of the outline"
syntax="a unit | One of the border-width values | inherit" enum="medium thick thin inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="outline-style" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Style of the outline"
syntax="One of the border-style values except hidden | inherit"
enum="dashed dotted double groove hidden inset none outset ridge solid inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="outline-color" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The color of the outline"
syntax="#RRGGBB | Named Color | rgb(R, G, B) | rgba(R, G, B, A) | invert | inherit"
enum="invert inherit Aqua Black Blue Fuchsia Gray Green Lime Maroon Navy Olive Orange Purple Red Silver Teal White Yellow ActiveBorder ActiveCaption AppWorkspace Background ButtonFace ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonText CaptionText GrayText Highlight HighlightText InactiveBorder InactiveCaption InactiveCaptionText InfoBackground InfoText Menu MenuText Scrollbar ThreeDDarkShadow ThreeDFace ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLighShadow ThreeDShadow Window WindowFrame WindowText"/>
<!-- Background Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="background" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Background of an element"
syntax="[background-color] [background-image] [background-repeat] [background-attachment] [background-position] | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="background-color" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="color"
description="Color used for an element's background"
syntax="#RRGGBB | Named Color | rgb(R, G, B) | rgba(R, G, B, A) | transparent | inherit"
enum="inherit transparent Aqua Black Blue Fuchsia Gray Green Lime Maroon Navy Olive Orange Purple Red Silver Teal White Yellow ActiveBorder ActiveCaption AppWorkspace Background ButtonFace ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonText CaptionText GrayText Highlight HighlightText InactiveBorder InactiveCaption InactiveCaptionText InfoBackground InfoText Menu MenuText Scrollbar ThreeDDarkShadow ThreeDFace ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLighShadow ThreeDShadow Window WindowFrame WindowText"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="background-image" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Image used for an element's background"
syntax="none | url([url to image]) | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="background-attachment" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="How the background image is attached to an element within the document"
syntax="One of the background-attachment values | inherit"
enum="fixed inherit scroll"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="background-repeat" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="How the background image is tiled within an element"
syntax="One of the background-repeat values | inherit"
enum="inherit no-repeat repeat repeat-x repeat-y"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="background-position" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="How the background is positioned within an element"
syntax="[horizontal position] [vertical position] | inherit"
enum="bottom center left right top inherit"/>
<!-- Text Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="text-align" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The horizontal alignment of an element's text"
syntax="One of the text-align values | inherit"
enum="center justify left right inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="vertical-align" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The vertical alignment of an element's text"
syntax="One of the vertical-align values | a unit | inherit"
enum="baseline bottom inherit middle sub super text-bottom text-top top"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="letter-spacing" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The spacing between characters | inherit"
syntax="normal | a unit | inherit"
enum="normal inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="line-height" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The spacing between lines"
syntax="normal | a unit | inherit"
enum="normal inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="text-indent" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The indentation of text"
syntax="a unit | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="text-transform" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Letter case of the text"
syntax="One of the text-transform values | inherit"
enum="capitalize inherit lowercase none uppercase"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="word-spacing" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The spacing between words"
syntax="normal | a unit | inherit"
enum="normal inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="white-space" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="A value that indicates whether lines are automatically broken inside the object"
syntax="One of the white-space values | inherit"
enum="inherit normal nowrap pre pre-line pre-wrap"/>
<!-- Layout Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="display" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The display mode of an element"
syntax="One of the display values | inherit"
enum="block inherit inline inline-block inline-table list-item none run-in table table-caption table-cell table-column table-column-group table-row table-row-group table-footer-group table-header-group"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="float" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Edge of the object on which text will flow"
syntax="One of the float values | inherit"
enum="inherit left none right"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="clear" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Sides on which floating objects will not be allowed"
syntax="One of the clear values | inherit"
enum="inherit both left none right"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="visibility" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The visibility of an element"
syntax="One of the visibility values | inherit"
enum="inherit collapse hidden visible"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="position" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The positioning mode of an element"
syntax="One of the position values | inherit"
enum="inherit absolute fixed relative static"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="z-index" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The stacking order of a positioned element"
syntax="auto | an integer | inherit"
enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="left" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The left edge of a positioned element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit"
enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="right" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The right edge of a positioned element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit"
enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="top" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The top edge of a positioned element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit"
enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="bottom" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The bottom edge of a positioned element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit"
enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="overflow" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Visibility of content extending beyond element's dimensions"
syntax="One of the overflow values | inherit"
enum="inherit auto hidden scroll visible"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="clip" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="string"
description="The clipping rectangle of an element"
syntax="rect([top unit] [right unit] [bottom unit] [left unit]) | auto | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="width" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The width of a positioned element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit"
enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="min-width" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="length"
description="Constrains box width"
syntax="a unit | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="max-width" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="length"
description="Constrains box width"
syntax="a unit | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="height" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The height of a positioned element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit"
enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="min-height" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="length"
description="Constrains box height"
syntax="a unit | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="max-height" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="length"
description="Constrains box height"
syntax="a unit | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="marker-offset" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="Specifies horizontal offset between a marker box and the associated principal box"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit"
enum="auto inherit"/>
<!-- Edges Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="padding" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The padding around all four edges of an element"
syntax="[top unit] [right unit] [bottom unit] [left unit] | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="padding-left" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The padding on the left edge of an element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit" enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="padding-right" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The padding on the right edge of an element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit" enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="padding-top" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The padding on the top edge of an element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit" enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="padding-bottom" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The padding on the bottom edge of an element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit" enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="margin" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The margin around all four edges of an element"
syntax="[top unit] [right unit] [bottom unit] [left unit] | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="margin-left" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The margin on the left edge of an element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit" enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="margin-right" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The margin on the right edge of an element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit" enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="margin-top" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The margin on the top edge of an element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit" enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="margin-bottom" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The margin on the bottom edge of an element"
syntax="auto | a unit | inherit" enum="auto inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The border around all four edges of an element"
syntax="[border-width] [border-style] [border-color] | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-left" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The border on the left edge of an element"
syntax="[border-width] [border-style] [border-color] | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-right" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The border on the right edge of an element"
syntax="[border-width] [border-style] [border-color] | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-top" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The border on the top edge of an element"
syntax="[border-width] [border-style] [border-color] | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-bottom" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The border on the bottom edge of an element"
syntax="[border-width] [border-style] [border-color] | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-color" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="color"
description="The color of the border around all four edges of an element"
syntax="#RRGGBB | Named Color | rgb(R, G, B) | rgba(R, G, B, A) | transparent | inherit"
enum="inherit transparent Aqua Black Blue Fuchsia Gray Green Lime Maroon Navy Olive Orange Purple Red Silver Teal White Yellow ActiveBorder ActiveCaption AppWorkspace Background ButtonFace ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonText CaptionText GrayText Highlight HighlightText InactiveBorder InactiveCaption InactiveCaptionText InfoBackground InfoText Menu MenuText Scrollbar ThreeDDarkShadow ThreeDFace ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLighShadow ThreeDShadow Window WindowFrame WindowText"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-style" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The style of the border around all four edges of an element"
syntax="One of the border-style values | inherit"
enum="inherit dashed dotted double groove hidden inset none outset ridge solid"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-width" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The width of the border around all four edges of an element"
syntax="a unit | One of the border-width values | inherit" enum="inherit medium thick thin"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-left-color" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="color"
description="The color of the border on the left edge of an element | inherit"
syntax="#RRGGBB | Named Color | rgb(R, G, B) | rgba(R, G, B, A) | transparent | inherit"
enum="inherit transparent Aqua Black Blue Fuchsia Gray Green Lime Maroon Navy Olive Orange Purple Red Silver Teal White Yellow ActiveBorder ActiveCaption AppWorkspace Background ButtonFace ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonText CaptionText GrayText Highlight HighlightText InactiveBorder InactiveCaption InactiveCaptionText InfoBackground InfoText Menu MenuText Scrollbar ThreeDDarkShadow ThreeDFace ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLighShadow ThreeDShadow Window WindowFrame WindowText"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-left-width" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The width of the border on the left edge of an element"
syntax="a unit | One of the border-width values | inherit" enum="inherit medium thick thin"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-left-style" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The style of the border on the left edge of an element"
syntax="One of the border-style values | inherit"
enum="inherit dashed dotted double groove hidden inset none outset ridge solid"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-right-color" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="color"
description="The color of the border on the right edge of an element"
syntax="#RRGGBB | Named Color | rgb(R, G, B) | rgba(R, G, B, A) | transparent | inherit"
enum="inherit transparent Aqua Black Blue Fuchsia Gray Green Lime Maroon Navy Olive Orange Purple Red Silver Teal White Yellow ActiveBorder ActiveCaption AppWorkspace Background ButtonFace ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonText CaptionText GrayText Highlight HighlightText InactiveBorder InactiveCaption InactiveCaptionText InfoBackground InfoText Menu MenuText Scrollbar ThreeDDarkShadow ThreeDFace ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLighShadow ThreeDShadow Window WindowFrame WindowText"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-right-width" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The width of the border on the right edge of an element"
syntax="a unit | One of the border-width values | inherit"
enum="inherit medium thick thin"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-right-style" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The style of the border on the right edge of an element"
syntax="One of the border-style values | inherit"
enum="inherit dashed dotted double groove hidden inset none outset ridge solid"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-top-color" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="color"
description="The color of the border on the top edge of an element"
syntax="#RRGGBB | Named Color | rgb(R, G, B) | rgba(R, G, B, A) | transparent | inherit"
enum="inherit transparent Aqua Black Blue Fuchsia Gray Green Lime Maroon Navy Olive Orange Purple Red Silver Teal White Yellow ActiveBorder ActiveCaption AppWorkspace Background ButtonFace ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonText CaptionText GrayText Highlight HighlightText InactiveBorder InactiveCaption InactiveCaptionText InfoBackground InfoText Menu MenuText Scrollbar ThreeDDarkShadow ThreeDFace ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLighShadow ThreeDShadow Window WindowFrame WindowText"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-top-width" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The width of the border on the top edge of an element"
syntax="a unit | One of the border-width values | inherit"
enum="inherit medium thick thin"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-top-style" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The style of the border on the top edge of an element"
syntax="One of the border-style values | inherit"
enum="inherit dashed dotted double groove hidden inset none outset ridge solid"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-bottom-color" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="color"
description="The color of the border on the bottom edge of an element"
syntax="#RRGGBB | Named Color | rgb(R, G, B) | rgba(R, G, B, A) | transparent | inherit"
enum="inherit transparent Aqua Black Blue Fuchsia Gray Green Lime Maroon Navy Olive Orange Purple Red Silver Teal White Yellow ActiveBorder ActiveCaption AppWorkspace Background ButtonFace ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonText CaptionText GrayText Highlight HighlightText InactiveBorder InactiveCaption InactiveCaptionText InfoBackground InfoText Menu MenuText Scrollbar ThreeDDarkShadow ThreeDFace ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLighShadow ThreeDShadow Window WindowFrame WindowText"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-bottom-width" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum-length"
description="The width of the border on the bottom edge of an element"
syntax="a unit | One of the border-width values | inherit"
enum="inherit medium thick thin"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-bottom-style" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The style of the border on the bottom edge of an element"
syntax="One of the border-style values | inherit"
enum="inherit dashed dotted double groove hidden inset none outset ridge solid"/>
<!-- @font-face Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="src" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="url"
description="Location of the font file"
syntax="url([url to font download]) | inherit"/>
<!-- Page Breaks Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="page-break-before" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Page breaks before an element"
syntax="One of the page-break-before values | inherit"
enum="inherit always auto avoid left right"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="page-break-after" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Page breaks after an element"
syntax="One of the page-break-after values | inherit"
enum="inherit always auto avoid left right"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="page-break-inside" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Page breaks inside an element"
syntax="One of the page-break-inside values | inherit"
enum="inherit auto avoid"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="orphans" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Minimum number of lines of a paragraph to leave at the bottom of a page"
syntax="Integer value | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="windows" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Minimum number of lines of a paragraph to leave at the top of a page"
syntax="Integer value | inherit"/>
<!-- Aural Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="volume" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Median volume of the waveform"
syntax="One of the volume values or any number between 0 and 100 or percentage of the inherited value"
enum="inherit loud medium silent soft x-loud x-soft"/>
<!-- Speaking Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="speak" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Specifies whether text will be rendered aurally and in what manner"
syntax="One of the speak values | inherit"
enum="inherit none normal spell-out"/>
<!-- Pause Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="pause-before" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Specifies a pause before speaking an element content"
syntax="Time in milliseconds or percentage of the value of the speech-rate property | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="pause-after" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Specifies a pause after speaking an element content"
syntax="Time in milliseconds or percentage of the value of the speech-rate property | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="pause" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Specifies a pause before and/or after speaking an element content"
syntax="[pause-before] [pause-after] | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="cue-before" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="url"
description="Auditory icon"
syntax="none | url([url to cue image]) | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="cue-after" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="url"
description="Auditory icon"
syntax="none | url([url to cue image]) | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="cue" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="url"
description="Auditory icons"
syntax="[cue-before] [cue-after]) | inherit"/>
<!-- Mixing Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="play-during" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Sound to be played as a background while an element's content is spoken"
syntax="One of the play-during values or url to the sound file | inherit"
enum="inherit auto mix none repeat"/>
<!-- Spatial Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="azimuth" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Spatial information"
syntax="One of the azimuth values or angle in -360 to 360 degrees range | inherit"
enum="inherit behind center center-left center-right far-left far-right left left-side leftwards right right-side rightwards"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="elevation" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Spatial information"
syntax="One of the azimuth values or angle in -90 to 90 degrees range | inherit"
enum="inherit above below higher level lower"/>
<!-- Voice Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="speech-rate" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Speaking rate"
syntax="One of the speech-rate values or integer value in words per minute | inherit"
enum="inherit fast faster medium slow slower x-fast x-slow"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="voice-family" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Voice family"
syntax="List of comma-separated, prioritized list of voice family names | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="pitch" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Average pitch (a frequency) of the speaking voice"
syntax="One of the pitch values or frequency in hertz | inherit"
enum="inherit high low medium x-high x-low"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="pitch-range" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Variation in average pitch"
syntax="Value between 0 and 100 | inherit. 50 produces normal inflection."/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="stress" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Height of local peaks in the intonation contour of a voice"
syntax="Value between 0 and 100 | inherit. 50 is a standard English-speaking male voice."/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="richness" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Richness, or brightness, of the speaking voice"
syntax="Value between 0 and 100 | inherit. Lower values produce softer voice."/>
<!-- Speech Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="speak-punctuation" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Specifies how puctuation is spoken"
syntax="One of the speak-punctuation values | inherit"
enum="inherit code none"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="speak-numeral" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Specifies how numerals are spoken"
syntax="One of the speak-numeral values | inherit"
enum="inherit continuous digits"/>
<!-- Lists Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="list-style" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The bullet characteristics of a list item"
syntax="[list-style-type] [list-style-image] [list-style-position] | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="list-style-type" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The bullet style of a list item"
syntax="One of the list-style-type values | inherit"
enum="inherit armenian circle cjk-ideographic decimal decimal-leading-zero disc georgian hebrew hiragana hiragana-iroha katakana katakana-iroha lower-alpha lower-greek lower-latin lower-roman none square upper-alpha upper-latin upper-roman"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="list-style-image" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The bullet image of a list item"
syntax="none | url([url to bullet image]) | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="list-style-position" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The bullet position of a list item"
syntax="One of the list-style-position values | inherit"
enum="inherit inside outside"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="counter-increment" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Indicates how much the counter is incremented for every occurence of the element"
syntax="none | [indentifier integer?]+ | inherit"
enum="inherit none"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="counter-reset" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Defines the value that the counter is set to on each occurence of the element"
syntax="none | [indentifier integer?]+ | inherit"
enum="inherit none"/>
<!-- Content Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="content" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Used with the :before and :after pseudo-elements to generate content in a document"
syntax="Text content | counter | quote values | attr(X) | inherit"
enum="inherit close-quote no-close-quote no-open-quote normal open-quote"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="quotes" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Quotation marks for any number of embedded quotations"
syntax="open-quote and close-quote pairs | inherit"/>
<!-- BiDi Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="direction" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The direction that text flows in"
syntax="One of the direction values | inherit"
enum="inherit ltr rtl"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="unicode-bidi" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm"
syntax="One of the unicode-bidi values | inherit"
enum="inherit bidi-override embed normal"/>
<!-- Table Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="table-layout" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The cell layout mode of a table"
syntax="One of the table-layout values | inherit"
enum="inherit auto fixed"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-collapse" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="The table border model"
syntax="One of the border-collapse values | inherit"
enum="inherit collapse separate"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="border-spacing" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Distance that separates adjacent cell borders"
syntax="Distance value | inherit"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="caption-side" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Position of the caption box with respect to the table box"
syntax="One of the caption-side values | inherit"
enum="inherit bottom top"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="empty-cells" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Controls rendering of borders around empty cells"
syntax="One of the empty-cells values | inherit"
enum="inherit hide show"/>
<cssmd:property-def _locID="speak-header" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="enum"
description="Specifies whether table headers are spoken and how"
syntax="One of the speak-header values | inherit"
enum="inherit always once"/>
<!-- Other Properties -->
<cssmd:property-def _locID="cursor" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="The cursor over an element"
syntax="One of the cursor values | url([url to the cursor resource]) | inherit"
enum="inherit auto crosshair default e-resize help move n-resize ne-resize nw-resize pointer progress s-resize se-resize sw-resize text w-resize wait"/>
<!-- CSS3 properties -->
<!-- Rounded corners -->
<cssmd:property-dev _locID="border-radius" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Defines the border radius on the corners of the given element"
syntax="all | horizontal / vertical" />
<cssmd:property-dev _locID="border-top-left-radius" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Defines the border radius on the top left corner of the element"
syntax="both | horizontal vertical" />
<cssmd:property-dev _locID="border-top-right-radius" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Defines the border radius on the top right corner of the element"
syntax="both | horizontal vertical" />
<cssmd:property-dev _locID="border-bottom-right-radius" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Defines the border radius on the bottom right corner of the element"
syntax="both | horizontal vertical" />
<cssmd:property-dev _locID="border-bottom-left-radius" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Defines the border radius on the bottom left corner of the element"
syntax="both | horizontal vertical" />
<!-- Box shadow -->
<cssmd:property-dev _locID="box-shadow" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Adds a shadow with the specified offsets, blur radius and color"
syntax="none | [type] offsetX offsetY blurRadius color [, [type] offsetX offsetY blurRadius color] ..." />
<!-- Text shadow -->
<cssmd:property-dev _locID="text-shadow" _locAttrData="description,syntax" type="composite"
description="Adds a shadow above the background and under the text of the current element"
syntax="none | offsetX offsetY blurRadius color" />
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