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Created June 14, 2017 05:17
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Debounce fails if you use it inside your callback. Here is how to fix it.
* This is roughly the code I found. A callback is passed in props,
* and the author attempts to make a debounced version of the callback
* so that it will only trigger at most once every 200ms.
* Debounce is used when we are getting lots of events and want to
* avoid a costly operation (e.g. network request) on every one. It
* wraps a callback and returns a debounced callback that will only
* trigger the callback on the newest call when there is a break in
* activity. A common use-case is to request a search as a user types,
* but only send off the request when they pause in typing, rather
* than on every character.
* The problem here is that debounce is not used properly here.
* debounce returns a callback (wrapped around whatever callback you
* give it), and this code is never actually calling the callback.
class MyComponent extends Component {
static propTypes = {
handleSearch: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
constructor (props) {
debounceHandleSearch = (searchText) => {
// debounce returns a callback, and this never calls it
debounce(() => {
}, 200)
// we could add () to the end to call the returned callback
// but that creates a new debounced instance every time that
// debounceHandleSearch is called. Debounce works when you
// call it once to get a wrapped callback, then use the
// wrapped callback multiple times.
// The code would run, at least, but each call would run with
// a 200ms delay and we have defeated the purpose of using
// debounce.
onUpdateSearch = (event) => {
const searchText = || ''
* The fix is to just debounce the function once, in the constructor.
* Note that the callback is passed to debounce directly without any
* wrapper function - debounce will pass the arguments through to
* the given callback so we can just call the debounced version the
* same way we would call the one passed in through props.
* Since the working of debounce has been misunderstood in this project
* before, it is worth including a comment to remind the team why it is
* done this way and warn against changing it back.
class MyComponent extends Component {
static propTypes = {
handleSearch: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
constructor (props) {
// Do not extract this to a function like `() => { debounce(...) }` since
// that would make a new debounced function instance on every call.
this.debounceHandleSearch = debounce(props.handleSearch, 200)
onUpdateSearch = (event) => {
const searchText = || ''
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