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shortjared / list.txt
Last active September 19, 2024 00:57
List of AWS Service Principals
morewry /
Last active May 11, 2022 08:54
Comparison of Monorepo Tools For Web Client / Front End Projects (That Probably Use HTML, CSS, and JS)

Mono Repository Tool Comparison

For Web Client / Front End Projects

(That Probably Use HTML, CSS, and JS)

I made a list of 20 things I might want out of a monorepo tool for a Design System to use as a basis for comparing some of the options including Lerna, Northbrook, and Rush.

⚠️ Northbrook's author says the project is pretty dead and now uses Lerna.

Qualifications Wanted

piotrplenik / docker
Created March 24, 2017 09:00
Turn on Docker Remote API on Ubuntu (on port 2375)
# File: etc/default/docker
# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options.
DOCKER_OPTS="--dns --dns -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
pcan /
Last active August 15, 2024 12:56
Node.js plain TLS Client & Server, 2-way Cert Auth

Node.js TLS plain TLS sockets

This guide shows how to set up a bidirectional client/server authentication for plain TLS sockets.

Newer versions of openssl are stricter about certificate purposes. Use extensions accordingly.

Prepare certificates

Generate a Certificate Authority:

zmwangx / No longer able to make public gists
Last active July 19, 2024 00:12
No longer able to make public gists private — message to GitHub

We've been able to toggle visibility of gists since 2014 (, but I just noticed that I can no longer make public gists private. That is, when I edit private gists I still see the "Make Public" button, but not the other way round — there's only a "Delete" button when I edit public gists; the "Make Secret" which should be next to it (as shown in the screencast in the linked blog post) is nowhere to be found. I made a screenshot and a screencast demonstrating the issue, both of which are attached. Could you please confirm this issue? Was this an intentional change, and why? Thank you for your attention.


rkuzsma /
Last active November 18, 2023 09:11
How to configure Bash Completion on Mac for Docker and Docker-Compose

How to configure Bash Completion on Mac for Docker and Docker-Compose

Copied from the official Docker-for-mac documentation (thanks Brett for the updated doc pointer):

Install shell completion

Docker Desktop for Mac comes with scripts to enable completion for the docker, docker-machine, and docker-compose commands. The completion scripts may be found inside, in the Contents/Resources/etc/ directory and can be installed both in Bash and Zsh.


Bash has built-in support for completion To activate completion for Docker commands, these files need to be copied or symlinked to your bash_completion.d/ directory. For example, if you installed bash via Homebrew:

function Add-EnvPath {
[string] $Path,
[ValidateSet('Machine', 'User', 'Session')]
[string] $Container = 'Session'
if ($Container -ne 'Session') {
jonahharris / TNSConnectParser.js
Last active September 29, 2022 08:04
Oracle TNS Connect String Parser in JavaScript
function parseConnectString(str) {
var strLen = str.length;
var isFound = false;
var sb = [];
var par = [];
for (var jj = 0; jj < strLen; ++jj) {
var c = str[jj];
if (' ' === c)