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David Fischer davidfischer-ch

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Frequency Testing

This will allow you to test a specific frequency that you hear when you do your resonance testing in Klipper and potentially track down where extra peaks are coming from. If something is rattling at a specific frequency, you can specify that frequency and feel around the printer until you track it down.

Code was adopted by zifnab from somewhere in Klipper.


You have to have [resonance_holder] in your printer.cfg.

The command is HOLD_RESONANCE AXIS=<axis> FREQ=int SECONDS=<seconds>

davidfischer-ch /
Last active September 13, 2024 21:45
Convert SARIF to Generic SonarQube issues import format.
Author: David Fischer <>
davidfischer-ch /
Created March 26, 2020 10:27
French Dictionary Statistics
#!/usr/bin/env python3
We want to buy magnetic letters to teach French at home during the COVID-19 crisis.
I was wondering what is the optimal bag of letters to be able to *write* French words.
This script implements two ways of estimating this, *optimal bag of letters*:
- Per word max occurrence of each letters (ensure the bare minimum to write any single word of the dictionary [1])
- Statistical occurrence of letters (biased as words frequency is strongly dependent of the context [2])
#!/usr/bin/env python
Convert camel-case to snake-case in python.
e.g.: CamelCase -> snake_case
e.g.: snake_case -> CamelCase
e.g.: CamelCase -> dash-case
e.g.: dash-case -> CamelCase
By: Jay Taylor [@jtaylor]
Me<modifier>: Yahya Kacem <>
Original gist:
FIELDS = ['cmd', 'command', 'start', 'end', 'delta', 'msg', 'stdout', 'stderr']
def human_log(res):
if isinstance(res, dict):
for field in FIELDS:
if field in res.keys():
encoded_field = res[field].encode('utf-8')
print '\n{0}:\n{1}'.format(field, encoded_field)