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Last active May 12, 2022 08:33
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Noughts and crosses in Python
from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style
from emoji import emojize
# init
init() # this is for terminal colors, yes
player = {
1: Fore.RED + "X" + Style.RESET_ALL,
2: Fore.YELLOW + "O" + Style.RESET_ALL,
board = {
1: "-",
2: "-",
3: "-",
4: "-",
5: "-",
6: "-",
7: "-",
8: "-",
9: "-"
print(Fore.BLUE + "Welcome to " + Fore.RED + "noughts " + Fore.BLUE + "and " + Fore.YELLOW + "crosses" + Fore.BLUE + "!" + Style.RESET_ALL)
print(Fore.GREEN + "Written by David Ralph " + Style.RESET_ALL + emojize(":eyes:"))
# func
def render_board():
print(board[1] + "|" + board[2] + "|" + board[3])
print(board[4] + "|" + board[5] + "|" + board[6])
print(board[7] + "|" + board[8] + "|" + board[9])
def check_win():
# plyr1
if board[1] == player[1] and board[2] == player[1] and board[3] == player[1]:
print("Player 1 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[4] == player[1] and board[5] == player[1] and board[6] == player[1]:
print("Player 1 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[7] == player[1] and board[8] == player[1] and board[9] == player[1]:
print("Player 1 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[1] == player[1] and board[4] == player[1] and board[7] == player[1]:
print("Player 1 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[2] == player[1] and board[5] == player[1] and board[8] == player[1]:
print("Player 1 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[3] == player[1] and board[6] == player[1] and board[9] == player[1]:
print("Player 1 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[1] == player[1] and board[5] == player[1] and board[9] == player[1]:
print("Player 1 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[3] == player[1] and board[5] == player[1] and board[7] == player[1]:
print("Player 1 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
# plyr2
elif board[1] == player[2] and board[2] == player[2] and board[3] == player[2]:
print("Player 2 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[4] == player[2] and board[5] == player[2] and board[6] == player[2]:
print("Player 2 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[7] == player[2] and board[8] == player[2] and board[9] == player[2]:
print("Player 2 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[1] == player[2] and board[4] == player[2] and board[7] == player[2]:
print("Player 2 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[2] == player[2] and board[5] == player[2] and board[8] == player[2]:
print("Player 2 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[3] == player[2] and board[6] == player[2] and board[9] == player[2]:
print("Player 2 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[1] == player[2] and board[5] == player[2] and board[9] == player[2]:
print("Player 2 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
elif board[3] == player[2] and board[5] == player[2] and board[7] == player[2]:
print("Player 2 wins! " + emojize(":party_popper:"))
return True
return False
def run_turn(num):
global current
current = num
pos = input("Choose a square player " + str(current) + " (" + player[int(num)] + "): ")
if not pos.isdigit():
print("Please enter a number.")
elif int(pos) not in board:
print("Please enter a number between 1 and 9.")
elif board[int(pos)] != "-":
print("Please enter a number that is not already taken.")
board[int(pos)] = player[int(num)]
if check_win() == True:
return exit()
if current == "1":
current = "2"
current = "1"
# start with p1 might change later
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Revision log:

  1. init
  2. add colours and emoji

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