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Python 2 script for generating a JavaScript/jQuery function for submitting to a Google Form
# Google form submit-maker.
# Usage: python
# Point this python file at a live Google forms URL, and it will generate
# code for a Javascript function that submits to that form cross-domain.
# Notes:
# - The form should be created with "short answer text" questions.
# - The viewform URL to scrape is the link shared when the form is sent.
import urllib2, re, json, sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print >> sys.stderr, ' '.join([
'Usage:', sys.argv[0], 'google-form-url > submit.js'])
def idfromurl(url):
m = re.match('https?://{16}[^/]*)/', url)
return m and
# Scrape the Google Form.
html = urllib2.urlopen(sys.argv[1]).read()
# If it is a form authoring URL, then it contains a form submission url.
match ='<meta itemprop="url" content="([^"]*)"', html)
if match and idfromurl( != idfromurl(sys.argv[1]):
# So fetch that page instead.
html = urllib2.urlopen(
# Extract this special variable value.
match =
r'FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_\s*=\s*(.*?);\s*</script>', html, re.DOTALL)
compressed =
# Fix up JSON-like by replacing ,, with , null,
jstext = re.sub(r'(?<=[,[])\s*,', 'null,', compressed)
# Decode JSON.
js = json.loads(jstext)
# Sometimes the imporant data is the whole array; other times it is
# wrapped as an array inside the first element.
if isinstance(js[0] ,list):
js = js[0]
# Camel casing, for code generation.
def camel(n):
names = re.sub(r'\W', ' ', n).split(' ')
cameled = [names[0].lower()] + [n.title() for n in names[1:]]
return ''.join(cameled)
# Extract form information from the JSON.
# Tested on 3/29/2016; revised on 1/27/2017 for updated format.
formid = js[14] or js[0]
formname = js[3] or js[1][0]
fname = camel('send ' + formname)
data = js[1][1]
args = [camel(d[1]) for d in data]
nums = [d[4][0][0] for d in data]
# Code generation.
print '// ' + formname + ' submission function'
print '// submits to the google form at this URL:'
print '// ' + re.sub('^https?://', '', sys.argv[1])
print 'function ' + fname + '(\n ' + ',\n '.join(args) + ') {'
print ' var formid = "' + formid + '";'
print ' var data = {'
for j in range(len(data)):
comma = (j + 1 < len(data) and ',' or '')
print ' "entry.' + str(nums[j]) + '": ' + args[j] + comma
print ' };'
print ' var params = [];'
print ' for (key in data) {'
print ' params.push(key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data[key]));'
print ' }'
print ' // Submit the form using an image to avoid CORS warnings.'
print ' (new Image).src = "" + formid +'
print ' "/formResponse?" + params.join("&");'
print '}'
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MKtalk commented Oct 26, 2017

Thanks for your help!

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