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Created July 17, 2024 22:02
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grep written in Lean 4
partial def grep (stream : IO.FS.Stream) (expected : String) : IO Unit := do
let line ← stream.getLine
if line.isEmpty then
pure ()
let words := line.splitOn " "
if words.contains expected then
IO.print line
grep stream expected
def fileStream (filename : System.FilePath) : IO (Option IO.FS.Stream) := do
let fileExists ← filename.pathExists
if not fileExists then
let stderr ← IO.getStderr
stderr.putStrLn s!"File not found: {filename}"
pure none
let handle ← filename
pure (some (IO.FS.Stream.ofHandle handle))
def processFiles (expected : String) (files : List String) : IO UInt32 := do
match files with
| [] =>
pure 0
| filename :: rest =>
let streamOpt ← fileStream filename
match streamOpt with
| none =>
let code ← processFiles expected rest
pure (code+1)
| some stream =>
grep stream expected
processFiles expected rest
def process (expected : String) (files : List String) : IO UInt32 := do
match files with
| [] =>
let stdin ← IO.getStdin
grep stdin expected
pure 0
| _ =>
processFiles expected files
def printUsage : IO UInt32 := do
let stdout ← IO.getStdout
stdout.putStrLn "grep [--help] expected_word [files]"
pure (1)
def main (args : List String) : IO UInt32 :=
match args with
| [] => printUsage
| [x] => process x []
| x :: xs => process x xs
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