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Last active November 21, 2019 03:03
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Dave's setup for starting a prepl server in Boot projects
;; ~/.config/conjure/conjure.edn
;; My `prepl-server` task spits out a `.socket-port` file when it starts a
;; prepl server. This configuration allows Conjure to find the prepl server
;; without needing to specify the port explicitly.
{:cwd {:port #slurp-edn ".socket-port"}}}
;; Put this in your boot config file (mine lives at ~/.config/boot/profile.boot)
(deftask prepl-server
"Start a prepl server."
[p port PORT int "The port on which to start the prepl server (optional)."]
:accept 'clojure.core.server/io-prepl
:port port)
;; Worth noting: I contributed this task to Boot, and it got merged into the
;; master branch, so in some future release of Boot, `prepl-server` will be
;; available out of the box as a built-in task.
# Run this in the root directory of any project with a build.boot
$ boot prepl-server
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