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brianegan / future_widget_test.dart
Created August 16, 2019 13:37
Demonstrates how to Mock Futures in Widiget tests to check the various expected ouputs depending on the loading / success / error state of the Future
// This is a basic Flutter widget test.
// To perform an interaction with a widget in your test, use the WidgetTester
// utility that Flutter provides. For example, you can send tap and scroll
// gestures. You can also use WidgetTester to find child widgets in the widget
// tree, read text, and verify that the values of widget properties are correct.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
alphamu / Android Privacy Policy Template
Created February 9, 2017 03:17
A template for creating your own privacy policy for Android apps. Look for "[" and "<!--" to see where you need to edit this app in order to create your own privacy olicy.
<h2>Privacy Policy</h2>
<p>[Individual or Company Name] built the [App Name] app as a [open source | free | freemium | ad-supported | commercial] app. This SERVICE is provided by [Individual or company name] [at no cost] and is intended
for use as is.</p>
<p>This page is used to inform website visitors regarding [my|our] policies with the collection, use, and
disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use [my|our] Service.</p>
<p>If you choose to use [my|our] Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in
relation with this policy. The Personal Information that [I|we] collect are used for providing and
improving the Service. [I|We] will not use or share your information with anyone except as described
udacityandroid / activity_main.xml
Created May 13, 2016 19:14
Miwok app: Category screen with pressed states
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
<!-- Numbers category -->
udacityandroid / Helper Method - releaseMediaPlayer()
Last active May 19, 2023 05:51
Miwok app: Cleaning up MediaPlayer resources
* Clean up the media player by releasing its resources.
private void releaseMediaPlayer() {
// If the media player is not null, then it may be currently playing a sound.
if (mMediaPlayer != null) {
// Regardless of the current state of the media player, release its resources
// because we no longer need it.
lopspower /
Last active September 28, 2024 19:38
Hexadecimal color code for transparency

Hexadecimal color code for transparency


How to set transparency with hex value ?

For example, you want to set 40% alpha transparence to #000000 (black color), you need to add 66 like this #66000000.

Download This sample on Google Play Store