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PowerShell Script Template with Saved Creds
The synopsis goes here. This can be one line, or many.
This version of the template has inbuilt functions to capture credentials and store it securely for reuse
Avoids the need to have plaintext passwords in the script
The description is usually a longer, more detailed explanation of what the script or function does.
Take as many lines as you need.
There are two main components of this script:
1. Prepare Credentials
This phase is run at least once. It generates a secure hashed credential file that can be used by the script.
Re-running this phase will overwrite the existing credential file.
There are two modes provided:
- DPAPI: Recommended. More secure. Requires both 'PrepareCredentials' and 'Execution' phases to be run by the same user account on the same machine to be able to decrypt key
- AES: Only to be used when service account cannot be used to run in interactive mode (and thus can't run PrepareCredentials). The AES.Key file that is generated is decryptable by anyone, so you must protect read access to this file using ACLs.
2. Execution
This phase is used to actually perform the exection of this script. 'Prepare Credentials' must have been run at least once.
Author: David Lee (
Change Log:
07/12/15 0.1 DL Initial Release
.PARAMETER PrepareCredentials
Run with this switch at least once. Two methods are provided for generating the secure hashed credential file based on your requirements.
.PARAMETER Execution
Run this switch when you want to run this script normally
These parameters are automatched against the parameters defined in this script
Use a .parameter for each one of your parameters
.\script-name.ps1 -PrepareCredentials
.\script-name.ps1 -Execution -param1 value1 -param2 value2
Param([switch]$PrepareCredentials, [switch]$Execution, $param1, $param2)
$erroractionpreference = "stop"
$debugFlag = $PSBoundParameters.Debug.IsPresent
$verboseFlag = $PSBoundParameters.Verbose.IsPresent
# Use this to control whether to break on debugs or not
if($debugFlag -eq $true)
# If you want a break prompt on each Write-Debug entry, use "inquire"
# Otherwise use "continue" to simply output debug log (recommended)
$debugPreference = "continue"
# This will be used in file paths below, so avoid using spaces and special characters
$scriptName = "Script_Name"
# Root Folder
$rootFolder = "C:\Scripts\$scriptName"
# Secure Credential File
$credentialFileDir = $rootFolder
$credentialFilePath = "$credentialFileDir\$scriptName-SecureStore.txt"
# Path to store AES File (if using AES mode for PrepareCredentials)
$AESKeyFileDir = $rootFolder
$AESKeyFilePath = "$AESKeyFileDir\$scriptName-AES.key"
# Output Log File Name: DescriptiveName_yyyy-MM-ddTHHmm.log
$outputLogFileName = "$scriptName_" + (get-date -f yyyy-MM-ddTHHmm) + ".log"
# Change Log File Directory as necessary
$outputLogDir = "$rootFolder\Logs"
# Full Path of Log File
$outputLogPath = "$outputLogDir\$outputLogFileName"
# Log Age Limit (in days). Log files older than this will be auto deleted
$logAgeLimit = 30
# This is where I put global variables and the like for easy access an updates
Initializes the output log file.
Execute this function at the beginning of your main code to ensure the log file path
exists, and if it doesn't, create the folder paths to ensure future Write-Log calls
will run without issue
This function can also be modified to create log file headers
.PARAMETER overwrite
Set this flag to overwrite any existing log files. Otherwise default is to append
to the existing log file
.PARAMETER headerText
Optional ability to define some text at the start of eveyr initialization of the log file
Useful if you are not overwriting the log file each time script is run]
function Start-LogFile([switch]$overwrite, $headerText)
# Check if log dir exists, if not, create it
if(!(Test-Path $outputLogDir))
New-Item -type Directory $outputLogDir | out-null
Write-Output $headerText
if($overwrite -eq $true)
set-content $outputLogPath $headerText
add-content $outputLogPath $headerText
Write-Warning "Could not initialize the log file: $outputLogPath"
Writes to an entry into the output log file, and to the console if -Verbose is used
This is a useful function for log file outputs. Change the structure of this output
as necessary for your scripts.
If the -Verbose flag is set, then the log file message will also be written to the console
using the Write-Verbose command
Optional, but can use to tag the log entry type. Recommend to use one of INFO,WARNING,ERROR
Will default to INFO if non specified.
NOTE: If you wish to write a DEBUG log entry, use the Write-DebugLog function
.PARAMETER message
The text to write to your ouput file
function Write-Log($message, $type)
if($type -eq $null -or $type -eq "")
$type = "INFO"
# Log Entry Structure: [Date] [TYPE] [MESSAGE]
$logEntry = (Get-Date -format u) + "`t" + $type.ToUpper() + "`t" + $message
if($type -eq "WARNING")
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow $logEntry
elseif($type -eq "ERROR")
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Red $logEntry
Write-Host $logEntry
Add-Content $outputLogPath $logEntry
Write-Warning "Could not write entry to output log file: $outputLogPath `nLog Entry:$message"
Writes to an entry ino the output log file only if the -debug parameter was set in the script
This is a useful function for performing debug logging. It will use both the in built Write-Debug
function as well as creating an entry to the log file with a DEBUG type
.PARAMETER message
The debug text to write to your ouput file
function Write-DebugLog($message)
Write-Debug $message
# Only write to the log file if the -Debug parameter has been set
if($script:debugFlag -eq $true)
# Log Entry Structure: [Date] [TYPE] [MESSAGE]
$logEntry = (Get-Date -format u) + "`t" + "DEBUG" + "`t" + $message
Add-Content $outputLogPath $logEntry
Write-Warning "Could not write entry to output log file: $outputLogPath `nLog Entry:$message"
Cleans up log files
This is a useful function when scripts are run regularly and thus create lots of log files.
Based on a log age date, it will remove all log files older than that period
Uses a Global variable for the log age date
Folder location for log files to remove
.PARAMETER fileExtension
Type of files to delete. Use a wildcard format like "*.log"
function Cleanup-LogFiles($logPath, $fileExtension)
# Determine the date of which files older than specific period will be deleted
$dateToDelete = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$logAgeLimit)
$filesToDelete = Get-ChildItem $logPath -Include $fileExtension -Recurse | where{$_.LastWriteTime -le $dateToDelete}
foreach($file in $filesToDelete)
$filePath = $file.FullName
Write-DebugLog "Deleting $file..."
Remove-Item $filePath -force | out-null
Write-Log "Failed to delete old log file ($filePath)" -type WARNING
# Checks to make sure at least either PrepareCredentials or Execution switches are run and not both.
if(($PrepareCredentials -eq $false -and $Execution -eq $false) -or ($PrepareCredentials -eq $true -and $Execution -eq $true))
Write-Host -foreground red "[ERROR] You must specify either -PrepareCredentials or -Execution"
exit -1
# Leave this code as is. This is the code to generate the secure files.
if($PrepareCredentials -eq $true)
$headerText = (Get-Date -format u) + "`t" + "INIT" + "`t" + "****$scriptName log initialised in PrepareCredentials mode.****"
Start-LogFile -headerText $headerText # Initialize the log file with a header
# Provide two
$title = "Prepare Credentials Encryption Method"
$message = "Which mode do you wish to use?"
$DPAPI = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&DPAPI", `
"Use Windows Data Protection API. This uses your current user context and machine to create the encryption key."
$AES = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&AES", `
"Use a randomly generated SecureKey for AES. This will generate an AES.key file that you need to protect as it contains the encryption key."
$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($DPAPI, $AES)
$choice = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0)
switch ($choice)
0 {$encryptMode = "DPAPI"}
1 {$encryptMode = "AES"}
Write-DebugLog "Encryption mode $encryptMode was selected to prepare the credentials."
Write-Log "Collecting Credentials to create a secure credential file..." -Type INFO
# Collect the credentials to be used.
$creds = Get-Credential
# Store the details in a hashed format
$userName = $creds.UserName
$passwordSecureString = $creds.Password
if($encryptMode -eq "DPAPI")
$password = $passwordSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString
elseif($encryptMode -eq "AES")
# Generate a random AES Encryption Key.
$AESKey = New-Object Byte[] 32
# Store the AESKey into a file. This file should be protected! (e.g. ACL on the file to allow only select people to read)
# Check if Credential File dir exists, if not, create it
if(!(Test-Path $AESKeyFileDir))
New-Item -type Directory $AESKeyFileDir | out-null
Set-Content $AESKeyFilePath $AESKey # Any existing AES Key file will be overwritten
$password = $passwordSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key $AESKey
# Placeholder in case there are other EncryptModes
# Check if Credential File dir exists, if not, create it
if(!(Test-Path $credentialFileDir))
New-Item -type Directory $credentialFileDir | out-null
# Contents in this file can only be read and decrypted if you have the encryption key
# If using DPAPI mode, then this can only be ready by the user that ran this script on the same machine
# If using AES mode, then the AES.key file contains the encryption key
Set-Content $credentialFilePath $userName # Any existing credential file will be overwritten
Add-Content $credentialFilePath $password
if($encryptMode -eq "AES")
Write-Host -foreground Yellow "IMPORTANT! Make sure you restrict read access, via ACLs, to the AES.Key file that has been generated to ensure stored credentials are secure."
Write-Log "Credentials collected and stored." -Type INFO
Write-Host -foreground Green "Credentials collected and stored."
$errText = $error[0]
Write-Log "Failed to Prepare Credentials. Error Message was: $errText" -type ERROR
Write-Host -foreground red "Failed to Prepare Credentials. Please check Log File."
Exit -1
if($Execution -eq $true)
$headerText = (Get-Date -format u) + "`t" + "INIT" + "`t" + "****$scriptName log initialised in Execution mode****"
Start-LogFile -headerText $headerText # Initialize the log file with a header
# Check to ensure we have a secure credential file (i.e. -PrepareCredentials has been run) and that the contents are valid
if(!(Test-Path $credentialFilePath))
Write-Log "Could not find a secure credential file at $credentialFilePath. Exiting." -Type ERROR
Write-Host -foreground red "[ERROR] Could not find a secure credential file at $credentialFilePath. Ensure that you have run the -PrepareCredentials parameter at least once for this script."
exit -1
# Check to see if we have an AES Key file. If so, then we will use it to decrypt the secure credential file
if(Test-Path $AESKeyFilePath)
Write-DebugLog "Found an AES Key File. Using this to decrypt the secure credential file."
$decryptMode = "AES"
$AESKey = Get-Content $AESKeyFilePath
$errText = $error[0]
Write-Log "AES Key file detected, but could not be read. Error Message was: $errText" -type ERROR
exit -1
Write-DebugLog "No AES Key File found. Using DPAPI method, which requires same user and machine to decrypt the secure credential file."
$decryptMode = "DPAPI"
Write-DebugLog "Reading secure credential file at $credentialFilePath."
$credFiles = Get-Content $credentialFilePath
$userName = $credFiles[0]
if($decryptMode -eq "DPAPI")
$password = $credFiles[1] | ConvertTo-SecureString
elseif($decryptMode -eq "AES")
$password = $credFiles[1] | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $AESKey
# Placeholder in case there are other decrypt modes
Write-DebugLog "Creating credential object..."
$credObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $userName, $password
$passwordClearText = $credObject.GetNetworkCredential().Password
Write-DebugLog "Credential store read. UserName is $userName and Password is $passwordClearText"
#**** Put Main Code here. The credentials you have stored is available as $credObject ****
# Example Log File Entry
Write-Log "No Type Flag creates an INFO entry"
Write-Log "Or you can create a WARNING entry" -type "WARNING"
Write-Log "Or an ERROR entry" -type "ERROR"
# Example Debug Log
Write-DebugLog "This writes stuff if the -Debug flag is set in the script"
$errText = $error[0]
Write-Log "Could not execute in Execution mode. Error Message was: $errText" -type ERROR
exit -1
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The code is well written, but I am unable to get pktmon.exe to run with credentials, can someone please suggest a short piece of that shows how to call exe and pass the credentials, really struggling here.

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to note: this code only appears to work when using the administrator account, if you try using a named account that has admin privlidges I was unsuccessful at getting the creds to work

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