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Created September 23, 2012 13:40
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Sample ModelTests for a Django App
This package contains the unit tests for the :mod:`app` app.
There are tests for each model in this app.
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.client import Client
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from app.models import ExampleModel
MODELS = [ExampleModel,]
class ExampleModelTests(TestCase):
'''This class tests various aspects of the :class:`~app.models.ExampleModel` model.'''
fixtures = ['fixture_example_model', ]
def setUp(self):
'''Instantiate the test client. Creates a test user.'''
self.client = Client()
self.test_user = User.objects.create_user('testuser', '', 'testpassword')
self.test_user.is_superuser = True
self.test_user.is_active = True
self.assertEqual(self.test_user.is_superuser, True)
login = self.client.login(username='testuser', password='testpassword')
self.failUnless(login, 'Could not log in')
def tearDown(self):
'''Depopulate created model instances from test database.'''
for model in MODELS:
for obj in model.objects.all():
def test_create_new_model_minimum(self):
'''This test creates a :class:`~app.models.ExampleModel` with the required information only.'''
test_model = ExampleModel(name='Test Name') #repeat for all required fields
self.assertEqual(, 2) #presumes one model loaded in fixture data
def test_create_new_model_all(self):
'''This test creates a :class:`~app.models.ExampleModel` with all information entered.'''
test_model = ExampleModel(name='Test Name') #repeat for all fields
self.assertEqual(, 2) #presumes one model loaded in fixture data
def test_model_unicode(self):
'''This tests the unicode representation of a :class:`~app.models.ExampleModel`.'''
test_model = ExampleModel(name='Test Name') #repeat for all required fields
self.assertEqual(test_model.__unicode__(), "Whatever the unicode name should be")
def test_model_object_slug(self):
'''This tests the slug field generation of a :class:`~app.models.ExampleModel`.'''
test_model = Publication(title='Test Name.')
self.assertEqual(test_model.slug, "test-name")
def test_model_absolute_url(self):
'''This tests the absolute_url generation of a :class:`~app.models.ExampleModel`.'''
test_publication = ExampleModel(title='Test Name')
self.assertEqual(test_publication.get_absolute_url(), "/app/examplemodel/1/") #where the url should be
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