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@davalapar davalapar

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console.groupWithTrace = (name, fn) => {;
function add(x, y) {
'use strict';
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async () => {
0. download ublock, I used
1. run $PATH_TO_CHROME --user-data-dir=/some/empty/directory --load-extension=/location/of/ublock
2. enable block lists you want to use
augbog / .Frontend Technical Interview
Last active August 18, 2024 07:22
Frontend Technical Interview Prep: A study guide of things I constantly re-review when interviewing for frontend.

Frontend Technical Interview Prep

EDIT: Well this has been linked now so just an FYI this is still TBD. Feel free to comment if you have suggestions for improvements. Also here is an unrolled Twitter thread of a lot of the tips I talk about on here.

I've been doing frontend for a while now and one thing that really gripes me is the interview. I think the breadth of knowledge of a "Frontend Engineer" has been so poorly defined that people really just expected you to know everything. Many companies have made this a hybrid role. The Web is massive and there are many MANY things to know. Some of these things are just facts that you learn and others are things you really have to understand.

Every time I interview, I go over the same stuff. I wanted to create a gist of the TL;DR things that would jog my memory and hopefully yours too.

Lots of these things are real things I've been asked that caught me off guard. It's nice to have something you ca

forkfork / ioredis_example.js
Last active April 13, 2021 17:41
Example of using Redis Streams with Javascript/ioredis
var Redis = require('ioredis');
var redis = new Redis({
host: "",
password: "7884b8baaa49fbcb48f17ad2a146"
async function main() {
// write an event to stream 'events', setting 'key1' to 'value1'
await redis.sendCommand(
benoitv-code / index.js
Last active November 13, 2022 18:21
d3, jsdom, node.js: server-side rendering
// Instructions:
// npm install --save d3 jsdom
const fs = require('fs');
const d3 = require('d3');
const jsdom = require('jsdom');
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
const fakeDom = new JSDOM('<!DOCTYPE html><html><body></body></html>');
yossorion /
Last active August 9, 2024 20:18
What I Wish I'd Known About Equity Before Joining A Unicorn

What I Wish I'd Known About Equity Before Joining A Unicorn

Disclaimer: This piece is written anonymously. The names of a few particular companies are mentioned, but as common examples only.

This is a short write-up on things that I wish I'd known and considered before joining a private company (aka startup, aka unicorn in some cases). I'm not trying to make the case that you should never join a private company, but the power imbalance between founder and employee is extreme, and that potential candidates would

msmfsd / es7-async-await.js
Last active February 4, 2024 17:38
Javascript fetch JSON with ES7 Async Await
// Async/Await requirements: Latest Chrome/FF browser or Babel:
// Fetch requirements: Latest Chrome/FF browser or Github fetch polyfill:
// async function
async function fetchAsync () {
// await response of fetch call
let response = await fetch('');
// only proceed once promise is resolved
let data = await response.json();
// only proceed once second promise is resolved
hi2p-perim / ssecheck.cpp
Last active June 16, 2024 06:55
Check SSE/AVX instruction support.
Check SSE/AVX support.
This application can detect the instruction support of
SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4a, SSE5, and AVX.
#include <iostream>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h>
bag-man / cpu.js
Last active May 5, 2024 22:16
How to calculate the current CPU load with Node.js; without using any external modules or OS specific calls.
var os = require("os");
//Create function to get CPU information
function cpuAverage() {
//Initialise sum of idle and time of cores and fetch CPU info
var totalIdle = 0, totalTick = 0;
var cpus = os.cpus();
//Loop through CPU cores
chad3814 / gist:2924672
Last active August 29, 2024 05:43
deleting array items in javascript with forEach() and splice()
// This is from my comment here:
* How to delete items from an Array in JavaScript, an exhaustive guide
// DON'T use the delete operator, it leaves a hole in the array:
var arr = [4, 5, 6];
delete arr[1]; // arr now: [4, undefined, 6]