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Created November 13, 2012 19:11
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LinkedList implementation in Objective C
// instructions for actually running & trying this out are at the bottom of this file...
@interface LList : NSObject
NSInteger _currentValue;
LList * _next;
- (void) insert: (NSInteger) valueToInsert;
- (void) printValue;
- (LList *) reverseLinkedList;
@property (readwrite) NSInteger currentValue;
@property (retain) LList * next;
@implementation LList
@synthesize currentValue = _currentValue;
@synthesize next = _next;
// doing the below assignment allows us to insert a zero into the linked list
// if desired...
#define kNotYetSet NSIntegerMin
// there's also a NSNotFound enum, but that's set to NSIntegerMax so that
// would break our algorithm below
// creates a LList object with no value and no payload and a nil object for next
- (id) init
self = [super init];
_currentValue = kNotYetSet;
// no need to do this, since Objective C does it automagically
// but just to make it clear...
_next = NULL;
- (void) insert: (NSInteger) valueToInsert
// look at the next value (if it exists) and see if there is the right place to insert a new LinkedList node
LList * nextNode =;
LList * newNode;
if(self.currentValue == kNotYetSet)
self.currentValue = valueToInsert;
if(valueToInsert < self.currentValue)
newNode = [[LList alloc] init];
newNode.currentValue = self.currentValue; =;
self.currentValue = valueToInsert; = newNode;
if(nextNode == NULL)
// nothing is next, so this is the place to insert the new LinkedList node
newNode = [[LList alloc] init];
newNode.currentValue = valueToInsert;
// no need to reset "next" for the newNode, since this is the new tail of the LinkedList = newNode;
} else {
// see if the value we're trying to insert fits between the current and the next value
if((valueToInsert >= self.currentValue) && (valueToInsert < nextNode.currentValue))
newNode = [[LList alloc] init];
newNode.currentValue = valueToInsert; = nextNode; = newNode;
} else {
[nextNode insert: valueToInsert];
- (void) printValue
LList * nextNode =;
NSLog( @"%ld", self.currentValue);
// keep going down the list
[nextNode printValue];
- (LList *) reverseLinkedList
// walk to the end of the linked list, reversing things as we go
LList *curNode = self;
LList *prevNode = nil;
LList *nextNode;
while(curNode) {
nextNode =; = prevNode;
prevNode = curNode;
curNode = nextNode;
// and return the new top of the list (which was the previous end of the list)
// and put this into a main.m
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "LList.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
LList * list = [[LList alloc] init];
[list insert:10];
[list insert:20];
[list insert:5];
[list insert:30];
[list insert:12];
[list printValue];
// and to reverse the list and print it...
list = [list reverseLinkedList];
[list printValue];
return 0;
// and here's the output
2012-11-13 11:16:47.733 LinkedListTest[10318:303] 5
2012-11-13 11:16:47.733 LinkedListTest[10318:303] 10
2012-11-13 11:16:47.733 LinkedListTest[10318:303] 12
2012-11-13 11:16:47.734 LinkedListTest[10318:303] 20
2012-11-13 11:16:47.734 LinkedListTest[10318:303] 30
2014-10-07 10:24:59.901 LinkedList[27139:303] 30
2014-10-07 10:24:59.901 LinkedList[27139:303] 20
2014-10-07 10:24:59.902 LinkedList[27139:303] 12
2014-10-07 10:24:59.902 LinkedList[27139:303] 10
2014-10-07 10:24:59.903 LinkedList[27139:303] 5
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