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Last active October 8, 2022 15:51
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Save daurnimator/11148106 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to convert LuaRocks to Arch Linux PKGBUILDs
#!/usr/bin/env lua
local rockspec_name = assert(arg[1])
local function log(level, fmt, ...)
io.stderr:write(level .. "\t" .. string.format(fmt, ...) .. "\n")
local function append(tbl, ...)
for _, v in ipairs {...} do
tbl[#tbl+1] = v
return tbl
local function shell_single_quote(str)
str = "'" .. str:gsub("'", "'\\''") .. "'"
return str
local function shell_quote(str)
if str:match("[^%w%_%:%/%@%^%.%-]") then
str = shell_single_quote(str)
return str
local q = shell_quote
local function load_rockspec(path)
local env = {}
local rockspec = assert(loadfile(path, "t", env))
return env
local config = load_rockspec(rockspec_name)
local PKGBUILD = {}
local function add_var(name, value)
if type(value) == "string" then
append(PKGBUILD, name .. "=" .. shell_quote(value))
elseif type(value) == "table" then
if next(value) == nil then
-- Do nothing
elseif value[1] then -- Array
local t = {}
for i,v in ipairs(value) do
t[i] = shell_quote(v)
append(PKGBUILD, name .. "=(" .. table.concat(t, " ") .. ")")
error("Unable to serialise table" .. name)
log("warn", name .. " is not a string: ", value)
add_var("pkgname", config.package)
add_var("pkgver", config.version:gsub("%-","_"))
add_var("pkgrel", "0")
add_var("pkgdesc", config.description.summary)
add_var("arch", {"any"})
add_var("url", config.description.homepage)
add_var("license", {(config.description.license:gsub("^MIT/X11$","MIT"))})
local depends = { "luarocks" }
for _, d in ipairs(config.dependencies or {}) do
-- PKGBUILD dependencies can't have whitespace
d = d:gsub("%s+","")
append(depends, d)
for d in pairs(config.external_dependencies or {}) do
-- take a wild guess at the package name by lower casing and swapping _ for -
d = d:gsub("%s+","")
d = d:lower()
d = d:gsub("_","-")
append(depends, d)
add_var("depends", depends)
local url = config.source.url
add_var("source", {rockspec_name, url})
local md5 = config.source.md5
--[[if md5 == nil then
log("info", "No md5 sum found in rockspec downloading source to calculate it")
--md5 = io.popen("curl -Ls " .. shell_quote(url) .." | md5sum -b"):read"*l":match"%x+"
md5 = "SKIP"
log("debug", "Calculating md5 for rockspec")
local rockspec_md5 = io.popen("md5sum " .. shell_quote(rockspec_name)):read"*l":match"%x+"
add_var("md5sums", {rockspec_md5, md5 or "SKIP"})
add_var("install", "rock.install")
local source_dir = config.source.dir or config.source.url:match("([^/.]+)%.?[^/]*$")
table.insert(PKGBUILD, [[
build() {
cd ]] .. q(source_dir) .. [[;
luarocks make --pack-binary-rock --deps-mode=none "${srcdir}"/]] .. q(rockspec_name) .. [[;
package() {
cd ]] .. q(source_dir) .. [[;
luarocks --tree="${pkgdir}/usr" install --deps-mode=none --no-manifest ]] .. q(config.package.."-"..config.version) .. [[.*.rock
print(table.concat(PKGBUILD, "\n"))
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alerque commented Dec 21, 2020

Hey @daurnimator is this post_install() hook system still how rocks should be packaged? I know you've messed with Lua packaging recently and I'm having trouble because my systems are ending up without manifest files so luarocks list for example reports bad info.

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Hey @daurnimator is this post_install() hook system still how rocks should be packaged? I know you've messed with Lua packaging recently and I'm having trouble because my systems are ending up without manifest files so luarocks list for example reports bad info.

@alerque It was never really 100% finished. I was adding more capabilities to luarocks at the time to fix some deficiencies.

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alerque commented Dec 21, 2020

Nevermind if this whole bag of tricks is finished, I'm mostly just asking about the current total lack of manifests for any Lua rocks.

  • Should I look into adding a custom package hook on my system to generate them on package updates
  • Should something like that be contributed upstream?
  • Or should all individual packages include something like this?
  • Or am I completely barking up up the wrong tree expecting luarocks list to work at all?

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I've added a post-hook to the luarocks package now; should work going forward for packages that include manifests.

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alerque commented Jan 27, 2021

I see that, looks great, thanks for the news!

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