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Created January 20, 2022 15:56
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A composer post-update/post-install command to find, download, copy, whatever front-end library files specified in a drupal module's "composer.libraries.json" file (which is non-standard).
* A hack.
* A composer post-update/post-install command to find, download, copy, whatever front-end library files
* specified in a drupal module's "composer.libraries.json" file (which is non-standard). This is a replacement
* for the wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin package which is deprecated and causes issues on Pantheon
* See:
* And:
* - find and parse composer.libraries.json files
* - for each package found:
* - download dist file (zip or tar) to tmp dir
* - uncompress dist file
* - move dist file to library directory
* - clean up
class LibraryInstaller
protected array $libraries = [];
protected string $libraries_path = '';
protected string $modules_path = '';
protected string $tmp_dir = '';
protected bool $debug = true;
public function __construct()
$drupal_root = realpath(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/web');
//Pantheon places all modules managed by composer here
$this->modules_path = $drupal_root . '/modules/composer';
$this->libraries_path = $drupal_root . '/libraries';
//hope this is writable
$this->tmp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . time();
* @return void
public function run()
foreach($this->findLibraryFiles() as $file)
$libraries = $this->parseLibraryFile($file);
echo "No libraries found\n";
foreach($this->libraries as $library)
* @return array
protected function findLibraryFiles(): array
$library_files = glob($this->modules_path . '/*/composer.libraries.json');
return $library_files === false ? [] : $library_files;
* @param $file
* @return array
protected function parseLibraryFile($file): array
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($file));
if(!isset($json->repositories)) return [];
$libraries = [];
foreach($json->repositories as $repo)
if(isset($repo->package->type) && $repo->package->type == 'drupal-library')
$libraries[] = $repo->package;
return $libraries;
* Different modules could specify the same library, possibly different versions.
* What's the correct thing to do? What does composer do?
* We'll just choose the latest version and hope.
* @param $libraries
* @return void
protected function mergeLibraries($libraries)
foreach($libraries as $library)
$name = $library->extra->{'installer-name'};
$v1 = str_replace('v', '', $library->version);
$v2 = str_replace('v', '', $this->libraries[$name]->version);
if(version_compare($v1, $v2, 'gt'))
$this->libraries[$name] = $library;
$this->libraries[$name] = $library;
* @param stdClass $library
* @return false|void
protected function processLibrary(stdClass $library)
$compressed_library = $this->downloadLibrary($library);
if(!$compressed_library) return false;
$uncompressed_library = $this->uncompressLibrary($library, $compressed_library);
if(!$uncompressed_library) return false;
$this->placeLibrary($library, $uncompressed_library);
* @param $library
* @return false|string
protected function downloadLibrary($library)
$where = $this->tmp_dir . '/' . $library->extra->{'installer-name'};
if(!mkdir($where, 0777, true)) return false;
//the compressed file name
$file_name = basename($library->dist->url);
//the path to the downloaded compressed file
$dist_file = "$where/$file_name";
if($this->debug) echo "\ndownloading to $dist_file\n";
`curl --location --output {$dist_file} {$library->dist->url}`;
return file_exists($dist_file) ? $dist_file : false;
* @param stdClass $library
* @param string $compressed_library
* @return false|string
protected function uncompressLibrary(stdClass $library, string $compressed_library)
case 'tar':
$command = 'tar -xzf';
case 'zip':
$command = 'unzip -o';
case 'file':
return $compressed_library;
$command = '';
if($this->debug) echo "Not a compressed dist library.\n";
return false;
$location = dirname($compressed_library);
$compressed_file = basename($compressed_library);
`cd {$location} && {$command} {$compressed_file} && rm {$compressed_library}`;
//try to figure out what the dist got expanded to
//if there is a common file in the top directory, that's the library
if(file_exists("{$location}/package.json") ||
file_exists("{$location}/composer.json") ||
file_exists("{$location}/") ||
$library_dir = $location;
//maybe it got expanded into a sub-directory
$library_dir = $location . '/' . trim(strtok(trim(`ls -AUtm $location`), ','));
if($this->debug) echo "Library was expanded to {$library_dir}.\n";
return $library_dir && is_dir($library_dir) ? $library_dir : false;
* @param stdClass $library
* @param $expanded_library
* @return void
protected function placeLibrary(stdClass $library, $expanded_library)
$library_name = $library->dist->url == 'file'
? basename($library->dist->url)
: $library->extra->{'installer-name'};
//its versioned, something like "tippyjs/5.x"
if(strpos($library->extra->{'installer-name'}, '/') !== false)
$path = $library->extra->{'installer-name'};
mkdir("{$this->libraries_path}/{$path}", 0755, true);
if($this->debug) echo "Moving {$expanded_library} to {$this->libraries_path}/{$library_name}.\n";
`mv {$expanded_library} {$this->libraries_path}/{$library_name}`;
protected function cleanUp()
* @return bool
protected function prepareLibraryDirectory(): bool
if(is_dir($this->libraries_path) && is_writable($this->libraries_path))
return true;
return mkdir($this->libraries_path, 0755);
* @return bool
protected function prepareTmpDirectory(): bool
if(is_dir($this->tmp_dir) && is_writable($this->tmp_dir))
return true;
return mkdir($this->tmp_dir);
(new LibraryInstaller())->run();
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You’ll probably have to change line 31 depending on where you put the script and where your webroot is, but other than that it “should” work on Pantheon D9 integrated composer.

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datvance commented Feb 1, 2022

Add the script as a post-install/post-update command in your composer.json, pointing to wherever your script actually lives
"scripts": { "post-install-cmd": [ "php ./assets/scripts/install-libraries.php" ], "post-update-cmd": [ "php ./assets/scripts/install-libraries.php" ] }

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