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souporserious / getJSONFromFigmaFile.js
Created July 13, 2018 21:52
Generates JSON from Figma file
import request from 'request'
const api_endpoint = ''
const personal_access_token = 'FIGMA_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE' //
function downloadSvgFromAWS(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
DreaMinder / A Nuxt.js VPS production
Last active July 31, 2024 13:56
Deployment manual for a real-world project built with nuxt.js + koa + nginx + pm2

Example of deployment process which I use in my Nuxt.js projects. I usually have 3 components running per project: admin-panel SPA, nuxt.js renderer and JSON API.

This manual is relevant for VPS such as or It's easier to use things like Now for deployment but for most cases VPS gives more flexebillity needed for projects bigger than a landing page.

UPD: This manual now compatible with nuxt@2.3. For older versions deployment, see revision history.

Let's assume that you have entered fresh installation of Ubuntu instance via SSH. Let's rock:

define('BOT_TOKEN', 'XXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'); // place bot token of your bot here
function checkTelegramAuthorization($auth_data) {
$check_hash = $auth_data['hash'];
$data_check_arr = [];
foreach ($auth_data as $key => $value) {
$data_check_arr[] = $key . '=' . $value;
actionm /
Created February 28, 2017 19:01
Zero downtime deployment script
# Deployment with zero downtime
# By default keeps 2 last deployments in KEEP_DEPLOYMENTS_DIR and current deployment
# Project domain
# Project directory
# Deployments directory
<folder description="Browsers - Windows">
<folder description="Legacy Browsers">
<useragent description="Arora 0.6.0 - (Vista)" useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/527 (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/419.3) Arora/0.6 (Change: )" appcodename="" appname="" appversion="" platform="" vendor="" vendorsub=""/>
<useragent description="Avant Browser 1.2" useragent="Avant Browser/1.2.789rel1 (" appcodename="" appname="" appversion="" platform="" vendor="" vendorsub=""/>
<useragent description="Chrome 4.0 (Win 7)" useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5" appcodename="" appname="" appversion="" platform="" vendor="" vendorsub=""/>
<useragent description="Chrome 5.0 (Server 2003)" useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.310.0 Safari/532.9" appcodename="" appname="" appversion=
var R = require('ramda');
void 0; //to not bloat the output
var random = require('seed-random')(1337);
var data = [
{input: [0, 0], output: 0},
{input: [1, 0], output: 1},
{input: [0, 1], output: 1},
{input: [1, 1], output: 0},
var activation_sigmoid = x => 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-x));
anhldbk /
Last active March 3, 2024 16:36
TLS client & server in NodeJS

1. Overview

This is an example of using module tls in NodeJS to create a client securely connecting to a TLS server.

It is a modified version from documentation about TLS, in which:

  • The server is a simple echo one. Clients connect to it, get the same thing back if they send anything to the server.
  • The server is a TLS-based server.
  • Clients somehow get the server's public key and use it to work securely with the server

2. Preparation

dreikanter /
Last active August 26, 2024 14:24 — forked from crazybyte/encrypt_openssl.txt
File encryption using OpenSSL

Symmetic encryption

For symmetic encryption, you can use the following:

To encrypt:

openssl aes-256-cbc -salt -a -e -in plaintext.txt -out encrypted.txt

To decrypt:

* Author: Pavel Naumenko
namespace frontend\components;
use yii\base\ActionEvent;
use yii\base\Behavior;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
yowu / HttpProxy.go
Last active August 21, 2024 05:06
A simple HTTP proxy by Golang
package main
import (