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Created August 19, 2024 06:25
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A simple bash script to capture your screen in Linux using ffmpeg and slop
# function that shows you how to use this tool
usage() {
echo "Usage $0 [-o outfile] [-d outdir] [-f fps]"
echo " -o: Specify the output file (default: screen_rec_<current_time_and_date>.mp4)"
echo " -d: Specify the output directory (default: ./)"
echo " -f: Specify the fps (default: 30)"
exit 1
# defaults
output_file="screen_rec_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S").mp4"
# command line parsing
while getopts "o:d:f:h" opt; do
case $opt in
o) output_file="$OPTARG" ;;
d) output_dir="$OPTARG" ;;
f) fps="$OPTARG" ;;
h) usage ;;
\?) usage ;;
# check for trailing / at the and of directory path
if [[ $output_dir != */ ]]
# get selected area
selected_area=$(slop -f "%x %y %w %h")
# extract the coordinates and dimensions from teh selected_area
read -r x y w h <<< "$selected_area"
echo "Recording started ..."
ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate "$fps" -video_size "${w}x${h}" -i :0.0+"$x","$y" -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 0 "$output_path"
echo "Recording saved as $output_path"
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