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Created June 27, 2014 18:11
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Unfinished: dict_from_list_adaptor to convert easily from a list to a dict related to!msg/ansible-project/TYbORkOM6Dw/5lusNmTIDzUJ
from collections import Counter
def dict_from_list_adaptor(key, _list, key_name=None, results_names=None, find_first=False):
'''Given a list-flattened dict, do a key value retrieval
Imagine a dictionary where every entry was {word: dictword, def: ditdef} instead of {dictword: dictdef}
eg. list_flattened_dict=[{word: apple, def: 'fruit...', noun: True},{word: ape, def: 'mamal of genus...', noun: True}]
We have to loop over entries in order to extract the definition turning a constant time
hash lookup of a dict into a linear time array scan for a list.
Basically, our data is stored in the wrong datastructure and we need an adaptor.
@key: key for which we wish to extract the value
@_list: list of dict entries to scan. We search for 'key' in the values of each dict entry of _list.
@key_name: If defined, only search for the requested key as the value
for the list key of this name.
@results_names: If defined, only return _list values whose keys are in resutls_names,
otherwise, return the entire matching entry in list.
@returns: a dict which is a subset of the matching item (list entry) with keys in results_names,
If results_names=None all key-value pairs besides the requested key are returned.
@throws: NonUniqueKeyException if the key is found more than once
@throws: NonUniqueKeyException when requesting a key that is the value in multiple
fields in the flattened dict. In the example above, the entry word: True would be a problem because
if we search for key=True we find it in multiple values. Using key_name avoids this.
def return_results(key, list_entry_dict, results_names):
for _key in list_entry_dict.keys():
# add the key-value pair to the results
if _key != key:
result.append({_key: list_entry_dict[_key]})
return result
for item in _list:
if key_name:
if item[key_name] == key:
results.append(return_results(key, item, results_names))
if find_first:
return results[0]
if key in item.values():
if Counter(item.values()).get(key) > 1:
raise Exception("NonUniqueKeysException", "Found multiple values for {} in {}".format(key,item))
results.append(return_results(key, item, results_names))
if find_first:
return results[0]
if len(results) > 1:
raise Exception("NonUniqueKeysException", "Found multiple values for {} in {}".format(key,results))
if results:
return results[0]
return None
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