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Last active September 18, 2021 03:19
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Save dantonnoriega/46c40275a93bab74cff6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using SublimeREPL, this allows one to transfer AND evaluate blocks of python code. The code automatically detect python blocks, executes them, and skips white space, comment blocks (""") and comment lines (# ...).
Using SublimeREPL, this plugin allows one to easily transfer AND
evaluate blocks of python code. The code automatically detect python
blocks and executes only code lines, omitting empty space and comments.
One can skips space, comment blocks and comment lines by executing on
empty lines, comments etc.
working with only 2 groups in the window. the main group (group 0)
needs to be your scripts and the second group (group 1) needs to be
a repl window.
keybind the following commands:
- used to open up a python repl as a group ("group" : 1) in
the same window, column-wise. useful for full-screen work with
scripts in the main group and repl in the other.
- same as py_col, but as a row. best for working while also using
part of the screen for a browser.
- workhorse script. it will automatically transfer lines or blocks
of code to repl and execute them. Move the cursor through empty lines
or comments by executing on an empty line (end of block doesn't count)
or comment.
import sublime, sublime_plugin
# create column group
class PyColCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self):
self.window.run_command('set_layout', {
"cols": [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
"rows": [0.0, 1.0],
"cells": [[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 2, 1]]
self.window.run_command('run_existing_window_command', {
"id": "repl_python_ipython",
"file": "config/Python/Main.sublime-menu"
self.window.run_command('move_to_group', {"group": 1})
# create row group
class PyRowCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self):
self.window.run_command('set_layout', {
"cols":[0.0, 1.0],
"rows":[0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
"cells":[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 2]]
self.window.run_command('run_existing_window_command', {
"id": "repl_python_ipython",
"file": "config/Python/Main.sublime-menu"
self.window.run_command('move_to_group', {"group": 1})
# transfer and evaluate
class ReplTransAndEvalCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
# get largest selected point and eof
v = self.view
# check if one line or a block
one_line = True if len(v.lines(v.sel()[0])) == 1 else False # tag if one line
# get all selected lines and find maximal point and line
all_selected = self.keep_code_blocks(v.sel()[0])
lines = v.lines(v.sel()[0]) # get selected line(s) without newline breaks
max_point = lines[len(lines) - 1].end() # largest selected non newline point
eof_line = v.rowcol(v.size())[0] # line num of max point
# get line nums for all code blocks and empty indeces
all_code = v.line(sublime.Region(0, v.size()))
cleaned_lines = self.keep_code_blocks(all_code) # get all lines w/o comments
line_ref = [v.rowcol(x.begin())[0] for x in cleaned_lines]
empty_index, block_end_index, block_index = self.get_indeces(cleaned_lines)
line_empty_ref = dict((k, v) for k, v in zip(line_ref, empty_index) if v)
line_block_end_ref = dict((k, v) for k, v in zip(line_ref, block_end_index) if v)
line_block_ref = dict((k, v) for k, v in zip(line_ref, block_index) if v)
## to see what's happening
# print('line ref ', line_ref)
# print('empty ref ', line_empty_ref)
# print('block ref ', line_block_ref)
# print('block end ref ', line_block_end_ref)
# trims selection to code blocks
# capture current or last line from max_point
current_line_num = v.rowcol(max_point)[0]
current_line = v.line(max_point)
## evaluate by line or blocks
if not one_line: # if not one line
# send lines to REPL
v.window().run_command('repl_transfer_current', {
"scope": "lines",
"action": "view_write"
v.window().run_command('focus_group', {"group": 1}) # focus REPL
v.window().run_command('repl_enter') # evaluate code
# update current line
current_line_num = current_line_num + 1
# clear console
if current_line_num in line_block_end_ref:
v.window().run_command('repl_enter') # evaluate code
elif current_line_num not in line_ref:
v.window().run_command('repl_enter') # evaluate code
# move cursor
v.window().run_command('focus_group', {"group": 0}) # focus REPL
if current_line_num in line_ref:
print('run line %d: %s' % (current_line_num, v.substr(current_line)))
v.window().run_command('repl_transfer_current', {
"scope": "lines",
"action": "view_write"
}) # send lines to REPL
v.window().run_command('focus_group', {"group": 1}) # focus REPL
# update current line
current_line_num = current_line_num + 1
# move cursor down
v.window().run_command('focus_group', {"group": 0}) # focus REPL
# if line is empty or comment, then move cursor down
# move cursor
current_line_num = self.skip_lines(current_line_num, eof_line, line_ref)
v.window().run_command('focus_group', {"group": 0}) # focus REPL
def move_cursor(self, line_num):
"""move cursor to the left of line"""
v = self.view
region = v.line(v.text_point(line_num, 0))
return v.sel()
def skip_lines(self, line_num, eof_line, line_ref):
"""move cursor through empty lines or comments without evaluating"""
if line_num not in line_ref:
print('skipping lines')
while line_num not in line_ref:
if line_num > eof_line:
line_num = line_num + 1
return line_num
def get_indeces(self, ordered_lines):
"""get indeces for blocks and for empty lines"""
v = self.view
#find empty lines and tab counts.
# keep one space after blocks any code blocks.
tab_size = 4
empty_index = [x.empty() for x in ordered_lines] # find empty lines
nonempty_index = [not x for x in empty_index]
tab_count = [v.substr(x).count(' '*tab_size) for x in ordered_lines]
text_tab = list(zip(nonempty_index, tab_count))
# create a block index using tabs and nonempty_index
carry_val = 0
tab_count_filled = []
for a, b in text_tab[::-1]: # key is to reverse vector THEN carry forward
if a: # if we see a tab, carry tab count forward
carry_val = b
else: # else just assign curry value
tab_count_filled = tab_count_filled[::-1] # reverse again to get correct order
block_index = [x > 0 or y for x, y in zip(tab_count_filled, nonempty_index)]
# find when a block ends
block_end_index = []
for i, x in enumerate(tab_count_filled):
block_end_index.append(True if (x == 0 and x < tab_count_filled[i-1]) else False)
## see what's happening
# print('nonempty_index ', [int(x) for x in nonempty_index])
# print('tab_count ', tab_count)
# print('tab_count_filled', tab_count_filled)
# print('block_end_index ', [int(x) for x in block_end_index])
# print('block_index ', [int(x) for x in block_index])
# print('empty_index ', [int(x) for x in empty_index])
return (empty_index, block_end_index, block_index)
def keep_code_blocks(self, selection):
"""remove unwanted lines and keep only code blocks"""
v = self.view
comments_removed = self.remove_comments(selection)
keep_code_blocks = self.remove_empty_lines(comments_removed)
return keep_code_blocks
def remove_empty_lines(self, selection):
"""find and remove empty lines but keep end of comment blocks"""
# find empty lines
empty_index, block_end_index, block_index = self.get_indeces(selection)
# # removed empty lines
index_val_tups = zip(selection, empty_index, block_end_index)
empty_lines_removed = [a for a, b, c in index_val_tups if not b or c]
return empty_lines_removed
def remove_comments(self, selection):
""" find and skip any comment blocks or comment lines"""
v = self.view
def find_matches(pattern):
find_all_matches = v.find_all(pattern)
find_contained_matches = [q for q in find_all_matches if selection.contains(q)]
return find_contained_matches
def find_comment_blocks(regions):
start_points = []
end_points = []
for i, region in enumerate(regions):
if (i+1)%2 == 1:
comment_blocks = []
for val in zip(start_points, end_points):
block = v.lines(sublime.Region(val[0], val[1]))
return comment_blocks
# find points of three quotes contained in the selection
three_quotes = find_matches('(\"\"\")')
# find full comment-only lines
comment_lines = find_matches('^([ ]*#.*)')
# create blocks by finding three quote pairs
ordered_lines = v.lines(selection) # ensure selection is ordered
comment_blocks = find_comment_blocks(three_quotes)
# create comment indeces for each seperate line
comment_block_index = [x in comment_blocks for x in ordered_lines]
comment_line_index = [x in comment_lines for x in ordered_lines]
# removed unwanted lines
index_val_tups = zip(ordered_lines, comment_block_index,
comments_removed = [a for a, b, c in index_val_tups if b == c]
return comments_removed
sample keybinds for above plugin
// open repl to groups
{"keys": ["super+shift+r","1"], "command": "py_col"},
{"keys": ["super+shift+r","2"], "command": "py_row"},
//REPL transfer and evaluate
{ "keys": ["super+enter"], "command": "repl_trans_and_eval"}
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tbenst commented Nov 19, 2015

This is amazing! Thank you

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This is very nice!,

but where do you install it?

should I put it into sublimeREPL -> config -> python?

I have placed it in some locations, but does not seem to add the functionality :(

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By the way, another option would be install Sendtext+ and then

command+shit+P -> sendtext+: choose program -> sublimeREPL

and from here you have all advantages of sublimeREPL and sendText at once

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Is there an option to remove indentations? I would like to be able to send selected code that has indentation (for example the code is within a loop).
This means that indentations have to be removed X times to all lines -> run the code -> and then reindent.

Can somebody hint me how to modify this code to accomplish this?

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