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Last active August 21, 2024 19:38
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  • Save dantleech/222e134c672864617dcb011e98c3b089 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dantleech/222e134c672864617dcb011e98c3b089 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Very arbitrary script to sync files from my android phone, resize them, deposit them in my blog's asset folder and displaty the markdown to display the,
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
mkdir -p $OUTDIR
echo "" > markdown
# get the "last synced" timestamp
TIMESTAMP=`tail -n 1 timestamp || true`
# sync new camera assets from the phone
adb-sync --reverse /storage/self/primary/DCIM/OpenCamera .
# update timestamp of a file to the last-synced timestamp so `find` can ...
touch -t $TIMESTAMP marker
# ... find images newer than it in the synced folder :/
for image in `find OpenCamera -newer marker -name *.jpg`; do
# preview the image
imv $image
# ask for a label, empty will skip the image
read -p "Filename:" LABEL
if [ "$LABEL" != "" ]; then
convert $image -resize 700x700 $OUTDIR"/"$FILENAME
echo "![$image](/images/spain2024/$FILENAME)" >> markdown
date +"%Y%m%d%k%M" >> timestamp
cat markdown
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