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Forked from shannah/
Created November 10, 2016 20:45
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Example native file dialog for OS X. Uses the Objective-C Cocoa Bridge ( and Foxtrot ( for modal dialogs.
public File openDirectoryDialog(final Object parent,
final String title,
final File currentDirectory,
final File currentlySelected)
final File[] out = new File[1];
try { Task(){
public Object run() throws Exception {
Pointer pool = CocoaUtils.createAutoreleasePool();
NativeFileDialog dlg = new NativeFileDialog(title, FileDialog.LOAD);
if ( currentDirectory != null ){
out[0] = new File(dlg.getFile());
return null;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
return out[0];
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package ca.weblite.cocoa.ui;
import ca.weblite.objc.NSObject;
import ca.weblite.objc.Proxy;
import java.awt.FileDialog;
import static ca.weblite.objc.RuntimeUtils.msg;
import static ca.weblite.objc.RuntimeUtils.msgString;
import static ca.weblite.objc.util.CocoaUtils.dispatch_sync;
import static ca.weblite.objc.RuntimeUtils.sel;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
* A wrapper around NSSavePanel and NSOpenPanel with some methods similar to java.awt.FileDialog.
* <p>This class includes wrappers for most settings of both NSSavePanel and NSOpen panel so that
* you have full flexibility (e.g. select directories only, files only, force a certain extension,
* allow user to add folders, show hidden files, etc...</p>
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> Don't run the NativeFileDialog on the Swing EDT as it will cause a deadlock. Check out the
* snippet for an example using FoxTrot to do a modal dialog in a safe way.</p>
* <h3>Example Save Panel</h3>
* <code><pre>
* NativeFileDialog dlg = new NativeFileDialog("Save as...", FileDialog.SAVE);
dlg.setMessage("Will save only as .txt file");
dlg.setVisible(true); // this is modal
String f = dlg.getFile();
if ( f == null ){
File file = new File(f);
* </pre></code>
* <h3>Example Open Panel</h3>
* <code><pre>
* NativeFileDialog dlg = new NativeFileDialog("Select file to open", FileDialog.LOAD);
dlg.setVisible(true); // this is modal.
String f = dlg.getFile();
if ( f != null ){
openFile(new File(f));
* </pre></code>
* @author shannah
* @see <a href="">NSSavePanel Class Reference</a>
* @see <a href="">NSOpenPanel Class Reference</a>
* @see <a href="">java.awt.FileDialog API docs</a>
public class NativeFileDialog extends NSObject {
* Reference to the Obj-C NSOpenPanel or NSSavePanel class.
private Proxy peer;
* Either FileDialog.LOAD or FileDialog.SAVE
private int mode;
* Creates a new file dialog with the specified title and mode.
* @param title The title for the dialog.
* @param mode Whether to be an open panel or save panel. Either java.awt.FileDialog.SAVE
* or java.awt.FileDialog.LOAD
public NativeFileDialog(final String title, final int mode){
this.mode = mode;
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
if (mode == FileDialog.LOAD ){
peer = getClient().sendProxy("NSOpenPanel", "openPanel");
} else {
peer = getClient().sendProxy("NSSavePanel", "savePanel");
peer.send("setTitle:", title);
* Sets a given selector with a string value on the main thread.
* @param selector An objective-c selector on the NSSavePanel object. e.g. "setTitle:"
* @param value The value to set the selector.
private void set(final String selector, final String value){
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
if ( peer.getPeer().equals(Pointer.NULL)){
throw new RuntimeException("The peer is null");
System.out.println("Before send "+selector+" : "+value);
peer.send(sel(selector), value);
System.out.println("After send");
* Sets a given selector with an int value on the main thread.
* @param selector An objective-c selector on the NSSavePanel object. e.g. "setShowsHiddenFiles:"
* @param value The int value to set.
private void set(final String selector, final int value){
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
System.out.println("About to send to selector: "+selector);
peer.send(selector, value);
* Returns the result of a selector on the main thread for the NSSavePanel
* object.
* @param selector The selector to be run. e.g. "title".
* @return The result of calling the given selector on the NSSavePanel object.
private String getString(final String selector){
final String[] out = new String[1];
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
out[0] = peer.sendString(selector);
return out[0];
* Returns the result of running a selector on the NSSavePanel on the main thread.
* @param selector The selector to be run. E.g. "showsHiddenFiles"
* @return The int result.
private int getI(final String selector){
final int[] out = new int[1];
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
out[0] = peer.sendInt(sel(selector));
return out[0];
* Sets title of the dialog.
* @param title The title.
* @see
public void setTitle(String title){
set("setTitle:", title);
* Gets the title of the dialog.
* @return The title
* @see
public String getTitle(){
return getString("title");
* @see
* @param prompt
public void setPrompt(String prompt ){
set("setPrompt:", prompt);
* @see
* @param label
public void setNameFieldLabel(String label){
set("setNameFieldLabel:", label);
* @see
* @return
public String getNameFieldLabel(){
return getString("nameFieldLabel");
* @see
* @param message
public void setMessage(String message){
set("setMessage:", message);
* @see
* @return
public String getMessage(){
return getString("message");
* @see
* @return
public String getPrompt(){
return getString("prompt");
* @see
* @return
public boolean canCreateDirectories(){
return getI("canCreateDirectories") != 0;
* @see
* @param can
public void setCanCreateDirectories(boolean can){
set("setCanCreateDirectories:", can?1:0);
* @see
* @return
public boolean showsHiddenFiles(){
return getI("showsHiddenFiles") != 0;
* @see
* @param shows
public void setShowsHiddenFiles(boolean shows){
set("setShowsHiddenFiles:", shows?1:0);
* @see
* @return
public boolean isExtensionHidden(){
return getI("isExtensionHidden")!=0;
* @see
* @param hidden
public void setExtensionHidden(boolean hidden){
set("setExtensionHidden:", hidden?1:0);
* @see
* @return
public boolean canSelectHiddenExtension(){
return getI("canSelectHiddenExtension")!=0;
* @see
* @param sel
public void setCanSelectHiddenExtension(boolean sel){
set("setCanSelectHiddenExtension:", sel?1:0);
* @see
* @param val
public void setNameFieldStringValue(String val){
set("setNameFieldStringValue:", val);
* @see
* @return
public List<String> getAllowedFileTypes(){
final List<String> out = new ArrayList<String>();
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
Proxy types = peer.sendProxy("allowedFileTypes");
int size = types.getInt("count");
for ( int i=0; i<size; i++){
String nex = types.sendString("objectAtIndex:", i);
return out;
* @see
* @param types
public void setAllowedFileTypes(final List<String> types){
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
Proxy mutableArray = getClient().sendProxy("NSMutableArray", "arrayWithCapacity:", types.size());
for (String type: types){
mutableArray.send("addObject:", type);
peer.send("setAllowedFileTypes:", mutableArray);
* @see
* @return
public boolean allowsOtherFileTypes(){
return getI("allowsOtherFileTypes")!=0;
* @see
* @param allowed
public void setAllowsOtherFileTypes(boolean allowed){
set("setAllowsOtherFileTypes:", allowed?1:0);
* @see
* @return
public boolean getTreatsFilePackagesAsDirectories(){
return getI("treatsFilePackagesAsDirectories")!=0;
* @see
* @param treat
public void setTreatsFilePackagesAsDirectories(boolean treat){
set("setTreatsFilePackagesAsDirectories:", treat?1:0);
* Returns the path to the directory that was selected.
* @return
public String getDirectory(){
final String[] out = new String[1];
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
Proxy dirUrl = peer.sendProxy("directoryURL");
if ( dirUrl.getPeer().equals(Pointer.NULL)){
out[0] = null;
} else {
out[0] = dirUrl.sendString("path");
return out[0];
* Gets the path to the file that was selected.
* @return
public String getFile(){
final String[] out = new String[1];
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
Proxy fileUrl = peer.sendProxy("URL");
System.out.println("File URL :"+fileUrl.getPeer());
if ( fileUrl == null || fileUrl.getPeer().equals(Pointer.NULL)){
out[0] = null;
} else {
System.out.println("Getting path for file URL "+fileUrl.getPeer());
long p = msg(fileUrl.getPeer(), "path");
System.out.println("Result of path is "+p);
String path = msgString(new Pointer(p), "UTF8String" );
System.out.println("Actual path is "+path);
out[0] = fileUrl.sendString("path");
return out[0];
* Returns an array of files that were selected by the user.
* @return
public File[] getFiles(){
final List<File> out = new ArrayList<File>();
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
if ( mode == FileDialog.LOAD ){
Proxy nsArray = peer.getProxy("URLs");
if ( !nsArray.getPeer().equals(Pointer.NULL)){
int size = nsArray.sendInt("count");
for ( int i=0; i<size; i++){
Proxy url = nsArray.sendProxy("objectAtIndex:", i);
String path = url.sendString("path");
out.add(new File(path));
return out.toArray(new File[0]);
* Returns the mode of this dialog.
* @return either FileDialog.LOAD or FileDialog.SAVE
public int getMode(){
return mode;
* Returns true if the dialog allows multiple selection.
* @return
public boolean isMultipleMode(){
return getI("allowsMultipleSelection")!=0;
* Sets whether the dialog allows the user to select multiple files or not.
* @param enable
public void setMultipleMode(boolean enable){
set("setAllowsMultipleSelection:", enable?1:0);
* Returns whether the user can select files in this dialog.
* @return
public boolean canChooseFiles(){
return getI("canChooseFiles")!=0;
* Sets whether the user can select files in this dialog.
* @param can
public void setCanChooseFiles(boolean can){
set("setCanChooseFiles:", can?1:0);
public boolean getCanChooseDirectories(){
return getI("canChooseDirectories")!=0;
public void setCanChooseDirectories(boolean can){
set("setCanChooseDirectories:", can?1:0);
public boolean getResolvesAliases(){
return getI("resolvesAliases")!=0;
public void setResolvesAliases(boolean resolves){
set("setResolvesAliases:", resolves?1:0);
* Sets the directory that the dialog displays.
* @param dir
public void setDirectory(final String dir){
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
Proxy url = getClient().sendProxy("NSURL", "fileURLWithPath:isDirectory:", dir, 1);
peer.send("setDirectoryURL:", url.getPeer());
* Unsupported
* @param file
public void setFile(String file){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("setFile() notimplemented");
* Unsupported
* @param mode
public void setMode(int mode){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't set mode after initialization");
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
public void setVisible(boolean visible){
dispatch_sync(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
public static void main(String[] args){
NativeFileDialog dlg = new NativeFileDialog("Foo", FileDialog.SAVE);
//System.out.println("Get title: "+dlg.getTitle());
dlg.setPrompt("The prompt");
dlg.setMessage("The message");
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