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Created April 23, 2022 19:07
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AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2020 (PASS THE EXAM!) - Youtube Video Section Links

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2020 (PASS THE EXAM!) - Youtube Video Section Links

This page is to provide an easy to read/find section link to the youtube video found at

The section timings were taken directly from the source video comments by the original author.

☁️ Introduction

🎀 (0:00:00) Meet your Instructor
🎀 (0:01:12) Why Get the Solutions Architect Associate
🎀 (0:07:31) Exam Guide Overview

☁️ S3

🎀 (0:14:42) Introduction
🎀 (0:16:59) Storage Classes
🎀 (0:19:17) Storage Class Comparison
🎀 (0:21:12) Security
🎀 (0:23:17) Encryption
🎀 (0:24:41) Data Consistency
🎀 (0:25:45) Cross-Region Replication
🎀 (0:26:23) Versioning
🎀 (0:27:51) Lifecycle Management
🎀 (0:28:40) Transfer Acceleration
🎀 (0:29:26) Presigned URLs
🎀 (0:30:53) MFA Delete
⌨️ (0:31:50) Follow Along - Create & Delete a Bucket
⌨️ (0:33:48) Follow Along - Upload Files & Make Public
⌨️ (0:36:42) Follow Along - Versioning
⌨️ (0:42:45) Follow Along - Encryption
⌨️ (0:44:55) Follow Along - CLI
⌨️ (0:50:09) Follow Along - Lifecycle Policies
⌨️ (0:52:42) Follow Along - Cross Region Replication
⌨️ (0:55:24) Follow Along - Bucket Policies
πŸ“— (0:58:39) S3 CheatSheet

☁️ Snowball

🎀 (1:05:26) Snowballl
🎀 (1:07:19) Snowball Edge
🎀 (1:08:41) Snowmobile
πŸ“— (1:09:27) CheatSheet

☁️ VPC

🎀 (1:11:08) Introduction
🎀 (1:11:30) Core Components
🎀 (1:13:09) Key Features
🎀 (1:15:15) Default VPC
🎀 (1:16:38) Default Everywhere IP
🎀 (1:17:22) VPC Peering
🎀 (1:18:57) Route Tables
🎀 (1:19:56) Internet Gateway
🎀 (1:20:57) Bastions / Jumpbox
🎀 (1:22:30) Direct Connect

☁️ VPC Endpoints

🎀 (1:23:24) Introduction
🎀 (1:24:35) Interface Endpoints
🎀 (1:25:42) Gateway Endpoints
πŸ“— (1:26:19) Cheatsheet

☁️ VPC Flow Logs

🎀 (1:27:04) Introduction
🎀 (1:28:13) Log Breakdown
πŸ“— (1:29:09) Cheatsheet


🎀 (1:30:14) Introduction
🎀 (1:31:52) Use Case
πŸ“— (1:32:30) Cheat Sheet

☁️ Security Groups

🎀 (1:33:43) Introduction
🎀 (1:35:26) Use Cases
🎀 (1:37:45) Limits
πŸ“— (1:38:39) Cheat Sheet

☁️ NAT

🎀 (1:39:56) Introduction
🎀 (1:40:42) NAT Instances vs NAT Gateways
πŸ“— (1:42:45) Cheatsheet

☁️ VPC Follow Along

⌨️ (1:44:30) Create VPC, IGW, Route Tables and Subnets
⌨️ (1:56:58) Launch an EC2 Instance
⌨️ (2:02:03) Groups, NACL and Bastion
⌨️ (2:14:59) NAT
⌨️ (2:18:24) VPC Endpoints
⌨️ (2:22:33) Flow Logs
⌨️ (2:25:24) Cleanup

☁️ IAM

🎀 (2:27:38) Introduction
🎀 (2:27:51) Core Components
🎀 (2:30:22) Types of Policies
🎀 (2:31:22) Policy Structure
🎀 (2:33:48) Password Policy
🎀 (2:34:14) Access Keys
🎀 (2:34:59) Multi-Factor Authentication
⌨️ (2:35:47) Follow Along
πŸ“— (2:50:37) Cheat Sheet

☁️ Cognito

🎀 (2:52:30) Introduction
🎀 (2:53:12) Web Identity Federation
🎀 (2:54:17) User Pools
🎀 (2:56:19) Identity Pools
🎀 (2:57:32) Sync
πŸ“— (2:58:12) Cheat Sheet


🎀 (2:59:30) Command Line Interface (CLI)
🎀 (3:00:59) Software Development Kit (SDK)
🎀 (3:02:08) Programmatic Access
⌨️ (3:03:17) Follow Along - Cloud 9 and CLI Setup
⌨️ (3:07:57) Follow Along - CLI
⌨️ (3:12:31) Follow Along - SDK
πŸ“— (3:20:41) CLI & SDK Cheat Sheet

☁️ DNS

🎀 (3:21:46) Introduction
🎀 (3:22:35) Internet Protocol (IP)
🎀 (3:24:03) Domain Registrars
🎀 (3:25:06) Top-Level Domains
🎀 (3:26:06) Start of Authority (SOA)
🎀 (3:27:11) A Records
🎀 (3:27:52) CNAME Records
🎀 (3:28:36) NS Records
🎀 (3:29:29) Time To Live (TTL)
πŸ“— (3:30:00) Cheat Sheet

☁️ Route 53

🎀 (3:31:36) Introduction
🎀 (3:32:24) Use Case
🎀 (3:33:32) Record Sets
🎀 (3:25:05) Routing Policies
🎀 (3:36:19) Simple Routing Policies
🎀 (3:37:13) Weighted Routing Policies
🎀 (3:38:15) Latency Based Routing
🎀 (3:39:23) Failover Routing Policies
🎀 (3:40:32) Geolocation Routing Policies
🎀 (3:41:05) Geoproximity Routing Policies
🎀 (3:42:57) Multi-Value Answer Policies
🎀 (3:43:25) Health Checks
🎀 (3:44:30) Resolver
πŸ“— (3:45:07) Cheat Sheet

☁️ EC2

🎀(3:47:14) Introduction
🎀(3:48:48) Instance Types
🎀(3:50:52) Instance Sizes
🎀(3:51:42) Instance Profiles
🎀(3:53:01) Placement Groups
🎀(3:54:31) Userdata
🎀(3:55:26) Metadata
πŸ“—(3:56:12) EC2 Cheat Sheet

☁️ EC2 - Pricing

🎀 (3:48:05) Introduction
🎀 (3:58:23) On-Demand Instances
🎀 (3:58:59) Reserved Instances
🎀 (4:01:32) Spot Instances
🎀 (4:03:17) Dedicated Host Instances
πŸ“— (4:04:49) EC2 Pricing Cheat Sheet

☁️ AMI

🎀 (4:07:40) Introduction
🎀 (4:08:51) Use Cases
🎀 (4:10:08) Marketplace
🎀 (4:11:00) Create an AMI
🎀 (4:11:19) Choosing an AMI
🎀 (4:13:21) Coping an AMI
πŸ“— (4:13:46) AMI Cheat Sheet

☁️ Auto Scaling Groups

🎀 (4:15:13) Introduction
🎀 (4:15:51) Capacity Settings
🎀 (4:17:02) Health Check Replacements
🎀 (4:18:23) Scaling Policies
🎀 (4:20:12) ELB Integration
🎀 (4:21:03) Use Case
🎀 (4:22:05) Launch Configuration
πŸ“— (4:23:36) Autoscaling Groups Cheat Sheet

☁️ ELB

🎀 (4:25:04) Introduction
🎀 (4:25:52) Rules of Traffic
🎀 (4:28:03) Application Load Balancer (ALB)
🎀 (4:28:54) Network Load Balancer (NLB)
🎀 (4:29:25) Classic Load Balancer (CLB)
🎀 (4:30:27) Sticky Sessions
🎀 (4:21:24) X-Forwarded-For Header
🎀 (4:32:21) Health Checks
🎀 (4:33:23) Cross-Zone Load Balancing
🎀 (4:34:17) Request Routing
πŸ“— (4:35:28) ELB Cheat Sheet

☁️ EC2 Follow Along

⌨️ (4:37:17) Launching an Instance
⌨️ (4:47:25) SSH Into Instance
⌨️ (4:53:47) Encrypted Snapshots
⌨️ (4:57:44) Creating an AMI
⌨️ (5:02:19) Working with ASGs
⌨️ (5:26:05) Register a Domain

☁️ (Elastic) File System (EFS)

🎀 (5:29:44) Introduction
⌨️ (5:41:01) Mounting EFS
πŸ“— (5:49:50) EFS Cheat Sheet

☁️ (Elastic) Block Store (EBS)

🎀 (5:50:37) Introduction
🎀 (5:52:23) Volume Types
🎀 (5:55:15) Medium HDD
🎀 (5:56:27) Medium SSD
🎀 (5:57:08) Magnetic Tapes
🎀 (5:57:50) Moving Volumes
🎀 (5:58:44) Encrypted Root Volumes
🎀 (6:00:05) EBS vs Instance Store Volumes
πŸ“— (6:02:27) EBS Cheat Sheet

☁️ CloudFront

🎀 (6:04:05) Introduction
🎀 (6:05:20) Core Components
🎀 (6:06:24) Distributions
🎀 (6:08:52) Lambda@Edge
🎀 (6:10:25) Protection
⌨️ (6:12:31) Create a Distribution
⌨️ (6:16:18) Serve S3 Files From Distribution
⌨️ (6:19:26) Create an Invalidation
πŸ“— (6:21:02) CloudFront Cheat Sheet

☁️ RDS

🎀 (6:23:16) Introduction
🎀 (6:23:55) Encryption
🎀 (6:24:37) Backups
🎀 (6:26:02) Restoring Backups
🎀 (6:26:57) Multi-AZ
🎀 (6:27:57) Read Replicas
🎀 (6:28:56) Multi-AZ vs Read Replicas
⌨️ (6:30:19) Follow Along - Create an Instance
⌨️ (6:41:42) Follow Along - Performance Insights
⌨️ (6:43:11) Follow Along - Reserved Instances
⌨️ (6:45:38) Follow Along - Working with Snapshots
⌨️ (6:52:35) Follow Along - Aurora Serverless
πŸ“— (7:00:11) RDS Cheat Sheet

☁️ Aurora

🎀 (7:02:14) Introduction
🎀 (7:03:12) Scaling
🎀 (7:03:45) Availability
🎀 (7:04:16) Fault Tolerance & Durability
🎀 (7:04:39) Replicas
🎀 (7:05:17) Serverless
πŸ“— (7:06:56) Aurora Cheat Sheet

☁️ Redshift

🎀(7:07:58) Redshift

☁️ DynamoDB

🎀 (7:19:37) Introduction
🎀 (7:21:36) Table Structure
🎀 (7:22:13) Consistent Reads
πŸ“— (7:23:54) DynamoDB Cheat Sheet

☁️ CloudFormation

🎀 (7:25:04) Introduction
🎀 (7:27:03) Template Formats
🎀 (7:27:50) Template Anatomy
🎀 (7:30:50) QuickStarts
πŸ“— (7:31:40) CloudFormation Cheat Sheet

☁️ CloudWatch

🎀 (7:33:34) Introduction
🎀 (7:34:12) CloudWatch Logs
🎀 (7:35:24) CloudWatch Metrics
🎀 (7:36:16) CloudWatch Events
🎀 (7:37:09) Custom Metrics
🎀 (7:38:25) CloudWatch Alarms
🎀 (7:39:10) CloudWatch Dashboards
🎀 (7:39:43) Availability
🎀 (7:40:42) Agent & Host Level Metrics
⌨️ (7:41:47) CloudWatch Follow Along
πŸ“— (7:51:56) CloudWatch Cheat Sheet

☁️ CloudTrail

🎀 (7:54:07) Introduction
🎀 (7:55:37) Event History
🎀 (7:56:26) Trail Options
🎀 (7:57:23) CloudTrail to CloudWatch
🎀 (7:57:58) Management vs Data Events
⌨️ (7:59:15) Follow Along - CloudTrail Overview
⌨️ (8:00:17) Follow Along - Create a Trail
⌨️ (8:03:28) Follow Along - CloudTrail to CloudWatch
⌨️ (8:04:02) Follow Along - Athena
πŸ“— (8:06:30) CloudTrail Cheat Sheet

☁️ Lambda

🎀 (8:07:52) Introduction
🎀 (8:09:02) Use Cases
🎀 (8:10:30) Triggers
🎀 (8:11:38) Pricing
🎀 (8:13:05) Interface
🎀 (8:14:15) Defaults and Limits
🎀 (8:16:22) Cold Starts
πŸ“— (8:18:16) Lambda Cheat Sheet

☁️ SQS

🎀 (8:19:47) Introduction
🎀 (8:22:40) Use Case
🎀 (8:23:39) Limits & Retention
🎀 (8:24:38) Queue Types
🎀 (8:25:50) Visibility Timeout
🎀 (8:27:12) Short vs Long Polling
πŸ“— (8:28:30) SQS Cheat Sheet

☁️ SNS

🎀 (8:30:36) Introduction
🎀 (8:33:40) Topics
🎀 (8:34:29) Subscriptions
🎀 (8:36:15) Application As Subscriber
πŸ“— (8:37:01) Cheat Sheet

☁️ ElastiCache

🎀 (8:38:40) Introduction
🎀 (8:40:50) Caching Comparison
πŸ“— (8:42:21) ElastiCache Cheat Sheet

☁️ High Availability (HA)

🎀 (8:43:03) High Availability (HA)
🎀 (8:46:26) Scale Up and Scale Out

☁️ Elastic Beanstalk

🎀 (8:47:35) Introduction
⌨️ (8:49:33) Follow Along - Overview
⌨️ (8:50:35) Follow Along - Prepare Archive
⌨️ (8:54:32) Follow Along - Upload Archive
⌨️ (8:56:36) Follow Along - Create a Web App
⌨️ (9:01:11) Follow Along - Cleanup
πŸ“— (9:02:49) Cheat Sheet

☁️ API Gateway

🎀 (9:03:46) Introduction
🎀 (9:04:58) Key Features
🎀 (9:05:34) Configuration Part
🎀 (9:09:35) Caching
🎀 (9:10:09) CORS
🎀 (9:11:36) Same Origin Policy
πŸ“— (9:12:41) Cheat Sheet

☁️ Kinesis

🎀 (9:14:49) Introduction
🎀 (9:15:35) Data Streams
🎀 (9:17:06) Firehose
🎀 (9:18:55) Video Streams
🎀 (9:19:41) Data Analytics
πŸ“— (9:20:26) Cheat Sheet

☁️ Storage Gateway

🎀 (9:22:25) Introduction
🎀 (9:23:41) File Gateway
🎀 (9:24:34) Volume Gateway
🎀 (9:27:36) Tape Gateway (VTL)
πŸ“— (9:28:52) Cheat Sheet

☁️ Serverless Follow Along

⌨️ (9:30:09) Follow Along - Overview
⌨️ (9:30:38) Follow Along - Setup Bucket
⌨️ (9:34:45) Follow Along - SNS
⌨️ (9:37:27) Follow Along - DynamoDB
⌨️ (9:39:44) Follow Along - ACM, CloudFront, Route53
⌨️ (9:49:48) Follow Along - Cloud 9 and Review Lambda
⌨️ (9:54:48) Follow Along - Create and Test Lambda
⌨️ (10:07:29) Follow Along - API Gateway
⌨️ (10:15:34) Follow Along - Testing Production
πŸ“— (10:16:55) Follow Along - Cleanup

☁️ Summary

⌨️ (10:20:57) Booking Your Exam **

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