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Last active April 19, 2024 09:41
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Simple example of Wiener deconvolution in Python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Simple example of Wiener deconvolution in Python.
# We use a fixed SNR across all frequencies in this example.
# Written 2015 by Dan Stowell. Public domain.
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft, ifftshift
import matplotlib
#matplotlib.use('PDF') #
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 6})
# user config
sonlen = 128
irlen = 64
lambd_est = 1e-3 # estimated noise lev
def gen_son(length):
"Generate a synthetic un-reverberated 'sound event' template"
# (whitenoise -> integrate -> envelope -> normalise)
son = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(length))
# apply envelope
attacklen = length / 8
env = np.hstack((np.linspace(0.1, 1, attacklen), np.linspace(1, 0.1, length - attacklen)))
son *= env
son /= np.sqrt(np.sum(son * son))
return son
def gen_ir(length):
"Generate a synthetic impulse response"
# First we generate a quietish tail
son = np.random.randn(length)
attacklen = length / 2
env = np.hstack((np.linspace(0.1, 1, attacklen), np.linspace(1, 0.1, length - attacklen)))
son *= env
son *= 0.05
# Here we add the "direct" signal
son[0] = 1
# Now some early reflection spikes
for _ in range(10):
son[ int(length * (np.random.rand()**2)) ] += np.random.randn() * 0.5
# Normalise and return
son /= np.sqrt(np.sum(son * son))
return son
def wiener_deconvolution(signal, kernel, lambd):
"lambd is the SNR"
kernel = np.hstack((kernel, np.zeros(len(signal) - len(kernel)))) # zero pad the kernel to same length
H = fft(kernel)
deconvolved = np.real(ifft(fft(signal)*np.conj(H)/(H*np.conj(H) + lambd**2)))
return deconvolved
if __name__ == '__main__':
"simple test: get one soundtype and one impulse response, convolve them, deconvolve them, and check the result (plot it!)"
son = gen_son(sonlen)
ir = gen_ir(irlen)
obs = np.convolve(son, ir, mode='full')
# let's add some noise to the obs
obs += np.random.randn(*obs.shape) * lambd_est
son_est = wiener_deconvolution(obs, ir, lambd=lambd_est)[:sonlen]
ir_est = wiener_deconvolution(obs, son, lambd=lambd_est)[:irlen]
# calc error
son_err = np.sqrt(np.mean((son - son_est) ** 2))
ir_err = np.sqrt(np.mean((ir - ir_est) ** 2))
print("single_example_test(): RMS errors son %g, IR %g" % (son_err, ir_err))
# plot
pdf = PdfPages('wiener_deconvolution_example.pdf')
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Hi @danstowell, thank you for sharing this script.
I have a reference request for this specific part of code.
Is lambd SNR or inverse of SNR?
Are signal and SNR expressed in term of signal amplitude or power density?
Would you mind to share a reference to this formula if you have any.
Thank you further...

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danstowell commented Nov 4, 2019

@jlandercy well spotted, the lambd should certainly be described more precisely as the inverse of SNR; and probably expressed in amplitude given that it gets squared. I don't however have a record of any reference for this code, I'm afraid.

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jlandercy commented Nov 4, 2019

@jlandercy well spotted, the lambd should certainly be described more precisely as the inverse of SNR; and probably expressed in amplitude given that it gets squared. I don't however have a record of any reference for this code, I'm afraid.

Thank you for answering @danstowell.
Yes, doing some dimensional analysis trying to derive your formulae from Wiener Filter I found that might be the case.
Anyway I could not get your version from the initial formulae, any chance you remember how you derived it?
Best regards.

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I found my notes. It was at least partly taken from a posting here though that archive seems to be offline now.

My expression seems to fit closely with the following line from the wikipedia article:

$$\ G(f) = \frac{H^*(f)S(f)}{ |H(f)|^2 S(f) + N(f) }$$

and then the estimate is given in the spectral domain as G(f)Y(f)

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Hallo i tried to run these code but unfortunately it gives me some errors. i put them in one single cell together just want to see exactly what happen by using these. would you mind to take a look? thank you

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It's probably a Python 2 versus Python 3 issue. I wrote this code using Python 2. In Python 3, integer division is changed so that it doesn't necessarily return an integer, might return a float. Can you fix it by changing some e.g. length / 8 to int(length / 8)?

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lourawirawan commented Apr 21, 2020 via email

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lourawirawan commented Apr 21, 2020 via email

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This code is merely a simple, minimal example of Wiener filtering. You could certainly use it as a template from which to make other things, but that's not the goal here, and I'm afraid here is not the right place to ask.

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MichaelCretignier commented Apr 19, 2024

Hi, I am certainly trying to hijack your code and you use it for a completely different purpose compared to what it was designed initially... but, I would like to perform a wiener deconvolution of a signal made of several Gaussians that are simply convolved with an ellipsoide profile. In this case though, the algorithm seems to completely fail the reconstruction, do you have any idea what could be wrong ? Is there any assumptions behind the shape of the signals (length, positivity,...) ?
Screenshots 2024-04-19 à 10 34 59

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