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Forked from juampynr/html.tpl.php
Created October 30, 2013 23:40
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* @file
* Default theme implementation to display the basic html structure of a single
* Drupal page.
* Variables:
* - $css: An array of CSS files for the current page.
* - $language: (object) The language the site is being displayed in.
* $language->language contains its textual representation.
* $language->dir contains the language direction. It will either be 'ltr' or 'rtl'.
* - $rdf_namespaces: All the RDF namespace prefixes used in the HTML document.
* - $grddl_profile: A GRDDL profile allowing agents to extract the RDF data.
* - $head_title: A modified version of the page title, for use in the TITLE
* tag.
* - $head_title_array: (array) An associative array containing the string parts
* that were used to generate the $head_title variable, already prepared to be
* output as TITLE tag. The key/value pairs may contain one or more of the
* following, depending on conditions:
* - title: The title of the current page, if any.
* - name: The name of the site.
* - slogan: The slogan of the site, if any, and if there is no title.
* - $head: Markup for the HEAD section (including meta tags, keyword tags, and
* so on).
* - $styles: Style tags necessary to import all CSS files for the page.
* - $scripts: Script tags necessary to load the JavaScript files and settings
* for the page.
* - $page_top: Initial markup from any modules that have altered the
* page. This variable should always be output first, before all other dynamic
* content.
* - $page: The rendered page content.
* - $page_bottom: Final closing markup from any modules that have altered the
* page. This variable should always be output last, after all other dynamic
* content.
* - $classes String of classes that can be used to style contextually through
* CSS.
* @see template_preprocess()
* @see template_preprocess_html()
* @see template_process()
* @ingroup themeable
?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN"
<html data-ng-app="myapp" xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php print $language->language; ?>" version="XHTML+RDFa 1.0" dir="<?php print $language->dir; ?>"<?php print $rdf_namespaces; ?>>
<head profile="<?php print $grddl_profile; ?>">
<?php print $head; ?>
<title><?php print $head_title; ?></title>
<?php print $styles; ?>
<?php print $scripts; ?>
<body class="<?php print $classes; ?>" <?php print $attributes;?>>
<div id="skip-link">
<a href="#main-content" class="element-invisible element-focusable"><?php print t('Skip to main content'); ?></a>
<?php print $page_top; ?>
<?php print $page; ?>
<?php print $page_bottom; ?>
name = My module
description = Implements an AngularJS-driven block
core = 7.x
* Renders the weather status for a city.
var app = angular.module('myapp', [])
.controller('MyModuleWeather', function($scope, $http, $log) {
// Set default values for our form fields.
$ = 'Madrid';
$scope.units = 'metric';
// Define a function to process form submission.
$scope.change = function() {
// Fetch the data from the public API through JSONP.
// See
var url = '';
$http.jsonp(url, { params : {
q : $,
units : $scope.units,
callback: 'JSON_CALLBACK'
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.main = data.main;
$scope.wind = data.wind;
$scope.description =[0].description;
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// Log an error in the browser's console.
$log.error('Could not retrieve data from ' + url);
// Trigger form submission for first load.
* @file mymodule.module
* Implements an AngularJS-driven block.
* Implements hook_block_info().
function mymodule_block_info() {
$blocks['weather'] = array(
'info' => t('Weather'),
return $blocks;
* Implements hook_block_view().
function mymodule_block_view($delta = '') {
$block = array();
switch ($delta) {
case 'weather':
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'mymodule');
$block['subject'] = t('Weather status');
$block['content'] = array(
'#markup' => theme('weather_status'),
'#attached' => array(
'js' => array(
$path . '/mymodule.js',
return $block;
* Implements hook_theme().
function mymodule_theme() {
return array(
'weather_status' => array(
'template' => 'weather-status',
* @file
* AngularJS template to render a weather block.
<div ng-controller="MyModuleWeather">
<label for="city">City</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="city" /></br>
<label for="units">Units</label>
<input type="radio" ng-model="units" value="metric"/> Metric
<input type="radio" ng-model="units" value="imperial"/> Imperial</br>
<button ng-click="change()">Change</button>
<p>Temperature: {{main.temp}}</p>
<p>Wind speed: {{wind.speed}}</p>
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