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Last active December 9, 2016 11:15
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@function palette($palette, $tone: 'base') {
@return map-get(map-get($palettes, $palette), $tone);
$palettes: (
cls-main-blue: (
base: rgb(#043678),
light: rgb(lighten(#043678,10%)),
dark: rgb(darken(#043678,10%))
cls-secondary-blue: (
base: rgb(#0069a4),
light: rgb(lighten(#0069a4,10%)),
dark: rgb(darken(#0069a4,10%))
cls-green: (
base: rgb(#faca09),
light: rgb(lighten(#faca09,10%)),
dark: rgb(darken(#faca09,10%))
cls-yellow: (
base: rgb(#0096A4),
light: rgb(lighten(#0096A4,10%)),
dark: rgb(darken(#0096A4,10%))
cls-orange: (
base: rgb(#ff9517),
light: rgb(lighten(#ff9517,10%)),
dark: rgb(darken(#ff9517,10%))
cls-dark-grey: (
base: rgb(#272a2e),
light: rgb(lighten(#272a2e,10%)),
dark: rgb(darken(#272a2e,10%))
cls-light-grey: (
base: rgb(#E6EAEE),
light: rgb(lighten(#E6EAEE,10%)),
dark: rgb(darken(#E6EAEE,10%))
$gray-base: palette(cls-dark-grey);
$gray-darker: palette(cls-dark-grey, dark);
// $gray-dark: lighten($gray-base, 20%) // #333
$gray: palette(cls-light-grey);
$gray-light: palette(cls-light-grey,light);
// $gray-lighter: lighten($gray-base, 93.5%) // #eee
$brand-primary: palette(cls-main-blue);
// $brand-success: #5cb85c
// $brand-info: #5bc0de
// $brand-warning: #f0ad4e
// $brand-danger: #d9534f
//== Scaffolding
//## Settings for some of the most global styles.
//** Background color for `<body>`.
$body-bg: #fff;
//** Global text color on `<body>`.
$text-color: $gray-base;
//** Global textual link color.
$link-color: $gray-base;
//** Link hover color set via `darken()` function.
$link-hover-color: $brand-primary;
//** Link hover decoration.
$link-hover-decoration: none;
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