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Created November 7, 2017 17:00
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  • Save danlangford/b83611ef2737b9788dae759bca36ebbd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save danlangford/b83611ef2737b9788dae759bca36ebbd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My K-Type Layout
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"0": "\n\n### Added by canned animation fingerprints ###\nS[0x00-0x5F] :+ A[fingerprints](start);"
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" P[c:0%] (255,0,0), P[c:25%](0,0,0), P[c:50%](0,0,0), P[c:75%](0,0,0), P[c:100%](0,0,0)",
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"P[c:-16%](0,0,0), P[c:10%](255,0,0), P[c:35%](0,0,0), P[c:60%](0,0,0), P[c:85%](0,0,0), P[c:110%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-14%](0,0,0), P[c:12%](255,0,0), P[c:37%](0,0,0), P[c:62%](0,0,0), P[c:87%](0,0,0), P[c:112%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-12%](0,0,0), P[c:14%](255,0,0), P[c:39%](0,0,0), P[c:64%](0,0,0), P[c:89%](0,0,0), P[c:114%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-10%](0,0,0), P[c:16%](255,0,0), P[c:41%](0,0,0), P[c:66%](0,0,0), P[c:91%](0,0,0), P[c:116%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-8%] (0,0,0), P[c:18%](255,0,0), P[c:43%](0,0,0), P[c:68%](0,0,0), P[c:93%](0,0,0), P[c:118%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-6%] (0,0,0), P[c:20%](255,0,0), P[c:45%](0,0,0), P[c:70%](0,0,0), P[c:95%](0,0,0), P[c:120%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-4%] (0,0,0), P[c:22%](255,0,0), P[c:47%](0,0,0), P[c:72%](0,0,0), P[c:97%](0,0,0), P[c:122%](0,0,0)",
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" P[c:0%] (0,0,0), P[c:25%](255,0,0), P[c:50%](0,0,0), P[c:75%](0,0,0), P[c:100%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-24%](0,0,0), P[c:2%] (0,0,0), P[c:27%](255,0,0), P[c:52%](0,0,0), P[c:77%](0,0,0), P[c:102%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-22%](0,0,0), P[c:4%] (0,0,0), P[c:29%](255,0,0), P[c:54%](0,0,0), P[c:79%](0,0,0), P[c:104%](0,0,0)",
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"P[c:-16%](0,0,0), P[c:10%](0,0,0), P[c:35%](255,0,0), P[c:60%](0,0,0), P[c:85%](0,0,0), P[c:110%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-14%](0,0,0), P[c:12%](0,0,0), P[c:37%](255,0,0), P[c:62%](0,0,0), P[c:87%](0,0,0), P[c:112%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-12%](0,0,0), P[c:14%](0,0,0), P[c:39%](255,0,0), P[c:64%](0,0,0), P[c:89%](0,0,0), P[c:114%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-10%](0,0,0), P[c:16%](0,0,0), P[c:41%](255,0,0), P[c:66%](0,0,0), P[c:91%](0,0,0), P[c:116%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-8%] (0,0,0), P[c:18%](0,0,0), P[c:43%](255,0,0), P[c:68%](0,0,0), P[c:93%](0,0,0), P[c:118%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-6%] (0,0,0), P[c:20%](0,0,0), P[c:45%](255,0,0), P[c:70%](0,0,0), P[c:95%](0,0,0), P[c:120%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-4%] (0,0,0), P[c:22%](0,0,0), P[c:47%](255,0,0), P[c:72%](0,0,0), P[c:97%](0,0,0), P[c:122%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-2%] (0,0,0), P[c:24%](0,0,0), P[c:49%](255,0,0), P[c:74%](0,0,0), P[c:99%](0,0,0), P[c:124%](0,0,0)",
" P[c:1%] (0,0,0), P[c:25%](0,0,0), P[c:50%](255,0,0), P[c:75%](0,0,0), P[c:100%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-24%](0,0,0), P[c:2%] (0,0,0), P[c:27%](0,0,0), P[c:52%](255,0,0), P[c:77%](0,0,0), P[c:102%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-22%](0,0,0), P[c:4%] (0,0,0), P[c:29%](0,0,0), P[c:54%](255,0,0), P[c:79%](0,0,0), P[c:104%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-20%](0,0,0), P[c:6%] (0,0,0), P[c:31%](0,0,0), P[c:56%](255,0,0), P[c:81%](0,0,0), P[c:106%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-18%](0,0,0), P[c:8%] (0,0,0), P[c:33%](0,0,0), P[c:58%](255,0,0), P[c:83%](0,0,0), P[c:108%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-16%](0,0,0), P[c:10%](0,0,0), P[c:35%](0,0,0), P[c:60%](255,0,0), P[c:85%](0,0,0), P[c:110%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-14%](0,0,0), P[c:12%](0,0,0), P[c:37%](0,0,0), P[c:62%](255,0,0), P[c:87%](0,0,0), P[c:112%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-12%](0,0,0), P[c:14%](0,0,0), P[c:39%](0,0,0), P[c:64%](255,0,0), P[c:89%](0,0,0), P[c:114%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-10%](0,0,0), P[c:16%](0,0,0), P[c:41%](0,0,0), P[c:66%](255,0,0), P[c:91%](0,0,0), P[c:116%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-8%] (0,0,0), P[c:18%](0,0,0), P[c:43%](0,0,0), P[c:68%](255,0,0), P[c:93%](0,0,0), P[c:118%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-6%] (0,0,0), P[c:20%](0,0,0), P[c:45%](0,0,0), P[c:70%](255,0,0), P[c:95%](0,0,0), P[c:120%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-4%] (0,0,0), P[c:22%](0,0,0), P[c:47%](0,0,0), P[c:72%](255,0,0), P[c:97%](0,0,0), P[c:122%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-2%] (0,0,0), P[c:24%](0,0,0), P[c:49%](0,0,0), P[c:74%](255,0,0), P[c:99%](0,0,0), P[c:124%](0,0,0)",
" P[c:0%] (0,0,0), P[c:25%](0,0,0), P[c:50%](0,0,0), P[c:75%](255,0,0), P[c:100%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-24%](0,0,0), P[c:2%] (0,0,0), P[c:27%](0,0,0), P[c:52%](0,0,0), P[c:77%](255,0,0), P[c:102%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-22%](0,0,0), P[c:4%] (0,0,0), P[c:29%](0,0,0), P[c:54%](0,0,0), P[c:79%](255,0,0), P[c:104%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-20%](0,0,0), P[c:6%] (0,0,0), P[c:31%](0,0,0), P[c:56%](0,0,0), P[c:81%](255,0,0), P[c:106%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-18%](0,0,0), P[c:8%] (0,0,0), P[c:33%](0,0,0), P[c:58%](0,0,0), P[c:83%](255,0,0), P[c:108%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-16%](0,0,0), P[c:10%](0,0,0), P[c:35%](0,0,0), P[c:60%](0,0,0), P[c:85%](255,0,0), P[c:110%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-14%](0,0,0), P[c:12%](0,0,0), P[c:37%](0,0,0), P[c:62%](0,0,0), P[c:87%](255,0,0), P[c:112%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-12%](0,0,0), P[c:14%](0,0,0), P[c:39%](0,0,0), P[c:64%](0,0,0), P[c:89%](255,0,0), P[c:114%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-10%](0,0,0), P[c:16%](0,0,0), P[c:41%](0,0,0), P[c:66%](0,0,0), P[c:91%](255,0,0), P[c:116%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-8%] (0,0,0), P[c:18%](0,0,0), P[c:43%](0,0,0), P[c:68%](0,0,0), P[c:93%](255,0,0), P[c:118%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-6%] (0,0,0), P[c:20%](0,0,0), P[c:45%](0,0,0), P[c:70%](0,0,0), P[c:95%](255,0,0), P[c:120%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-4%] (0,0,0), P[c:22%](0,0,0), P[c:47%](0,0,0), P[c:72%](0,0,0), P[c:97%](255,0,0), P[c:122%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-2%] (0,0,0), P[c:24%](0,0,0), P[c:49%](0,0,0), P[c:74%](0,0,0), P[c:99%](255,0,0), P[c:124%](0,0,0)",
" P[c:0%] (0,0,0), P[c:25%](0,0,0), P[c:50%](0,0,0), P[c:75%](0,0,0), P[c:100%](255,0,0)",
" P[c:0%] (0,0,0), P[c:25%](0,0,0), P[c:50%](0,0,0), P[c:75%](0,0,0), P[c:100%](255,0,0)",
"P[c:-2%] (0,0,0), P[c:24%](0,0,0), P[c:49%](0,0,0), P[c:74%](0,0,0), P[c:99%](255,0,0), P[c:124%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-4%] (0,0,0), P[c:22%](0,0,0), P[c:47%](0,0,0), P[c:72%](0,0,0), P[c:97%](255,0,0), P[c:122%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-6%] (0,0,0), P[c:20%](0,0,0), P[c:45%](0,0,0), P[c:70%](0,0,0), P[c:95%](255,0,0), P[c:120%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-8%] (0,0,0), P[c:18%](0,0,0), P[c:43%](0,0,0), P[c:68%](0,0,0), P[c:93%](255,0,0), P[c:118%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-10%](0,0,0), P[c:16%](0,0,0), P[c:41%](0,0,0), P[c:66%](0,0,0), P[c:91%](255,0,0), P[c:116%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-12%](0,0,0), P[c:14%](0,0,0), P[c:39%](0,0,0), P[c:64%](0,0,0), P[c:89%](255,0,0), P[c:114%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-14%](0,0,0), P[c:12%](0,0,0), P[c:37%](0,0,0), P[c:62%](0,0,0), P[c:87%](255,0,0), P[c:112%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-16%](0,0,0), P[c:10%](0,0,0), P[c:35%](0,0,0), P[c:60%](0,0,0), P[c:85%](255,0,0), P[c:110%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-18%](0,0,0), P[c:8%] (0,0,0), P[c:33%](0,0,0), P[c:58%](0,0,0), P[c:83%](255,0,0), P[c:108%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-20%](0,0,0), P[c:6%] (0,0,0), P[c:31%](0,0,0), P[c:56%](0,0,0), P[c:81%](255,0,0), P[c:106%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-22%](0,0,0), P[c:4%] (0,0,0), P[c:29%](0,0,0), P[c:54%](0,0,0), P[c:79%](255,0,0), P[c:104%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-24%](0,0,0), P[c:2%] (0,0,0), P[c:27%](0,0,0), P[c:52%](0,0,0), P[c:77%](255,0,0), P[c:102%](0,0,0)",
" P[c:0%] (0,0,0), P[c:25%](0,0,0), P[c:50%](0,0,0), P[c:75%](255,0,0), P[c:100%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-2%] (0,0,0), P[c:24%](0,0,0), P[c:49%](0,0,0), P[c:74%](255,0,0), P[c:99%](0,0,0), P[c:124%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-4%] (0,0,0), P[c:22%](0,0,0), P[c:47%](0,0,0), P[c:72%](255,0,0), P[c:97%](0,0,0), P[c:122%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-6%] (0,0,0), P[c:20%](0,0,0), P[c:45%](0,0,0), P[c:70%](255,0,0), P[c:95%](0,0,0), P[c:120%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-8%] (0,0,0), P[c:18%](0,0,0), P[c:43%](0,0,0), P[c:68%](255,0,0), P[c:93%](0,0,0), P[c:118%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-10%](0,0,0), P[c:16%](0,0,0), P[c:41%](0,0,0), P[c:66%](255,0,0), P[c:91%](0,0,0), P[c:116%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-12%](0,0,0), P[c:14%](0,0,0), P[c:39%](0,0,0), P[c:64%](255,0,0), P[c:89%](0,0,0), P[c:114%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-14%](0,0,0), P[c:12%](0,0,0), P[c:37%](0,0,0), P[c:62%](255,0,0), P[c:87%](0,0,0), P[c:112%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-16%](0,0,0), P[c:10%](0,0,0), P[c:35%](0,0,0), P[c:60%](255,0,0), P[c:85%](0,0,0), P[c:110%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-18%](0,0,0), P[c:8%] (0,0,0), P[c:33%](0,0,0), P[c:58%](255,0,0), P[c:83%](0,0,0), P[c:108%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-20%](0,0,0), P[c:6%] (0,0,0), P[c:31%](0,0,0), P[c:56%](255,0,0), P[c:81%](0,0,0), P[c:106%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-22%](0,0,0), P[c:4%] (0,0,0), P[c:29%](0,0,0), P[c:54%](255,0,0), P[c:79%](0,0,0), P[c:104%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-24%](0,0,0), P[c:2%] (0,0,0), P[c:27%](0,0,0), P[c:52%](255,0,0), P[c:77%](0,0,0), P[c:102%](0,0,0)",
" P[c:1%] (0,0,0), P[c:25%](0,0,0), P[c:50%](255,0,0), P[c:75%](0,0,0), P[c:100%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-2%] (0,0,0), P[c:24%](0,0,0), P[c:49%](255,0,0), P[c:74%](0,0,0), P[c:99%](0,0,0), P[c:124%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-4%] (0,0,0), P[c:22%](0,0,0), P[c:47%](255,0,0), P[c:72%](0,0,0), P[c:97%](0,0,0), P[c:122%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-6%] (0,0,0), P[c:20%](0,0,0), P[c:45%](255,0,0), P[c:70%](0,0,0), P[c:95%](0,0,0), P[c:120%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-8%] (0,0,0), P[c:18%](0,0,0), P[c:43%](255,0,0), P[c:68%](0,0,0), P[c:93%](0,0,0), P[c:118%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-10%](0,0,0), P[c:16%](0,0,0), P[c:41%](255,0,0), P[c:66%](0,0,0), P[c:91%](0,0,0), P[c:116%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-12%](0,0,0), P[c:14%](0,0,0), P[c:39%](255,0,0), P[c:64%](0,0,0), P[c:89%](0,0,0), P[c:114%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-14%](0,0,0), P[c:12%](0,0,0), P[c:37%](255,0,0), P[c:62%](0,0,0), P[c:87%](0,0,0), P[c:112%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-16%](0,0,0), P[c:10%](0,0,0), P[c:35%](255,0,0), P[c:60%](0,0,0), P[c:85%](0,0,0), P[c:110%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-18%](0,0,0), P[c:8%] (0,0,0), P[c:33%](255,0,0), P[c:58%](0,0,0), P[c:83%](0,0,0), P[c:108%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-20%](0,0,0), P[c:6%] (0,0,0), P[c:31%](255,0,0), P[c:56%](0,0,0), P[c:81%](0,0,0), P[c:106%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-22%](0,0,0), P[c:4%] (0,0,0), P[c:29%](255,0,0), P[c:54%](0,0,0), P[c:79%](0,0,0), P[c:104%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-24%](0,0,0), P[c:2%] (0,0,0), P[c:27%](255,0,0), P[c:52%](0,0,0), P[c:77%](0,0,0), P[c:102%](0,0,0)",
" P[c:0%] (0,0,0), P[c:25%](255,0,0), P[c:50%](0,0,0), P[c:75%](0,0,0), P[c:100%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-2%] (0,0,0), P[c:24%](255,0,0), P[c:49%](0,0,0), P[c:74%](0,0,0), P[c:99%](0,0,0), P[c:124%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-4%] (0,0,0), P[c:22%](255,0,0), P[c:47%](0,0,0), P[c:72%](0,0,0), P[c:97%](0,0,0), P[c:122%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-6%] (0,0,0), P[c:20%](255,0,0), P[c:45%](0,0,0), P[c:70%](0,0,0), P[c:95%](0,0,0), P[c:120%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-8%] (0,0,0), P[c:18%](255,0,0), P[c:43%](0,0,0), P[c:68%](0,0,0), P[c:93%](0,0,0), P[c:118%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-10%](0,0,0), P[c:16%](255,0,0), P[c:41%](0,0,0), P[c:66%](0,0,0), P[c:91%](0,0,0), P[c:116%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-12%](0,0,0), P[c:14%](255,0,0), P[c:39%](0,0,0), P[c:64%](0,0,0), P[c:89%](0,0,0), P[c:114%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-14%](0,0,0), P[c:12%](255,0,0), P[c:37%](0,0,0), P[c:62%](0,0,0), P[c:87%](0,0,0), P[c:112%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-16%](0,0,0), P[c:10%](255,0,0), P[c:35%](0,0,0), P[c:60%](0,0,0), P[c:85%](0,0,0), P[c:110%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-18%](0,0,0), P[c:8%] (255,0,0), P[c:33%](0,0,0), P[c:58%](0,0,0), P[c:83%](0,0,0), P[c:108%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-20%](0,0,0), P[c:6%] (255,0,0), P[c:31%](0,0,0), P[c:56%](0,0,0), P[c:81%](0,0,0), P[c:106%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-22%](0,0,0), P[c:4%] (255,0,0), P[c:29%](0,0,0), P[c:54%](0,0,0), P[c:79%](0,0,0), P[c:104%](0,0,0)",
"P[c:-24%](0,0,0), P[c:2%] (255,0,0), P[c:27%](0,0,0), P[c:52%](0,0,0), P[c:77%](0,0,0), P[c:102%](0,0,0)",
" P[c:0%] (255,0,0), P[c:25%](0,0,0), P[c:50%](0,0,0), P[c:75%](0,0,0), P[c:100%](0,0,0)",
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