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Last active January 31, 2022 15:55
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from typing import List, Optional, Callable
import hailtop.batch as hb
import math
from hailtop.utils import grouped
from hailtop.utils.utils import digits_needed
def batch_combine2(base_combop: Callable[[hb.job.BashJob, List[str], str], None],
combop: Callable[[hb.job.BashJob, List[str], str], None],
b: hb.Batch,
name: str,
paths: List[str],
final_location: str,
branching_factor: int = 100,
suffix: Optional[str] = None):
"""A hierarchical merge using Batch jobs.
We combine at most `branching_factor` paths at a time. The first layer is given by
`paths`. Layer n combines the files produced by layer n-1.
For the first layer, we use `base_combop` to construct a job to combine a given group. For
subsequent layers, we use `combop`. This permits us, for example, to start with uncompressed
files, but use compressed files for the intermediate steps and the final step.
The fully combined (single) file is written to `final_location`.
assert isinstance(branching_factor, int) and branching_factor >= 1
n_levels = math.ceil(math.log(len(paths), branching_factor))
level_digits = digits_needed(n_levels)
branch_digits = digits_needed((len(paths) + branching_factor) // branching_factor)
assert isinstance(b._backend, hb.ServiceBackend)
tmpdir = b._backend.remote_tmpdir.rstrip('/')
def make_job_and_path(level: int,
i: int,
make_commands: Callable[[hb.job.BashJob, List[str], str], None],
paths: List[str],
dependencies: List[hb.job.BashJob],
ofile: Optional[str] = None):
if ofile is None:
ofile = f'{tmpdir}/{level:0{level_digits}}/{i:0{branch_digits}}'
if suffix:
ofile += suffix
j = b.new_job(name=f'{name}-{level:0{level_digits}}-{i:0{branch_digits}}')
for d in dependencies:
make_commands(j, paths, ofile)
return (j, ofile)
assert n_levels > 0
if n_levels == 1:
return make_job_and_path(0, 0, base_combop, paths, [], final_location)
jobs_and_paths = [
make_job_and_path(0, i, base_combop, paths, [])
for i, paths in enumerate(grouped(branching_factor, paths))]
for level in range(1, n_levels - 1):
jobs_and_paths = [
[x[1] for x in jobs_and_paths],
[x[0] for x in jobs_and_paths])
for i, jobs_and_paths in enumerate(grouped(branching_factor, jobs_and_paths))]
jobs = [x[0] for x in jobs_and_paths]
paths = [x[1] for x in jobs_and_paths]
make_job_and_path(n_levels - 1, 0, combop, paths, jobs, final_location)
def combine_tsvs_with_headers(j: hb.job.BashJob, xs: List[str], ofile: str):
j.command('set -ex -o pipefail')
function retry() {
"$@" || { sleep 2 && "$@" ; } || { sleep 5 && "$@" ; }
j.command('retry gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/gsa-key/key.json')
serially_read_tail_of_files_to_stdout = " && ".join([
f'gsutil -m cat {x} | tail -n +2 -q' for x in xs[1:]])
join-files() {{
rm -f sink
mkfifo sink
( {{ gsutil -m cat {xs[0]} &&
}} | bgzip > sink
) & pid=$!
gsutil -m cp sink {ofile}
wait $pid
retry join-files
def combine_compressed_tsvs_with_headers(j: hb.job.BashJob, xs: List[str], ofile: str):
"""Combine many compressed TSVs into one compressed TSV.
We use a named sink to link the subsequent reads of each file with the single output
file. The first file is read in its entireity. The subsequent files have their header
j.command('set -ex -o pipefail')
function retry() {
"$@" || { sleep 2 && "$@" ; } || { sleep 5 && "$@" ; }
j.command('retry gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/gsa-key/key.json')
serially_read_tail_of_files_to_stdout = " && ".join([
f'gsutil -m cat {x} | bgzip -d | tail -n +2 -q' for x in xs[1:]])
join-files() {{
rm -f sink
mkfifo sink
( {{ gsutil -m cat {xs[0]} | bgzip -d &&
}} | bgzip > sink
) & pid=$!
gsutil -m cp sink {ofile}
wait $pid
retry join-files
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