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Created March 20, 2023 19:38
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  • Save danimal/8d31dd01d339cca4a88656555d41c5eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save danimal/8d31dd01d339cca4a88656555d41c5eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name = [name elided]
email = [email elided]
user = [username elided]
token = [token elided]
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
ui = auto
date = local
postBuffer = 157286400
excludesfile = /path/to/homedir/.gitignore
quotepath = false
trustctime = false
pager = delta
br = branch
chdiff = difftool -y -t Changes
chp = cherry-pick
co = checkout
cv = commit -v
find = "!git ls-files | grep -i"
## ks* require
ksdiff = difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope
ksreview = "!f() { local SHA=${1:-HEAD}; local BRANCH=${2:-develop}; if [ $SHA == $BRANCH ]; then SHA=HEAD; fi; git difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope $BRANCH...$SHA; }; f"
ksrmain = "!f() { local SHA=${1:-HEAD}; local BRANCH=${2:-main}; if [ $SHA == $BRANCH ]; then SHA=HEAD; fi; git difftool -y -t Kaleidoscope $BRANCH...$SHA; }; f"
lg = log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset - %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%C(yellow)%+d%Creset' --abbrev-commit
oops = commit --amend
pnb = push -u origin HEAD
pra = pull --rebase --all
pus = push
# Save everything
save = "!git add -A && git commit --no-verify -m 'SAVEPOINT'"
sh = rev-parse --short HEAD
st = status --short --branch
stash-reverse = "!git stash show -p | git apply --reverse"
subup = submodule update --init --recursive
wdiff = diff --word-diff
# Save only things that have changed (work in progress)
wip = "!git add -u && git commit --no-verify -m WIP"
# Save everything and revert to last commit
wipe = "!git add -A && git commit --no-verify -qm 'WIPE SAVEPOINT' && git reset HEAD~1 --hard"
# undo a commit and wipe changes
uncommit = reset HEAD^
# undo a commit and leave changes
undo = reset --soft HEAD~1
compactionHeuristic = true
colorMoved = zebra
tool = Kaleidoscope
autocorrect = 1
keepBackup = true
prompt = false
[merge "mergepbx"]
name = XCode project files merger
driver = /opt/homebrew/bin/mergepbx %O %A %B
helper = osxkeychain
default = upstream
autoSetupMerge = true
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true
diffFilter = delta --color-only
features = side-by-side line-numbers decorations
whitespace-error-style = 22 reverse
[delta "decorations"]
commit-decoration-style = bold yellow box ul
file-style = bold yellow ul
file-decoration-style = none
prompt = false
trustExitCode = true
[difftool "Kaleidoscope"]
cmd = ksdiff --partial-changeset --relative-path \"$MERGED\" -- \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
# requires
[mergetool "Kaleidoscope"]
cmd = ksdiff --merge --output \"$MERGED\" --base \"$BASE\" -- \"$LOCAL\" --snapshot \"$REMOTE\" --snapshot
trustExitCode = true
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