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Last active June 4, 2024 13:41
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NomosDa benches
from collections import defaultdict
from math import ceil
benches_results = {
"proofs": {
128: 0.28,
256: 0.47,
512: 0.82,
1024: 1.39
"proofs_single": {
128: 0.73,
256: 1.15,
512: 1.77,
1024: 2.65
"proofs_fk20": {
128: 2.3,
256: 1.22,
512: 0.63,
1024: 0.31,
2048: 0.19,
4096: 0.125,
"proofs_fk20_single": {
128: 16.7,
256: 8.5,
512: 4.44,
1024: 2.3,
2048: 1.38,
4096: 0.89,
"commitments_single": {
16: 0.29,
32: 0.34,
64: 0.41,
128: 0.58,
256: 1.0,
512: 1.42,
1024: 2.22,
2048: 4.04,
4096: 7.6,
"commitments": {
16: 0.10,
32: 0.14,
64: 0.21,
128: 0.31,
256: 0.51,
512: 0.90,
1024: 1.48,
2048: 2.66,
4096: 4.85,
"verification": defaultdict(lambda: 1.8)
def compute_times(tag, number_of_columns, number_to_compute) -> int:
average_time = benches_results[tag][number_of_columns]
return average_time * number_to_compute
def chunks_by_size(size) -> int:
return int(ceil(size / BYTES_PER_CHUNK))
def commitments_by_size_and_columns(size, columns) -> int:
return int(ceil(chunks_by_size(size) / columns))
def column_commitments_by_columns_and_row_commitments(tag, columns, degree) -> int:
commitments_times = benches_results[tag]
if degree > max(commitments_times.keys()):
key = max(commitments_times.keys())
key = next(x for x in sorted(commitments_times.keys()) if x >= degree)
return columns * commitments_times[key]
def verification_time(tag, number_of_proofs, columns) -> int:
return benches_results[tag][columns] + number_of_proofs * benches_results["verification"][columns]
if __name__ == "__main__":
from itertools import product
columns = [128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096]
sizes = [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]
kb_to_b = 1024
for bench in ["proofs", "proofs_single", "proofs_fk20", "proofs_fk20_single"]:
commitments_tag = "commitments" if not bench.endswith("single") else "commitments_single"
for size, column in product(sizes, columns):
if column not in benches_results[bench]:
commitments = commitments_by_size_and_columns(size*kb_to_b, column)
proofs = chunks_by_size(size*kb_to_b)
commitments_time = compute_times(commitments_tag, column, commitments)
proofs_time = compute_times(bench, column, proofs)
_verification_time = verification_time(commitments_tag, commitments, column)
columns_commitments_time = column_commitments_by_columns_and_row_commitments(tag=commitments_tag, columns=column, degree=commitments)
print(f"Columns={column:>4}, Size={size:>4}Kb, Commitments={commitments:>4} in {commitments_time:>10.2f}ms, Proofs={proofs:>8} in {proofs_time:>12.2f}ms, ColumnCommitments={column:>8} in {columns_commitments_time:>10.2f}ms, Verification=1 Commit and {commitments:>4} Proofs in {_verification_time:>12.2f}ms")
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