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Created February 12, 2023 04:01
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locals {
labels = {
"app" = "mongo"
volume_config_name = "mongo-config"
module "mongo" {
source = "terraform-iaac/stateful-set/kubernetes"
version = "1.4.2"
# insert the 3 required variables here
image = "mongo:4.4"
name = "mongodb"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.cmprimg.metadata[0].name
custom_labels = local.labels
volume_host_path = [
volume_name = "data"
path_on_node = "/data/db"
volume_mount = [
mount_path = "/data/db"
volume_name = "data"
mount_path = "/etc/mongod.conf.orig"
volume_name = "mongodb-conf"
sub_path = "configfile" // Key from configmap
volume_config_map = [{
mode = "0777"
volume_name = "mongodb-conf"
name = "mongodb-confmap"
# volume_claim = [
# {
# name = "mongo"
# namespace = kubernetes_namespace.cmprimg.metadata[0].name
# access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
# requests_storage = "4Gi"
# persistent_volume_name = "mongo"
# storage_class_name = "linode-block-storage-retain"
# }
# ]
env = {
command = [
internal_port = [
name = "mongo"
internal_port = 27017
resources = {
request_cpu = "100m"
request_memory = "800Mi"
limit_cpu = "120m"
limit_memory = "900Mi"
replicas = 1
module "mongo_service" {
source = "terraform-iaac/service/kubernetes"
version = "1.0.4"
# insert the 3 required variables here
app_name =
app_namespace = kubernetes_namespace.cmprimg.metadata[0].name
port_mapping = [
name = "mongo"
internal_port = 27107
external_port = 27017
custom_labels = local.labels
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim" "example" {
metadata {
name = "mongo"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.cmprimg.metadata[0].name
labels = local.labels
spec {
access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
resources {
requests = {
storage = "20Gi"
storage_class_name = "linode-block-storage-retain"
resource "kubernetes_config_map" "mongodb_conf" {
metadata {
name = "mongodb-confmap"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.cmprimg.metadata[0].name
labels = local.labels
data = {
"configfile" = yamlencode({
storage : {
dbPath : "/data/db",
net : {
port : 27017,
bindIp : "",
security : {
clusterIpSourceWhitelist : [
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