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Last active September 25, 2022 23:25
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Brain fog coping strategies
Intro: Playfulness and experimentation will help you find strategies that work for you.
Navigating your memory landscape (vs constructing memory palaces)
The problem with mnemonics
Mnemonic techniques (such as memory palaces) are powerful, but ...
Mnemonics only help when you know ahead of time exactly what you want to remember _and_ when writing it down is not sufficient _and_ when you have the time and energy to do the encoding
Very few cases meet this criteria
Memorizing foreign language vocabulary
Memorizing material for an exam
Memorizing for the sake of exercising your memory
Meditation practices to develop better working memory
Reverse mind wandering (i.e. navigating the chains of association)
Imprint noticing (i.e. recognizing the trails that information leaves in its wake)
Memory compass following (i.e. following spontaneous intuition)
Note taking strategies
ABE (Always Be Externalizing)
Concept: Cognitive offloading, aka brain dumping
Strategy: Just make marks
The important thing is to keep taking notes
Warning: Beware of maintenance costs
ABS (Always Be Summarizing)
Concept: Chunking
Strategy: Recursive summarization
Plans are useless but planning is essential
Planning is a form of exploration, so be playful with it
Planning is about making decisions in batches rather than one by one ad hoc
"If ... then ..." planning (aka trigger -> action)
Creating reminders
Stick to the basics
Timers (Pomodoro)
Strategically placed sticky notes
Other people
Warning: Beware of maintenance costs
If it doesn't help, stop doing it
Focus mode vs diffuse mode
Scheduled breaks
There seems to be something uniquely special about walking, especially in natural environments
Mental foreground vs background
Pointing and calling
Scope of awareness
Expanding awareness, contracting awareness
The fuel tank and the engine
Concept: Internal friction
Strategy: Mindful self-compassion
Strategy: Do less
Warning: Beware the nocebo effect
Body heaviness
Strategy: Notice your posture and muscle tension. Use your bones more than your muscles
Heuristic: How quickly would you fall over if your muscles suddenly went limp?
Fading awareness
Strategy: Steady your awarness with a salient sensory experience like rubbing your hands together or tapping your foot
Strategy: Listen to music
Aversion to effort
Effort is the opposite of rest
urge to rest = urge to avoid effort
Playfulness/curiosity helps things feel less effortful
Games don't feel effortful
Just because something is important doesn't mean you can't be playful with it
Equanimity helps effort feel less bothersome
Just because something is uncomfortable doesn't mean you have to fight against it
Judging experiences as good or bad can be exhausting
Maybe there's a good reason why you feel averse
Prompt: "I want to do this because ..."
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