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Last active May 31, 2021 10:13
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Keeping Cognito user pool and AWS tokens refreshed in browser, symptoms if you need this is the error: "Invalid login token. Token expired: 1446742058 >= 1446727732"
import AWS from 'aws-sdk/global'
import eventEmitter from 'event-emitter'
import differenceInMilliseconds from 'date-fns/difference_in_milliseconds'
import minDate from 'date-fns/min'
// Set this to match your setup
const env = {
awsRegion: XXXX,
identityPoolId: XXXX,
userPoolId: XXXX,
AWS.config = new AWS.Config({
region: env.awsRegion,
export default eventEmitter({
_refreshTimer: null,
_cognito: null,
// Trigger everything from here.
// For example: call after cognitoUser.getSession(), or cognitoUser.authenticateUser() onSuccess callback
async updateCognitoSession(user, session) {
this._cancelRefresh() // Immediately cancel any refresh, so we won't have 2 calls to this method happening at the same time
this._cognito = { user, session }
// Apply cognito session to AWS credentials so we can use all AWS services
credentials: new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
IdentityPoolId: env.identityPoolId,
Logins: {
[`cognito-idp.${env.awsRegion}${env.userPoolId}`]: session.getIdToken().getJwtToken(),
await AWS.config.credentials.getPromise() // This will refresh AWS credentials as we've just updated them
signOut() {
this._cognito && this._cognito.user.signOut()
async refreshSession() {
if (this._cognito) {
try {
const oiriginal = this._cognito
const newSession = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._cognito.user.refreshSession(oiriginal.session.getRefreshToken(), (err, result) => {
if (err) {
} else {
if (this._cognito === oiriginal) { // Don't conitue if someone else has updated _cognito in the meantime
await this.updateCognitoSession(oiriginal.user, newSession) // Calls _credentialsSet which schedules next refresh
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === 'NotAuthorizedException') {
} else {
this._scheduleRefresh() // Try again
_credentialsSet() {
this.emit('set', AWS.config.credentials) // We have new credentials, whoever needs them should listen
_credentialsInvalid() {
this.emit('invalid') // Listen to this and get the user to log in again
_scheduleRefresh() {
if (this._refreshTimer == null && this._cognito) {
const msToExpiry = differenceInMilliseconds(
this._cognito.session.getIdToken().getExpiration() * 1000,
this._cognito.session.getAccessToken().getExpiration() * 1000,
new Date(),
const adjustedMs = Math.max(msToExpiry / 2, 10000) // Ensure we don't call too often, and don't go negative if expiry already happened
console.log(`${new Date()}: Scheduling token refresh in ${adjustedMs / 1000}s`)
this._refreshTimer = setTimeout(
() => {
this._refreshTimer = null // So it is only set when there is a timer running
_cacnelSession() {
this._cognito = null
_cancelRefresh() {
this._refreshTimer = null
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david114 commented Mar 23, 2018

Thats a lot of code, i simplified a bit.
If you receive Invalid login token. Token expired: 1446742058 >= 1446727732 error, just call this function:

 refresh_token = session.getRefreshToken(); // session is the callback from calling cognitoUser.getSession()
 var update_session = function () {
    cognitoUser.refreshSession(refresh_token, (err, session) => {
      if (err) {
      else {
        AWS.config.credentials.params.Logins['cognito-idp.<REGION><USERPOOL-ID>'] = session.getIdToken().getJwtToken();
        AWS.config.credentials.refresh((err) => {
          if (err) {
          else {
            console.log("TOKEN SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED");

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DanishDeveloper360 commented Feb 12, 2019

@david114 I read your comments here aws-amplify/amplify-js#405 , Thanks a ton for this research and solution.

Shall I update using the below or using your comment above? is there a difference ? I dont think so, but need a suggestion:

`// Apply cognito session to AWS credentials so we can use all AWS services

  credentials: new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
    IdentityPoolId: env.identityPoolId,
    Logins: {
      [`cognito-idp.${env.awsRegion}${env.userPoolId}`]: session.getIdToken().getJwtToken(),

await AWS.config.credentials.getPromise()  // This will refresh AWS credentials as we've just updated them`

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david114 commented May 31, 2021 via email

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