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Last active August 3, 2024 16:45
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  • Save damoclark/ab3d700aafa140efb97e510650d9b1be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Simple Raspbian Configuration Tool. Add file to boot partition of SD Card and run single command after booting Raspbian.
# Don't change the following lines unless you know what you are doing
# They execute the config options starting with 'do_' below
grep -E -v -e '^\s*#' -e '^\s*$' <<END | \
sed -e 's/$//' -e 's/^\s*/\/usr\/bin\/raspi-config nonint /' | bash -x -
############# INSTRUCTIONS ###########
# Change following options starting with 'do_' to suit your configuration
# Anything after a has '#' is ignored and used for comments
# If on Windows, edit using Notepad++ or another editor that can save the file
# using UNIX-style line endings
# macOS and GNU/Linux use UNIX-style line endings - use whatever editor you like
# Then drop the file into the boot partition of your SD card
# After booting the Raspberry Pi, login as user 'pi' and run following command:
# sudo /boot/raspi-config.txt
############# EDIT raspi-config SETTINGS BELOW ###########
# Hardware Configuration
do_boot_wait 0 # Turn off waiting for network before booting
do_boot_splash 1 # Disable the splash screen
do_overscan 1 # Disable overscan
do_camera 1 # Disable the camera
do_ssh 0 # Disable remote ssh login
do_spi 1 # Disable spi bus
do_memory_split 64 # Set the GPU memory limit to 64MB
do_i2c 1 # Disable the i2c bus
do_serial 1 # Disable the RS232 serial bus
do_boot_behaviour B1 # Boot to CLI & require login
# B2 # Boot to CLI & auto login as pi user
# B3 # Boot to Graphical & require login
# B4 # Boot to Graphical & auto login as pi user
do_onewire 1 # Disable onewire on GPIO4
do_audio 0 # Auto select audio output device
# 1 # Force audio output through 3.5mm analogue jack
# 2 # Force audio output through HDMI digital interface
#do_gldriver G1 # Enable Full KMS Opengl Driver - must install deb package first
# G2 # Enable Fake KMS Opengl Driver - must install deb package first
# G3 # Disable opengl driver (default)
#do_rgpio 1 # Disable gpio server - must install deb package first
# System Configuration
do_configure_keyboard us # Specify US Keyboard
do_hostname rpi-test # Set hostname to 'rpi-test'
do_wifi_country AU # Set wifi country as Australia
do_wifi_ssid_passphrase wifi_name password # Set wlan0 network to join 'wifi_name' network using 'password'
do_change_timezone Australia/Brisbane # Change timezone to Brisbane Australia
do_change_locale en_AU.UTF-8 # Set language to Australian English
#Don't add any raspi-config configuration options after 'END' line below & don't remove 'END' line
############# CUSTOM COMMANDS ###########
# You may add your own custom GNU/Linux commands below this line
# These commands will execute as the root user
# Some examples - uncomment by removing '#' in front to test/experiment
#/usr/bin/raspi-config do_wifi_ssid_passphrase # Interactively configure the wifi network
#/usr/bin/aptitude update # Update the software package information
#/usr/bin/aptitude upgrade # Upgrade installed software to the latest versions
#/usr/bin/raspi-config do_change_pass # Interactively set password for your login
#/sbin/shutdown -r now # Reboot after all changes above complete
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Para7etamol commented Nov 8, 2020

It really hurts to see a shell script ending with .txt!

Apart from that: Thank you for sharing the file!!

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