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Last active December 18, 2015 18:28
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Startup Engineering - II. Introduction



  • What Is a Startup?
    • A new found business build to grow rapidly (NOT like a barber shop)
      • search a new niche with a huge market and be the first one to take over the place here
      • often new technology is involved!
      • its about going from 0 to 1, not 1 to N
    • Startups are in
      • people are optimistic, huge successes, the Facebook class
      • Silicon Valley as the Center of startups
    • a startup solves a problem for your users and you have two tasks
      • a solving this problem
      • b making everybody knowing about and using your solution
      • most important: targeting your growth rate each week (5 - 10 %), use new registrations, active users, shares, etc (whatever makes sense to make this stats)
      • there is no speed limit when starting up
  • Startups in the Past
    • 1800s -> startups for oil, steel, pharmaceutical, telegraphs
    • 1900s -> automobile, aviation, telephone
    • many similarities between past and today
      • new technology involved new markets
      • many business were started in a non-regulated environment, because it was so new (NON-REGULATED MARKED)
      • many started with a common name pattern (e.g. .com phase ( OR name car company after founder (FORD, CHRYSLER, …)
      • startup costs were low -> startups in flats (eg. one who sold oil on a one barrel base from his living room), they grew rapidly, scaled very well
      • many companies pop-up during such a start, only a few survive and take over the whole market
      • the mistakes they make kill people, thus, the government screems for more regulation, market is fitted with a few big companies, new laws make starting up impossible
      • ONE: low entry costs
      • TWO: few / no laws
    • MVP (minimum viable product) - lean startup - has to be cheap!
  • Startups in the present
    • technological ground: Internet starts in 1980, broad spreading around 1990 (TCP/IP WWW in 1991)
    • political ground: collapse of soviet union + National Science Founadation Acceptable Use Policy was removed (which banned commerce on the internet) -> huge, global market existed // fall of iron curtain
      • acceptable use policy -> existed because of the fear of wide-spread of drugs, porn and spam, malware AND users academia and military did not search for traffic
      • fractions: the globalizations coefficient G (the more juice states there are equals allowed transactions, higher = better)
    • first of all, technology was available, but market not ready, then, the market WAS READY
    • -> rise of the internet start up
  • key features of internet startups
    • scalable -> only servers
    • market size -> global
    • generality -> software eats the world, form everything out of nothing
    • low capitol barrier -> computer is cheap + open source
    • low laws / regulatory barriers -> code is law, but this might change (PRISM, SOPA, …)
    • long tail -> endless specificity
    • failure tollerance -> still virtual, not physical, probs if it gets real (global stock market, airplanes, …)
  • what is startup engineering
    • startup engineering like chessboxing
    • getting something to work well enough for people to buy!
    • academia like zero customers -> chess
    • architecture astronauts -> planning for infinite number of customers -> boxing
    • in between of both lies startup engineering / software engineering
    • most of all: systems integration (new technologies, snapping pieces together)
  • design, marketing and sales
    • in a startup, you have to do all this side tasks (can't concentrate on programming only)
    • you have to solve real world problems (office, furniture, garbage)
    • it is all about problem solving as fast as possible -> HN meetup
    • at start you need to do a lot of things on your own, because there is no money
    • later on, you can move this tasks to other ones
    • BUT to start and hire great people, you also need brochures, pages, etc.
  • why mobile html5
    • mobile is the future
    • responsive design
    • location independence = bigger scope
    • simplicity
    • ubiquity
    • JS as future
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