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Renaldo Pierre-Louis daltonrenaldo

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/* Generated by Opal 0.8.0.beta1 */
(function(Opal) {
Opal.dynamic_require_severity = "error";
function $rb_plus(lhs, rhs) {
return (typeof(lhs) === 'number' && typeof(rhs) === 'number') ? lhs + rhs : lhs['$+'](rhs);
function $rb_times(lhs, rhs) {
return (typeof(lhs) === 'number' && typeof(rhs) === 'number') ? lhs * rhs : lhs['$*'](rhs);
function $rb_minus(lhs, rhs) {
/* Generated by Opal 0.8.0.beta1 */
(function(Opal) {
Opal.dynamic_require_severity = "error";
function $rb_plus(lhs, rhs) {
return (typeof(lhs) === 'number' && typeof(rhs) === 'number') ? lhs + rhs : lhs['$+'](rhs);
function $rb_times(lhs, rhs) {
return (typeof(lhs) === 'number' && typeof(rhs) === 'number') ? lhs * rhs : lhs['$*'](rhs);
function $rb_minus(lhs, rhs) {
/* Generated by Opal 0.8.0.beta1 */
(function(Opal) {
Opal.dynamic_require_severity = "error";
function $rb_plus(lhs, rhs) {
return (typeof(lhs) === 'number' && typeof(rhs) === 'number') ? lhs + rhs : lhs['$+'](rhs);
function $rb_times(lhs, rhs) {
return (typeof(lhs) === 'number' && typeof(rhs) === 'number') ? lhs * rhs : lhs['$*'](rhs);
function $rb_minus(lhs, rhs) {
(ns clojure-noob.core
(:require [clj-time.jdbc]))
(require '[clj-postgresql.core :as psql])
(require '[ :as jdbc])
(require '[clj-time.core :as timex])
(require '[clj-time.coerce :as coerce])
(require '[clj-time.periodic :as time-period])
(require '[clj-time.local :as local])
/* Generated by Opal 0.8.0.beta1 */
(function(Opal) {
Opal.dynamic_require_severity = "error";
function $rb_plus(lhs, rhs) {
return (typeof(lhs) === 'number' && typeof(rhs) === 'number') ? lhs + rhs : lhs['$+'](rhs);
function $rb_times(lhs, rhs) {
return (typeof(lhs) === 'number' && typeof(rhs) === 'number') ? lhs * rhs : lhs['$*'](rhs);
function $rb_minus(lhs, rhs) {
#!/usr/bin/env ./script/runner
class AbandonedCartsReport
def self.execute!
new_carts = AbandonedCart.to_csv
filename = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/abandoned_carts_report.csv", "w") do |file|
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