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Requiem - WACCF Patch generator
Patch generator for Requiem and
Weapons, Armor, Clothing and Clutter Fixes
unit RequiemWACCFPatcher;
requiemFile = 'Requiem.esp';
waccfFile = 'Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp';
patch, requiem, waccf: IwbFile;
// Check if a record is already reqtified
function IsAlreadyReqtified(r: IInterface): boolean;
i: integer;
keywords: IwbElement;
Result := false;
keywords := ElementByPath(r, 'KWDA');
if keywords <> nil then begin
for i := 0 to Pred(ElementCount(keywords)) do begin
if StartsStr('REQ_KW_AlreadyReqtified', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(keywords, i))) then Result := true;
// If element at path has not changed in r1 compared to master, but has in r2, then copy it from r2 to patch
// Used to copy requiem changes when WACCF just has the same as Skyrim
procedure CopyIfChanged(path: string; r1: IInterface; r2: IInterface; patch: IwbMainRecord);
masterRecord: IwbMainRecord;
masterElement: IwbElement;
r1Element: IwbElement;
r2Element: IwbElement;
masterRecord := Master(ContainingMainRecord(r1));
if not Assigned(masterRecord) then exit;
masterElement := ElementByPath(masterRecord, path);
if not Assigned(masterElement) then exit;
r1Element := ElementByPath(ContainingMainRecord(r1), path);
if not Assigned(r1Element) then exit;
r2Element := ElementByPath(ContainingMainRecord(r2), path);
if not Assigned(r2Element) then exit;
if (GetEditValue(masterElement) = GetEditValue(r1Element)) and (GetEditValue(masterElement) <> GetEditValue(r2Element)) then begin
wbCopyElementToRecord(r2Element, patch, false, true);
// Merge keyword list, but make sure to only use WeapMaterial from WACCF if they differ from Requiem
// Same handling of ArmorType keyword as with material
// VendorItem keywords are only copied from WACCF
procedure MergeKeyWords(e1: IwbElement; e2: IwbElement; eP: IInterface);
i: integer;
keywords: TStringList;
k: IInterface;
dest: IwbElement;
material: boolean;
armorType: boolean;
material := false;
armorType := false;
keywords := TStringList.Create;
keywords.Sorted := true;
keywords.Duplicates := dupIgnore;
for i := 0 to Pred(ElementCount(e1)) do begin
if StartsStr('WeapMaterial', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e1, i))) then material := true;
if StartsStr('WAF_WeapMaterial', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e1, i))) then material := true;
if StartsStr('ArmorMaterial', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e1, i))) then material := true;
if StartsStr('ArmorHeavy', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e1, i))) then armorType := true;
if StartsStr('ArmorLight', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e1, i))) then armorType := true;
if StartsStr('ArmorClothing', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e1, i))) then armorType := true;
keywords.Add(GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e1, i)));
for i := 0 to Pred(ElementCount(e2)) do begin
if StartsStr('VendorItem', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e2, i))) then continue;
if StartsStr('WeapMaterial', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e2, i))) and material then continue;
if StartsStr('WAF_WeapMaterial', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e2, i))) and material then continue;
if StartsStr('ArmorMaterial', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e2, i))) and material then continue;
if StartsStr('ArmorHeavy', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e2, i))) and armorType then continue;
if StartsStr('ArmorLight', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e2, i))) and armorType then continue;
if StartsStr('ArmorClothing', GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e2, i))) and armorType then continue;
keywords.Add(GetEditValue(ElementByIndex(e2, i)));
// Clear destination
RemoveElement(eP, 'KWDA');
dest := Add(eP, 'KWDA', true);
for i := 0 to Pred(keywords.Count) do begin
k := ElementAssign(dest, HighInteger, nil, false);
SetEditValue(k, keywords[i]);
procedure HandleRecord(e: IInterface; eR: IInterface; eP: IInterface);
i: integer;
element: IwbElement;
// Iterate over elements in record and copy the Requiem ones as needed
for i := 0 to Pred(ElementCount(eR)) do begin
element := ElementByIndex(eR, i);
// Always use Requiem editor ID
if ShortName(element) = 'EDID - Editor ID' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if Signature(e) = 'ALCH' then begin
if ShortName(element) = 'FULL - Name' then begin
// Use Requiem names for potions
if StartsStr('Potion', GetEditValue(element)) then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'Effects' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'ENIT - Effect Data' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if Signature(e) = 'AMMO' then begin
if ShortName(element) = 'DESC - Description' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'KWDA - Keywords' then MergeKeywords(ElementBySignature(e, 'KWDA'), element, eP);
if ShortName(element) = 'DATA - Data' then begin
if IsAlreadyReqtified(eR) then begin
wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
end else begin
CopyIfChanged('DATA - Data\Value', e, eR, eP);
CopyIfChanged('DATA - Data\Weight', e, eR, eP);
CopyIfChanged('DATA - Data\Damage', e, eR, eP);
if Signature(e) = 'ARMO' then begin
if ShortName(element) = 'Record Header' then begin
CopyIfChanged('Record Header\Record Flags', e, eR, eP);
if ShortName(element) = 'KWDA - Keywords' then MergeKeywords(ElementBySignature(e, 'KWDA'), element, eP);
if ShortName(element) = 'EITM - Object Effect' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'DESC - Description' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
// We use Requiem armor ratong when unchanged by WACCF but changed by requiem, Hide Armor is an example
if ShortName(element) = 'DNAM - Armor Rating' then CopyIfChanged('DNAM - Armor Rating', e, eR, eP);
if ShortName(element) = 'DATA - Data' then begin
CopyIfChanged('DATA - Data\Value', e, eR, eP);
if Signature(e) = 'ARMA' then begin
if ShortName(element) = 'Male world model' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'Female world model' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'Male 1st Person' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'Female 1st Person' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'Additional Races' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if Signature(e) = 'COBJ' then begin
if ShortName(element) = 'Conditions' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if Signature(e) = 'INGR' then begin
if ShortName(element) = 'ENIT - Effect Data' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'Effects' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'KWDA - Keywords' then MergeKeywords(ElementBySignature(e, 'KWDA'), element, eP);
if Signature(e) = 'LIGH' then begin
if ShortName(element) = 'DATA - DATA' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'FNAM - Fade value' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if Signature(e) = 'MISC' then begin
if ShortName(element) = 'DATA - Data' then begin
// Use Requiem changes like gold weight and Aretinos heirloom value
CopyIfChanged('DATA - Data\Value', e, eR, eP);
if ShortName(element) = 'KWDA - Keywords' then MergeKeywords(ElementBySignature(e, 'KWDA'), element, eP);
if Signature(e) = 'WEAP' then begin
if ShortName(element) = 'Record Header' then begin
CopyIfChanged('Record Header\Record Flags', e, eR, eP);
if ShortName(element) = 'KWDA - Keywords' then MergeKeywords(ElementBySignature(e, 'KWDA'), element, eP);
if ShortName(element) = 'VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'DESC - Description' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'EAMT - Enchantment Amount' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'EITM - Object Effect' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'CNAM - Template' then begin
CopyIfChanged('CNAM - Template', e, eR, eP);
// Copy all data on retified items, on non reqtified only copy part of the data
if IsAlreadyReqtified(eR) then begin
if ShortName(element) = 'DATA - Game Data' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
if ShortName(element) = 'DNAM - Data' then wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
end else begin
if ShortName(element) = 'DATA - Game Data' then begin
// If Daedric weapons use Requiem values
if StartsStr('Daedric', Name(e)) then begin
wbCopyElementToRecord(element, eP, false, true);
end else begin
CopyIfChanged('DATA - Game Data\Value', e, eR, eP);
CopyIfChanged('DATA - Game Data\Weight', e, eR, eP);
CopyIfChanged('DATA - Game Data\Damage', e, eR, eP);
// Check if Requiem element has Flags2, then copy them
// Mostly the "NPC's use ammo flag on bows"
if ShortName(element) = 'DNAM - Data' then begin
if ElementExists(element, 'Flags2') then wbCopyElementToRecord(ElementByPath(element, 'Flags2'), eP, false, true);
function Initialize: integer;
i: integer;
e: IInterface; // WACCF element
eR: IInterface; // Requiem element
eP: IInterface; // Patch element
o: IInterface; // Override
// create a new patch plugin if needed
if not Assigned(patch) then
patch := AddNewFile;
if not Assigned(patch) then
AddMasterIfMissing(patch, 'Skyrim.esm');
AddMasterIfMissing(patch, 'Update.esm');
AddMasterIfMissing(patch, 'Dawnguard.esm');
AddMasterIfMissing(patch, 'Dragonborn.esm');
AddMasterIfMissing(patch, 'HearthFires.esm');
AddMasterIfMissing(patch, waccfFile);
AddMasterIfMissing(patch, requiemFile);
waccf := MasterByIndex(patch, 5);
requiem := MasterByIndex(patch, 6);
// iterate over all records in waccf
for i := 0 to Pred(RecordCount(waccf)) do begin
e := RecordByIndex(waccf, i);
if IsWinningOverride(e) then continue;
// Skip certain types of records entirely
if Signature(e) = 'LSCR' then continue;
if Signature(e) = 'LVLI' then continue;
if Signature(e) = 'NPC_' then continue;
if Signature(e) = 'OTFT' then continue;
if Signature(e) = 'PERK' then continue;
if Signature(e) = 'PROJ' then continue;
if Signature(e) = 'TXST' then continue;
if Signature(e) = 'CELL' then continue;
if Signature(e) = 'CONT' then continue;
if Signature(e) = 'ENCH' then continue;
eR := RecordByFormID(requiem, FixedFormID(e), false);
if not Assigned(eR) then continue;
if GetFileName(eR) <> requiemFile then continue;
//AddMessage('Processing: ' + FullPath(eR));
AddRequiredElementMasters(e, patch, true);
AddRequiredElementMasters(eR, patch, true);
eP := wbCopyElementToFile(e, patch, false, true);
HandleRecord(e, eR, eP);
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