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Last active June 29, 2021 16:17
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Chu embeds in Lens
{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}
module functors where
open import prelude
record Category {O : Set} (𝒞[_,_] : O O Set) : Set where
constructor 𝒾:_▸:_𝒾▸:_▸𝒾:
infixl 8 _▸_
𝒾 : {x} 𝒞[ x , x ]
_▸_ : {x y z} 𝒞[ x , y ] 𝒞[ y , z ] 𝒞[ x , z ]
𝒾▸ : {x y} (f : 𝒞[ x , y ]) (𝒾 ▸ f) ≡ f
▸𝒾 : {x y} (f : 𝒞[ x , y ]) (f ▸ 𝒾) ≡ f
open Category ⦃...⦄ public
record Functor {A : Set} {𝒜[_,_] : A A Set}
{B : Set} {ℬ[_,_] : B B Set}
(f : A B) : Set where
constructor φ:_𝒾:_▸:
⦃ cat₁ ⦄ : Category {A} 𝒜[_,_]
⦃ cat₂ ⦄ : Category {B} ℬ[_,_]
φ : {a b} 𝒜[ a , b ] ℬ[ f a , f b ]
functor-id : {a} φ {a} 𝒾 ≡ 𝒾
functor-comp : {A B C} (f : 𝒜[ A , B ]) (g : 𝒜[ B , C ])
φ (f ▸ g) ≡ φ f ▸ φ g
open Functor ⦃...⦄ public
{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}
module chu-lens where
open import prelude
open import functors
open import chu
open import lens
→∫ : Chu
→∫ (A⁺ , A⁻ ! Ω) = A⁺ , λ a⁺ ∃ (Ω a⁺)
→Lens : {A B : Chu} Chu[ A , B ] ∫[ →∫ A , →∫ B ]
→Lens (f ↔ fᵗ ! †) a⁺ = f a⁺ , λ (b⁻ , fa⁺Ωb⁻) fᵗ b⁻ , subst id († a⁺ b⁻) fa⁺Ωb⁻
module _ {A B C : Chu}
(F@(f ↔ fᵗ ! _†₁_) : Chu[ A , B ])
(G@(g ↔ gᵗ ! _†₂_) : Chu[ B , C ]) where
comp₂ : a⁺ π₂ (→Lens (F ▸ G) a⁺)
≡ π₂ ((→Lens F ▸ →Lens G) a⁺)
comp₂ a⁺ = extensionality λ ( c⁻ , gfaΩc ) (λ x (fᵗ ∘ gᵗ) c⁻ , x) ⟨$⟩
subst⋯ id (f a⁺ †₂ c⁻) (a⁺ †₁ gᵗ c⁻) gfaΩc
comp∀ : a⁺ →Lens (F ▸ G) a⁺ ≡ (→Lens F ▸ →Lens G) a⁺
comp∀ a⁺ rewrite comp₂ a⁺ = refl
open Chu[_,_]
chu-lens-functor : Functor →∫
chu-lens-functor = φ: →Lens
𝒾: refl
▸: λ F G extensionality (comp∀ F G)
{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}
module chu where
open import functors
open import prelude
record Chu : Set where
constructor _,_!_
_⁺ _⁻ : Set
_Ω_ : _⁺ _⁻ Set
module _ (A@(A⁺ , A⁻ ! _Ω₁_) B@(B⁺ , B⁻ ! _Ω₂_) : Chu) where
record Chu[_,_] : Set where -- Morphisms of chu spaces
constructor _↔_!_
to : A⁺ B⁺
from : B⁻ A⁻
adj : a⁺ b⁻ to a⁺ Ω₂ b⁻ ≡ a⁺ Ω₁ from b⁻
module _ {A@(A⁺ , A⁻ ! _Ω₁_)
B@(B⁺ , B⁻ ! _Ω₂_)
C@(C⁺ , C⁻ ! _Ω₃_) : Chu}
(F@(f ↔ fᵗ ! _†₁_) : Chu[ A , B ])
(G@(g ↔ gᵗ ! _†₂_) : Chu[ B , C ]) where
adj-comp : a⁺ c⁻ (g ∘ f) a⁺ Ω₃ c⁻ ≡ a⁺ Ω₁ (fᵗ ∘ gᵗ) c⁻
adj-comp a⁺ c⁻ = trans (f a⁺ †₂ c⁻) -- g (f a⁺) Ω₃ c⁻
( a⁺ †₁ gᵗ c⁻) -- f a⁺ Ω₂ gᵗ c⁻
-- a⁺ Ω₁ fᵗ (gᵗ c⁻)
chu-comp : Chu[ A , C ]
chu-comp = (g ∘ f) ↔ (fᵗ ∘ gᵗ) ! adj-comp
chu-cat : Category Chu[_,_]
chu-cat = 𝒾: (id ↔ id ! λ _ _ refl)
▸: chu-comp
𝒾▸: (λ (_ ↔ _ ! _†_) (λ x _ ↔ _ ! x) ⟨$⟩
extensionality2 λ a⁺ b⁻ trans-refl (a⁺ † b⁻))
▸𝒾: (λ _ refl)
{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}
module lens where
open import functors
open import prelude
_^ : Set Set -- Presheaf
I ^ = I Set
: Set -- Arena
= ∃ _^
_⦅_⦆ : Set Set -- Interpret as a polynomial functor
(A⁺ , A⁻) ⦅ y ⦆ = Σ[ a⁺ ∈ A⁺ ] (A⁻ a⁺ y)
module _ (A@(A⁺ , A⁻) B@(B⁺ , B⁻) : ∫) where
∫[_,_] : Set
∫[_,_] = (a⁺ : A⁺) Σ[ b⁺ ∈ B⁺ ] (B⁻ b⁺ A⁻ a⁺)
module _ {A@(A⁺ , A⁻) B@(B⁺ , B⁻) : ∫} where
lens : (get : A⁺ B⁺)
(set : (a⁺ : A⁺) B⁻ (get a⁺) A⁻ a⁺)
∫[ A , B ]
lens g s = λ a⁺ g a⁺ , s a⁺
get : (l : ∫[ A , B ]) A⁺ B⁺
get l = π₁ ∘ l
set : (A↝B : ∫[ A , B ]) (a⁺ : A⁺) B⁻ (get A↝B a⁺) A⁻ a⁺
set l = π₂ ∘ l
lens-cat : Category ∫[_,_]
lens-cat = 𝒾: (λ a⁺ a⁺ , id)
▸: (λ l1 l2 a⁺ let b⁺ , setb = l1 a⁺
c⁺ , setc = l2 b⁺
in c⁺ , setb ∘ setc)
𝒾▸: (λ _ refl)
▸𝒾: (λ _ refl)
module prelude where
open import Function using (id; _∘_) public
open import Data.Sum renaming (inj₁ to Σ₁; inj₂ to Σ₂) using (_⊎_) public
open import Data.Product renaming (proj₁ to π₁; proj₂ to π₂) using (Σ; _×_; _,_; ∃; Σ-syntax) public
open import Agda.Builtin.Unit using (⊤; tt) public
open import Data.Empty using (⊥) public
open import Data.Nat as Nat renaming (suc to ℕs; zero to ℕz; _+_ to _ℕ+_) using (ℕ) public
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as Eq using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; sym; trans; subst) renaming (cong to _⟨$⟩_) public
open Eq.≡-Reasoning using (_≡⟨⟩_; step-≡; _∎) public
extensionality : {A : Set} {B : A Set} {f g : (x : A) B x}
( x f x ≡ g x) f ≡ g
extensionality2 : {A : Set} {B : A Set} {C : (x : A) B x Set} {f g : (x : A) (y : B x) C x y }
( x y f x y ≡ g x y) f ≡ g
extensionality2 λλf≡g = extensionality λ x extensionality λ y λλf≡g x y
trans-refl : {A : Set} {x y : A} (p : x ≡ y) trans p refl ≡ p
trans-refl p rewrite p = refl
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