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Dafydd Jones dafyddj

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yowainwright /
Last active July 23, 2024 07:58
Build your own Dependabot

Build Your Own Dependabot in 5 minutes

Scope: This project focuses purely on JavaScript and, sure, Typescript 😎 but the same patterns could be applied to other languages and/or systems.

Preface, AKA The Problem

Dependabot is great! Why did I learn how I could replace it?

JustinGrote / Connect-AzureGithubActionsOIDC.ps1
Created June 7, 2022 15:59
A much faster GitHub Actions OIDC Login process than using azure/login
Prepares the Az Module for use with an OIDC credential much more quickly than azure/login action
param (
$applicationId = $env:AZURE_CLIENT_ID,
$tenantId = $env:AZURE_TENANT_ID,
$subscription = $env:AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID,
$resourceGroup = $env:AZURE_RESOURCEGROUP
baby-gnu / salt-ssh config
Last active August 18, 2023 07:48
Configure salt-ssh to use only files under ~/.salt: all the following files are relative to ~/.salt/
My complete configuration is now hosted at
lisawolderiksen /
Last active September 18, 2024 15:59
Use a Git commit message template to write better commit messages

Using Git Commit Message Templates to Write Better Commit Messages

The always enthusiastic and knowledgeable mr. @jasaltvik shared with our team an article on writing (good) Git commit messages: How to Write a Git Commit Message. This excellent article explains why good Git commit messages are important, and explains what constitutes a good commit message. I wholeheartedly agree with what @cbeams writes in his article. (Have you read it yet? If not, go read it now. I'll wait.) It's sensible stuff. So I decided to start following the

nrocco /
Last active December 15, 2023 00:41
Alpine Playground with libvirt

First download alpine-make-vm-image from

wget \
    && echo '5fb3270e0d665e51b908e1755b40e9c9156917c0  alpine-make-vm-image' | sha1sum -c \
    || exit 1
mv alpine-make-vm-image /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/alpine-make-vm-image

Create a new alpine qcow2 image

repodevs /
Created December 12, 2018 14:56
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device macOS
❱ git config user.signingKey 38AF394C
❱ git config commit.gpgSign true
echo "test" | gpg --clearsign
Hash: SHA256
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
gpg: [stdin]: clear-sign failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
rubencaro /
Last active September 10, 2024 02:14
Python installation guide

Python installation guide

These are my notes, not a generic solution. They are not meant to work anywhere outside my machines. Update version numbers to whatever are the current ones while you do this.

Install asdf and its python plugin, then install Python

asdf lives in

Follow its installation instructions, which at the moment of writing were:

hisplan /
Created February 21, 2018 09:02
Add rsync to git bash for windows
mackwage / windows_hardening.cmd
Last active September 9, 2024 19:22
Script to perform some hardening of Windows OS
:: Windows 10 Hardening Script
:: This is based mostly on my own personal research and testing. My objective is to secure/harden Windows 10 as much as possible while not impacting usability at all. (Think being able to run on this computer's of family members so secure them but not increase the chances of them having to call you to troubleshoot something related to it later on). References for virtually all settings can be found at the bottom. Just before the references section, you will always find several security settings commented out as they could lead to compatibility issues in common consumer setups but they're worth considering.
:: Obligatory 'views are my own'. :)
:: Thank you @jaredhaight for the Win Firewall config recommendations!
:: Thank you @ricardojba for the DLL Safe Order Search reg key!
:: Thank you @jessicaknotts for the help on testing Exploit Guard configs and checking privacy settings!
:: Best script I've found for Debloating Windows 10:
# Write policies from Pillar data
- mode: 0700
{% for name, policy in salt['pillar.get']('vault:policies').iteritems() %}
/etc/vault.d/policies.d/{{ name }}.json:
- source: salt://shopstyle-vault/files/policy.json
- mode: 0600