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Created June 19, 2017 19:36
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Wrap the dev-system
;; I use this to wrap the `dev-system` in a way that...
;; - Alerts me when the system launch completes so I can do something
;; else while waiting, without getting sidetracked
;; - Alerts me when the system launch hangs
;; - Runs Eastwood
;; - Squelches logging from namespaces whose logging statements
;; frequently mask the logging I'm trying to see
;; I put this in ./dev and then
;; `printf ":/Users/daemian/src/ww/elephant/dev" >> build/cached-classpath`
;; (Use of Eastwood also requires the corresponding dependency.)
;; Not checking this in because although this can be a useful development
;; pattern, you can also shoot yourself in the foot.
(ns hack-system
(:require [ :refer [sh]]
[ :as ds]
[elephant.export.greenhouse.core :as gc]
[eastwood.lint :as e])
(:import [org.slf4j LoggerFactory]
[ch.qos.logback.classic Level]))
(defn quiet-logging! [the-ns]
(.setLevel (LoggerFactory/getLogger the-ns)
(Level/valueOf "WARN")))
(defn alert-pass []
(sh "afplay" "-r" "0.5" "/System/Library/Sounds/Hero.aiff"))
(defn alert-fail []
(sh "afplay" "-r" "0.5" "/System/Library/Sounds/Funk.aiff"))
(defn -main []
(println :launching-hack-system)
(e/eastwood {:source-paths ["src/main/clj" "src/test/clj"]
:continue-on-exception true})
(quiet-logging! "dialog-manager.core")
(quiet-logging! "dialog-manager.utils.goal")
;; Reloading ./dev code on `reset` borks system.
( "src/main")
;; Start the clock on failure alert if system launch hangs.
(let [fail-switch (future (do (Thread/sleep 30000)
(try (ds/-main)
;; System has launched; cancel this.
(future-cancel fail-switch)
(catch Exception e
(prn :exception e)
(spit "hack-system-startup-error.txt" e)
(System/exit 1))))
;; Finally, alert we're up.
(future (alert-pass)))
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