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Last active September 7, 2022 06:20
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Static Array With Functional Insert and Remove Operations
// The point of this prototype is to prove that we can generate efficient code
// for single-element insertion and deletion on a statically-sized array, with
// stable types for the end products i.e.,
// type(of: a.removing(at: i).inserting(x, at: j)) == type(of: a)
// and
// type(of: a.inserting(x, at: j).removing(at: i)) == type(of: a)
/// Statically-sized nonempty collections of homogeneous elements.
/// This protocol should be thought of as an implementation detail of `ArrayN`;
/// it is not generally useful.
protocol ArrayNProtocol : MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection,
CustomStringConvertible where Index == Int
/// Creates an instance containing exactly the elements of `source`.
/// - Requires: `source.count == c`, where `c` is the capacity of instances.
init<Source: Collection>(_ source: Source) where Source.Element == Element
// Note: we don't have a generalization to `Sequence` because we couldn't
// find an implementation optimizes nearly as well, and in practice
// `Sequence`'s that are not `Collection`s are extremely rare.
/// Creates an instance containing the elements of `source` except the one
/// at `victim`.
/// - Requires: `source.indices.contains(victim)`
init(_ source: ArrayN<Self>, removingAt victim: Index)
/// Returns a fixed-sized collection containing the same elements as `self`,
/// with `newElement` inserted at the `target` position.
func inserting(_ newElement: Element, at target: Index) -> ArrayN<Self>
/// Default implementation of `CustomStringConvertible` conformance.
extension ArrayNProtocol {
var description: String { "\(Array(self))"}
/// A fixed sized collection of 1 element.
struct Array1<T> : ArrayNProtocol {
/// The value contained in the collection
private var head: T
/// Creates an instance containing `head`.
fileprivate init(head: T) { self.head = head }
/// Creates an instance containing exactly the elements of `source`.
/// - Requires: `source.count == 1`
init<Source: Collection>(_ source: Source)
where Source.Element == Element
head = source.first!
source.index(after: source.startIndex) == source.endIndex,
"Too many elements in source"
/// Creates an instance containing the elements of `source` except the one
/// at `victim`.
/// - Requires: `source.indices.contains(victim)`
init(_ source: ArrayN<Self>, removingAt victimPosition: Index) {
self.init(head: source[1 &- victimPosition])
/// Traps with an appropriate message if `i` is out of range for subscript.
private func check(_ i: Index) {
precondition(i == 0, "Index out of range.")
/// Returns a fixed-sized collection containing the same elements as `self`,
/// with `newElement` inserted at the `target` position.
func inserting(_ newElement: Element, at i: Index) -> Array2<T> {
return i == 1
? Array2(head, newElement)
: (Array2(newElement, head), check(i)).0
// ======== Collection Requirements ============
typealias Index = Int
/// Accesses the element at `i`.
subscript(i: Index) -> T {
get { check(i); return head }
set { check(i); head = newValue }
/// Returns the position of the first element.
var startIndex: Index { 0 }
/// Returns the position just past the last element.
var endIndex: Index { 1 }
// ----- Standard conditional conformances. -------
extension Array1 : Equatable where T : Equatable {}
extension Array1 : Hashable where T : Hashable {}
extension Array1 : Comparable where Element : Comparable {
static func < (l: Self, r: Self) -> Bool { return false }
/// A fixed sized collection that stores one more element than `Tail` does.
struct ArrayN<Tail: ArrayNProtocol> : ArrayNProtocol {
private var head: Element
private var tail: Tail
typealias Element = Tail.Element
/// Creates an instance containing exactly the elements of `source`.
/// - Requires: `source.count == c`, where `c` is the capacity of instances.
init<Source: Collection>(_ source: Source)
where Source.Element == Element
head = source.first!
tail = .init(source.dropFirst())
/// Creates an instance containing `head` followed by the contents of
/// `tail`.
// Could be private, but for a test that is using it.
fileprivate init(head: Element, tail: Tail) {
self.head = head
self.tail = tail
/// Creates an instance containing the elements of `source` except the one at
/// `victim`.
/// - Requires: `source.indices.contains(victim)`
init(_ source: ArrayN<Self>, removingAt victimPosition: Index) {
self = victimPosition == 0
? source.tail
: Self(
head: source.head,
tail: .init(source.tail, removingAt: victimPosition &- 1))
/// Returns a fixed-sized collection containing the same elements as `self`,
/// with `newElement` inserted at the `target` position.
func inserting(_ newElement: Element, at i: Index) -> ArrayN<Self> {
if i == 0 { return .init(head: newElement, tail: self) }
return .init(head: head, tail: tail.inserting(newElement, at: i &- 1))
/// Returns a fixed-sized collection containing the elements of self
/// except the one at `victim`.
/// - Requires: `indices.contains(victim)`
func removing(at victim: Index) -> Tail {
.init(self, removingAt: victim)
// ======== Collection Requirements ============
/// Returns the element at `i`.
subscript(i: Int) -> Element {
get {
if i == 0 { return head }
return tail[i &- 1]
set {
if i == 0 { head = newValue }
else { tail[i &- 1] = newValue }
/// Returns the position of the first element.
var startIndex: Int { 0 }
/// Returns the position just past the last element.
var endIndex: Int { tail.endIndex &+ 1 }
// ======== Conveniences ============
typealias Array2<T> = ArrayN<Array1<T>>
typealias Array3<T> = ArrayN<Array2<T>>
typealias Array4<T> = ArrayN<Array3<T>>
typealias Array5<T> = ArrayN<Array4<T>>
typealias Array6<T> = ArrayN<Array5<T>>
typealias Array7<T> = ArrayN<Array6<T>>
extension ArrayN {
/// Creates `Self([a0, a1])` efficiently.
init<T>(_ a0: T, _ a1: T) where Tail == Array1<T> {
head = a0; tail = Array1(head: a1)
/// Creates `Self([a0, a1, a2])` efficiently.
init<T>(_ a0: T, _ a1: T, _ a2: T) where Tail == Array2<T> {
head = a0; tail = Array2(a1, a2)
/// Creates `Self([a0, a1, a2, a3])` efficiently.
init<T>(_ a0: T, _ a1: T, _ a2: T, _ a3: T) where Tail == Array3<T> {
head = a0; tail = Tail(a1, a2, a3)
/// Creates `Self([a0, a1, a2, a3, a4])` efficiently.
init<T>(_ a0: T, _ a1: T, _ a2: T, _ a3: T, _ a4: T) where Tail == Array4<T>
head = a0; tail = Tail(a1, a2, a3, a4)
/// Creates `Self([a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5])` efficiently.
init<T>(_ a0: T, _ a1: T, _ a2: T, _ a3: T, _ a4: T, _ a5: T)
where Tail == Array5<T>
head = a0; tail = Tail(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)
/// Creates `Self([a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a6])` efficiently.
init<T>(_ a0: T, _ a1: T, _ a2: T, _ a3: T, _ a4: T, _ a5: T, _ a6: T)
where Tail == Array6<T>
head = a0; tail = Tail(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)
// ----- Standard conditional conformances. -------
extension ArrayN : Equatable where Element : Equatable, Tail : Equatable {}
extension ArrayN : Hashable where Element : Hashable, Tail : Hashable {}
extension ArrayN : Comparable where Element : Comparable, Tail : Comparable {
static func < (l: Self, r: Self) -> Bool {
l.head < r.head || !(l.head > r.head) && l.tail < r.tail
// ======== Some functions whose disassembly to inspect ===========
func testMe2(_ a: Array2<Int>) -> Array1<Int> {
return a.removing(at: 1)
func testMe3(_ a: Array3<Int>) -> Array2<Int> {
return a.removing(at: 1)
func testMe4(_ a: Array4<Int>) -> Array3<Int> {
return a.removing(at: 1)
func testMe6a(_ a: Array6<Int>) -> Array5<Int> {
return a.removing(at: 4)
func testMe6b(_ a: Array6<Int>, i: Int) -> Array5<Int> {
// Because i is a variable, this one has to handle all the cases, so it
// generates more complicated (but still excellent) code.
return a.removing(at: i)
func testMe7a(_ a: Array7<Int>) -> Array6<Int> {
return a.removing(at: 6)
func testMe7b(_ a: Array7<Int>) -> ArrayN<Array7<Int>> {
return a.inserting(9, at: 7)
func testMe7c(_ a: Array7<Int>) -> Array7<Int> {
// How well does the sequence initializer specialize when count is static?
return .init(a)
func testMe7d(_ a: Array<Int>) -> Array7<Int> {
// How well does the sequence initializer specialize when count is dynamic?
return .init(a)
func testMe2b(_ a: Array2<Int>) -> Array3<Int> {
return a.inserting(9, at: 2)
// ======== Runtime tests ==============
let x = Array6(0..<6)
assert(x == .init(0..<6))
assert(x < .init(1..<7))
for i in x.indices {
// Test removing at each position
let d = x.removing(at: i)
assert(d.elementsEqual([x[..<i], x[(i+1)...]].joined()))
// Test insertion at each position
// A 1-element slice of d, but with x[i] as its only element.
let xi = ArrayN(head: x[i], tail: d.removing(at: 0))[0...0]
// Try reinserting the element 1 place further along (wrapping to count).
let j = (i + 1) % d.count
let e = d.inserting(x[i], at: j)
assert(e.elementsEqual([d[..<j], xi, d[j...]].joined()))
assert(type(of: x) == type(of: e))
print(testMe6a(.init(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)))
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