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Last active May 2, 2017 15:56
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Elasticsearch Won't Start
  1. Running inside an unconfined lxc container
  2. ES 2.x worked fine
  3. Seems to be related to binding to interface
  4. System info:
  • uname
# uname -a
Linux logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca 4.4.0-75-generic #96-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 20 09:56:33 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • dpkg
# dpkg -l | grep elastic
ii  elasticsearch                5.3.2                                      all          Elasticsearch is a distributed RESTful search engine built for the cloud. Reference documentation can be found at and the 'Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide' book can be found at
  • Contents of /etc/elasticsearch/
# find /etc/elasticsearch -ls
  1860151      4 drwxr-x---   3 root     elasticsearch     4096 May  2 10:15 /etc/elasticsearch
  1864874      4 -rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch       46 May  2 10:05 /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options
  1860056      4 -rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch      140 May  2 10:11 /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
  1864875      4 drwxr-x---   2 elasticsearch elasticsearch     4096 Apr 24 11:18 /etc/elasticsearch/scripts
  1864873      4 -rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch      610 May  2 08:55 /etc/elasticsearch/
  • Processes
# ps auxwww
root         1  0.0  0.2  37160  5460 ?        Ss   Apr28   0:02 /sbin/init
root        40  0.0  0.4  43852  9680 ?        Ss   Apr28   0:01 /lib/systemd/systemd-journald
syslog      73  0.0  0.1 256400  2940 ?        Ssl  Apr28   0:00 /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n
root        74  0.0  0.1  28980  2584 ?        Ss   Apr28   0:00 /usr/sbin/cron -f
root       144  0.0  0.1  16128  2968 ?        Ss   Apr28   0:00 /sbin/dhclient -1 -v -pf /run/ -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases -I -df /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient6.eth0.leases eth0
root       193  0.0  0.2  65520  5940 ?        Ss   Apr28   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
root       195  0.0  0.0  15756  2004 pts/3    Ss+  Apr28   0:00 /sbin/agetty --noclear --keep-baud pts/3 115200 38400 9600 vt220
root       196  0.0  0.0  15756  1888 lxc/console Ss+ Apr28   0:00 /sbin/agetty --noclear --keep-baud console 115200 38400 9600 vt220
root       197  0.0  0.0  15756  1996 pts/0    Ss+  Apr28   0:00 /sbin/agetty --noclear --keep-baud pts/0 115200 38400 9600 vt220
root       198  0.0  0.1  15756  2064 pts/2    Ss+  Apr28   0:00 /sbin/agetty --noclear --keep-baud pts/2 115200 38400 9600 vt220
root       199  0.0  0.0  15756  1972 pts/1    Ss+  Apr28   0:00 /sbin/agetty --noclear --keep-baud pts/1 115200 38400 9600 vt220
root     16493  0.0  0.1  37364  3248 pts/3    R+   10:45   0:00 ps auxwww
root     18156  0.0  0.5  17496 11120 ?        Ssl  Apr29   1:22 /usr/share/filebeat/bin/filebeat -c /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml -path.home /usr/share/filebeat -path.config /etc/filebeat /var/lib/filebeat -path.logs /var/log/filebeat
root     24658  0.0  0.1  21328  3824 pts/3    Ss   09:37   0:00 /bin/bash
root     24687  0.0  0.2  38352  4608 pts/3    S    09:40   0:00 journalctl -f
root     24809  0.0  0.1  21228  3640 ?        Ss   09:54   0:00 /bin/bash
root     25092  0.0  0.1  14768  3372 ?        S+   09:58   0:13 watch -d -n 1 ss -lntp
  • Networking information
# ip -o a l
1: lo    inet scope host lo\       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
1: lo    inet6 ::1/128 scope host \       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
95: eth0    inet brd scope global eth0\       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
95: eth0    inet6 fe80::216:3eff:feca:2ebf/64 scope link \       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
97: eth1    inet brd scope global eth1\       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
97: eth1    inet6 fe80::216:3eff:fee6:8449/64 scope link \       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

# ip route
default via dev eth0 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src

# ss -lneutp
Netid State      Recv-Q Send-Q          Local Address:Port        Peer Address:Port
udp   UNCONN     0      0               *:68                      *:*                   users:(("dhclient",pid=144,fd=6)) ino:597149 sk:1f <->
tcp   LISTEN     0      128             *:22                      *:*                   users:(("sshd",pid=193,fd=3)) ino:596636 sk:1 <->
tcp   LISTEN     0      128             :::22                     :::*                  users:(("sshd",pid=193,fd=4)) ino:596645 sk:2 v6only:1 <->
  1. Config info:
  • /etc/elasticsearch/
# cat
appender.rolling.type = RollingFile = rolling
appender.rolling.fileName = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}.log
appender.rolling.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.rolling.layout.pattern = [%d{ISO8601}][%-5p][%-25c] %.10000m%n
appender.rolling.filePattern = ${sys:es.logs.base_path}${sys:file.separator}${sys:es.logs.cluster_name}-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log
appender.rolling.policies.type = Policies
appender.rolling.policies.time.type = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.rolling.policies.time.interval = 1
appender.rolling.policies.time.modulate = true
  • /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
# cat elasticsearch.yml openstack "Testing-123" _global_
  logs: /var/log/elasticsearch
  data: /var/lib/elasticsearch
  • jvm.options
# cat jvm.options
  1. Log from failed start
# service elasticsearch start
May 02 10:33:52 logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca systemd[1]: Failed to reset devices.list on /system.slice/elasticsearch.service: Operation not permitted
May 02 10:33:52 logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca systemd[1]: Starting Elasticsearch...
May 02 10:33:52 logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca systemd[1]: Started Elasticsearch.
May 02 10:33:58 logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca elasticsearch[14068]: Exception: thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread "Thread-4"
May 02 10:33:58 logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca systemd[1]: elasticsearch.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 02 10:33:58 logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca systemd[1]: elasticsearch.service: Unit entered failed state.
May 02 10:33:58 logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca systemd[1]: elasticsearch.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
  1. Log and ss command once we comment out and restart
# vi elasticsearch.yml
root@logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca:/etc/elasticsearch# service elasticsearch start
May 02 10:37:16 logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca systemd[1]: Failed to reset devices.list on /system.slice/elasticsearch.service: Operation not permitted
May 02 10:37:16 logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca systemd[1]: Starting Elasticsearch...
May 02 10:37:16 logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca systemd[1]: Started Elasticsearch.

root@logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca:/etc/elasticsearch# ss -lneutp
Netid State      Recv-Q Send-Q      Local Address:Port          Peer Address:Port
udp   UNCONN     0      0           *:68                        *:*                   users:(("dhclient",pid=144,fd=6)) ino:597149 sk:1f <->
tcp   LISTEN     0      128         *:22                        *:*                   users:(("sshd",pid=193,fd=3)) ino:596636 sk:1 <->
tcp   LISTEN     0      128         ::ffff:       :::*                   users:(("java",pid=14759,fd=136)) uid:107 ino:1031348 sk:22 v6only:0 <->
tcp   LISTEN     0      128         ::1:9200                    :::*                   users:(("java",pid=14759,fd=134)) uid:107 ino:1031347 sk:23 v6only:1 <->
tcp   LISTEN     0      128         ::ffff:       :::*                   users:(("java",pid=14759,fd=121)) uid:107 ino:1032245 sk:20 v6only:0 <->
tcp   LISTEN     0      128         ::1:9300                    :::*                   users:(("java",pid=14759,fd=119)) uid:107 ino:1032236 sk:21 v6only:1 <->
tcp   LISTEN     0      128         :::22                       :::*                   users:(("sshd",pid=193,fd=4)) ino:596645 sk:2 v6only:1 <->

# curl localhost:9200
  "name" : "Testing-123",
  "cluster_name" : "openstack",
  "cluster_uuid" : "57rtf02ERqGcVxTvdNPm-w",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "5.3.2",
    "build_hash" : "3068195",
    "build_date" : "2017-04-24T16:15:59.481Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "6.4.2"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"
  1. options tried:
  • _global_
  • _site_
  • _eth0_
  • _eth1_
  • ["", ""]
  - ""
  - ""

All result with the same failure mode, /var/log/elasticsearch/openstack.log is created but empty.

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