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Created May 23, 2019 18:15
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NetCDF to MP4 demo
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import cv2
import imageio
def to_rgb(data, vmin=None, vmax=None, size=None, pmin=2, pmax=98, mask=None):
if isinstance(data, list):
n_channels = len(data)
elif isinstance(data, xr.DataArray):
n_channels = 1
data = [data]
raise ValueError()
values = [np.asarray(d) for d in data]
shape = data[0].shape + (n_channels,)
if vmin is not None:
if isinstance(vmin, (int, float)):
vmin = [vmin] * n_channels
if vmax is not None:
if isinstance(vmax, (int, float)):
vmax = [vmax] * n_channels
im = np.empty(shape)
for i in range(n_channels):
channel = values[i]
if vmin is not None:
minval = vmin[i]
minval = np.percentile(channel, pmin)
if vmax is not None:
maxval = vmax[i]
maxval = np.percentile(channel, pmax)
if maxval > minval:
channel = (channel - minval) / (maxval - minval) * 255
im[:, :, i] = channel
im = np.clip(im, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
if n_channels == 1:
colored = cv2.cvtColor(im[:, :, 0], cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
colored = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
if mask is not None:
colored[~mask] = 0
if size is not None:
if size[0] is None:
size = (int(colored.shape[0] * size[1] / colored.shape[1]), size[1])
elif size[1] is None:
size = (size[0], int(colored.shape[1] * size[0] / colored.shape[0]))
colored = cv2.resize(colored, (size[1], size[0]))
return cv2.cvtColor(colored, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
filenames = ['',
da = xr.open_mfdataset(filenames, concat_dim='time').to_array()
with imageio.get_writer('result.mp4', codec='libx264') as writer:
for t in da.time.values:
data = []
for name in ['t2m', 'u100', 'v100']:
data.append(da.sel(time=t, variable=name))
frame = to_rgb(data)
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