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Created October 2, 2017 12:43
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def singleton(cls):
    instance = cls()
    instance.__call__ = lambda: instance
    return instance

class Highlander:
    x = 100


public class Singleton {  
    private static class SingletonHolder {  
        private static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();  
    private Singleton (){}  
    public static final Singleton getInstance() {  
        return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE; 


class Singleton {
    static Singleton& Instance() {
        static Singleton theSingleton;
        return theSingleton;

    Singleton();                            // ctor hidden
    Singleton(Singleton const&);            // copy ctor hidden
    Singleton& operator=(Singleton const&); // assign op. hidden
    ~Singleton();                           // dtor hidden
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